As soon as he entered his arms, Roy's arm was buried directly in it, and Lisana also lay in Roy's arms

In this regard, Miraj was slightly surprised, this was not aimed at Lishana, but Roy.

For this younger sister, Miraj, who is an older sister, can always be very loved, and it can be said that it is not an exaggeration to treat her own daughter.

If the object wasn't Roy, if it was another man, she would have taught the other party a lesson.

At first, she also wanted to distinguish between men and women, and the girl's reserved voice reminded Lisanna, but no matter what she said, Lishana had no intention of introspection.

If Miraj gave Lisanna the love of her relatives as an older sister, then Roy gave her the same kind of care as a father.

From the beginning of the village, Roy has been protecting them all the way, and this sense of security fascinates Lisanna, and she unconsciously wants to get closer.

Fortunately, Lisanna only treats Roy as well, and she will not be overly intimate when there are outsiders, and it is Miraj who knows this that she does not continue to dissuade her.

But even so, seeing Roy and Lishana so intimate, Miraj still felt a little disappointed in his heart, after all, he was his own sister, and he had seen Lishana coquettish with him.

"Keep it a secret, and you'll find out then. "

Faced with Lisana's question, Roy did not answer directly, but secretly sold a pass.

"Hmph, if you don't say it, you won't say it. "

Hearing Roy's words, Lisanna's cherry mouth pursed, and her cheeks bulged.

But despite that, Lishana didn't have the slightest intention of getting up, but turned her face inwards and rested her little head on Roy's lap to breathe.

Seeing this, Roy and Miraj smiled helplessly.

After nearly a day's train ride, the Roy trio arrived at the port of Harugion

in the evening

It was already night, and it was impossible to continue walking, so the three of them opened a room in a hotel near the port, but unfortunately there was only one room left.

Considering that it was too late, the three of them had no intention of changing the hotel again, so they made up their minds directly.

After a long day of running along the way, Lisana couldn't bear the fatigue of the journey and fell asleep, Roy covered her with a quilt, and only Roy and Miraj were left in the room.

"It's a little crowded, but I'll go to sleep on the couch first. "

Roy looked at Miraj and said, and was about to go to sleep on the sofa, but for a while, Roy didn't go to bed early.

I took a chair, took out a bottle of wine from the space, and sat on the balcony and drank it.

Also unable to sleep was Miraj, who had slept in the same room with another man for the first time since she arrived as a child.

Even if it's a small residence by the sea, Roy has his own room.

Looking at Roy on the windowsill, Miraj couldn't sleep for some reason, but finally got up.

"What are you thinking?".

Sitting on Roy's other side, Miraj asked curiously.

"I'm wondering when I'll be able to put you in a wedding dress. "

Roy said flamboyantly.

Actually, it's not flamboyant.,I've been sitting under the same roof with a cute girl like Miraj.,It's definitely a lie to say that you don't have an idea.。

Hearing Roy's words, Miraj's face turned red, like a peach, and his face was flushed.

"Hmph, who knows if you're telling the truth or not. "

Roy hurriedly raised four fingers: "I'll send four, I said these words sincerely." "

"Hmph, I'm afraid I didn't say that, but I was thinking about Lisana in my heart, don't think I don't know, I'm afraid that Elusa is also worried about you. "

For Roy's words, Miraj was naturally also moved.

Like Lisanna, Roy has a sense of security that fascinates her, and whenever she appears, it always makes her feel at ease.

From their first encounter, to the demon, and then to the guild, without him, Miraj couldn't imagine what would happen to the three of them.

Later, Roy showed amazing talent and became the most gifted magician in the entire guild.

Whether it's out of talent, or appearance, or inner responsibility, Roy is indeed the best boyfriend choice, of course, if only there were fewer girls around him.

In fact, Miraj was quite confident in herself at the beginning, and the fact that the two lived together made her feel that the relationship between the two had been confirmed.

But later, as more and more girls around Roy belong, even Elusa took the initiative to ask Roy for a task.

Miraj, who gradually became less and less self-confident, was angry again and again in Roy

As soon as he thought of this, Miraj was so angry that he wanted to bite off a piece of meat on Roy's body.

Roy cried out. "But I can't help it, after all, it's from the same guild, and I can't refuse. "

"So what's the matter with Lisanna? You dare say you didn't think about it, and if you lied, I'd bite you. "

"This ......


"Hmph! I know. "

"Don't, you can't bite here. "

"No, I want to!".

"If you come again, I'll bite back. "

"Then you might as well try it. "

"Okay, look!".



At dawn the next day

Sister Mira, what's going on on your neck, why is there a round red mark.

On the street to the port, the three of them walked slowly down the street, and Lisana asked curiously as she looked at Miraj's neck

Hearing this, as if remembering something again, a red cloud surged on Miraj's face in an instant.

Just when Miraj was embarrassed to speak, Roy immediately came out and stood up.

"That's not a tooth mark, Lisana, I was playing games with Miraj last night and accidentally fell and bumped into it. "

Lisana suddenly realized, and then looked at her sister with a distressed expression.

With such a big red mark, I guess the injury is not light.

Although she likes to pester Roy, Lisana also likes her sister very much, and when she saw such a big red dot on her sister's neck, she suddenly showed a worried face.

"Sister has you rubbed the potion? "

"Wipe, I wiped it for her, Lishana don't worry. "

While speaking, Roy looked at Miraj, and the other party suddenly thought of something, and his face became redder, and he waited for Roy fiercely, and pulled Lisana to walk quickly to the port.

"Hey, sister, why do you have a chest too. "

"Okay, don't ask. "

Soon, the trio rented a boat under the harbor and came to their final destination, an island.

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