In the police station, everyone was gathering together to discuss countermeasures, and Tianlin complained a little at this time that he basically only watched the main plot such as the league competition back then, and he was now dark-eyed about these daily events. In order to help everyone find Pokémon, he has to try his best.

"Miss Junsha, please investigate all the report information, among the missing Pokémon, there are fewer Pokémon of the worm type, steel type, superpower type and ghost type, and there is not a single evil Pokémon. Tianlin said.

"Okay, I'll look into it right away. Miss Junsha immediately went to find out the information about the report.

"Tianlin, do you have any clues, where is my Pikachu?" Ash hurriedly grabbed Tianlin's arm and shouted.

"Ash, calm down, the worse the situation, the more you can't panic as a trainer, your partner is still waiting for you to come to the rescue. Tianlin said.

"I don't know how Pokeby is, if he has eaten well, and if he is crying and calling me now!" Xiaoxia cried very sadly, and Sundae immediately stepped forward to comfort her.

"Found it, Tianlin, you're right, I checked all the report materials, and the situation of the missing Pokémon is exactly the same as you said. Miss Junsha said excitedly, this is a very important clue.

"Sure enough, it's the same as I thought.,This is someone using superpower-based Pokémon.,The steel system and the superpower system themselves can resist the power of the superpower system.,The insect system and the ghost system have restrained the superpower system.,The evil system can completely resist the super-power system.,This is the best evidence.。 Tianlin said.

"In other words, we only need to find out who is doing bad things with Super Pokémon, and we can find the missing Pokémon. A young man in green said, he is Xiao Jian, the new partner of Xiao Zhi and his group, and since Xiao Gang did not leave, their threesome became a foursome.

"That's right, but it's not easy to find such a big island, and this superpower-based Pokémon can actually spread its power across the island, and its spiritual power is so strong that it's simply terrifying, I'm afraid it's still above the champion level. Natsu said that she knew a lot about super Pokémon and knew how terrible it was to do this.

"No, Nazi, if it's a champion-level Pokémon, even my giant gold monster can't break free just now, and the spiritual power of that Pokémon can be summed up in one sentence is that the quantity and quality are not high, at most the quasi-king level. Tianlin said.

"The quantity is large and the quality is not high, and this situation generally does not occur, and the breakthrough of the super Pokémon is to continuously strengthen the spiritual power, and the quantitative change causes the qualitative change, so the size of the quantity is directly proportional to the level of the quality. Nazi analyzed.

"What if that's not the power that natural cultivation has increased?"

"Didn't you cultivate by yourself? By the way, the instrument, someone is using the instrument to forcibly strengthen the spiritual power of the super-energy Pokémon. Natsu reacted immediately.

"That's right, Miss Junsha, the police station should have a detailed map of the whole island. Tianlin asked.

"Yes, on the computer, I'll export it right now. Miss Junsha quickly turned on the computer. And the crowd gathered around.

"Relying on the superpower of the instrument is not stable, so in order to ensure this, the other party must be spreading from the center to the surroundings, and this instrument must be very large, the average private house can not accommodate it, the best choice is the abandoned factory that no one lives in, with the development, Kumquat Island has become a maritime city, in order to ensure the living environment, the factories here have been abandoned before, you look at the map, there is a bunch of abandoned factories in the center of the map, about 6 or so, if I guess right, the missing Pokémon is in the annex.

Tianlin pointed to the central road, and then marked all six factories in a red circle.

"It's amazing to find such an important clue so quickly. Miss Junsha looked at Tianlin with bright eyes, but she had been checking for a long time and couldn't do anything at all.

"That, you won the award, I am actually also a member of the Junsha family, my sister is Miss Junsha from Zhenxin Town, these are what she taught me. In order to get rid of this adoring gaze, Tianlin threw all the credit to his sister.

"Without further ado, let's go at once, one by one, I must find Pikachu. Ash was ready to rush out.

"Stop, Ash, I said you have to stay calm now, one by one to find easy to startle the snake, we divided into three ways and started to look at the same time, Nazi has a super Pokémon that has reached the quasi-heavenly king, and Xiaoxia is all the way, Xiao Zhi Xiaogang you and Miss Junsha take the ghost all the way, me and Sundae all the way, Xiao Jian, you stay in the police station, once we find the target, we will immediately call you, and then mobilize police forces to surround it.

Tianlin arranged.

Ash finally calmed down and obeyed Tianlin's plan, Miss Junsha needless to say, she simply obeyed her words, and she was about to become a little fan girl. Several people divided into three groups and immediately set off towards the center.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------I'm the dividing line

"Tianlin, the two people in charge of what we are looking for are not in the slightest, and they don't seem to be here. Sundae said that she and Tianlin searched for the two factories and found no clues.

"Well, I hope the others have something to gain!" Tianlin said.

"Help!" a slight voice came from the alley.

"Someone, go check it out. Tianlin immediately ran towards the source of the sound, and the two of them were lying in an alley, both looking injured.

"Musashi, Kojiro! "These two are the duo of Team Rocket, Tenrin went up to help Kojiro, and Sundae also helped Musashi.

"Yes, it's Boss Tianlin. Kojiro called weakly.

"Don't say so much, I'll treat you first. Tianlin saw that the two were not lightly injured, so he immediately medicated their wounds with the sundae, and then bandaged them.

"Boss Tianlin, thank you. Kojiro thanked him.

"What's wrong with you, I see that Meow Meow is not there, is it also controlled?"

"Yes, not only Meow, but also my big eclipse flower, double egg gas, Musashi's Abel monster, and big tongue have also been ...... by them," Kojiro said bitterly.

"They, it seems that you know more than we do, can you tell me?" asked Tianlin.

"Awesome little ghost, I'm so grateful to you for saving us, but we're villains, you're decent, it's too embarrassing to work with you, we'll figure it out ourselves, let's go, Kojiro. Musashi interrupted the conversation between the two and stood up to leave.

"Boss Tianlin, Musashi is right, I'm sorry, I'll go first. "

"Wait a minute, what else can you do to get your buddies back, and your Pokémon have all been taken away, aren't they?" called Sundae.

"It's none of your business, anyway, we're not going to work with you. Musashi said toughly.

"Wait, Kojiro, what have you called me all along?" said Tenrin, stopping the two of them.

"Boss Tianlin, because you saved me from Lu Meijia before, you have always been the second boss I admire. "

"Okay, it's okay to be the second, since you have been calling me the boss, then this time it is not a decent villain partnership, but my little brother was beaten, and now I have to stand up for him as the boss, tell me, who bullied you?" Tianlin began to secretly change concepts, in fact, he knew that these two people needed help very much, but they couldn't let go of the burden of being a villain, since this was the case, Tianlin gave them a step.

"This, Musashi, do you think this is okay?" Kojiro looked at Musashi expectantly, he was really worried about his friends.

"Musashi, Tianlin has said that it is not cooperation, in your eyes, is this insignificant face important or your partner important, please, agree. Sundae advised.

"Alas, there is no way, only this time!" Musashi finally compromised, and compared to his partner, he could get as far as he could in terms of face or something.

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