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"What? Did Lord Roy blow up the satellite of the Magic Council? What a terrifying power of heaven and man!"

Jura tightly grasped the scepter in his hand, with disbelief written all over his face.

Even though he was once one of the Ten Saints and was very powerful, he never dared to think about such a thing.

"Sure enough, Mr. Roy's strength is a height that I will never be able to reach in my lifetime, but it is also the goal I will pursue for my entire life!"

Leo clenched his fists, his face full of admiration, and his heart full of determination.

Although Leo knew that he would never be able to catch up with Roy's strength in his lifetime, people always have to have a goal!

Only with a goal can you walk more firmly and go further on the road ahead.

"Although I saw the news in the magazine, the Magic Council did not come out to admit it. I had always regarded it as fake news!

I didn't expect that the person who blew up the satellite today was Mr. Roy, whom I just met. It really feels unreal!"

Yiye also held his chin in a strange posture and sighed.

"This is the powerful fragrance!"

After hearing Yi Ye's words, everyone nodded.

Although they could not agree with Yi Ye's other strange"fragrances", no one doubted Roy's strength.

Hearing the discussions of the coalition army and others, Erza's heart was filled with a kind of joy and pride.

After all, it was because of her that Roy would confront Edilio head-on and blow up the satellite!

Then, Erza's heart was filled with a trace of worry.

She was afraid that after the news spread, the Council would ask Roy for magic. In that case, things would be more difficult to deal with.

However, this was Erza's overthinking.

Not to mention that the people present were not the kind of people who were not careful about their mouths and would not go out and spread the news.

Even if the Council really knew that the satellite was blown up by Roy, they would never dare to provoke him.

On the contrary, they might have to worship Roy as an ancestor.

After all, a strong man of this level who could blow up a satellite. Those members who claim to be superiors, For the sake of their own glorious and wealthy life, they would not be so stupid as to provoke him.

After all, this world still respects strength.

When a person's strength reaches a certain level, he can override all the rules of this world.

For example, the most evil dragon, Acnologia.

It is wreaking havoc all over the world, doing whatever it wants based on its own temperament. Do you think the Council dares to control it?

In the final analysis, the Council is just a group of guys who bully the weak and fear the strong.

The Black Dragon is powerful, and they can't afford to provoke it, so they don't provoke it.

Although Roy's normal strength has not reached the level of overriding everything at present, the Council does not know this!

Roy's explosive performance of kicking the satellite has already made the Council put him on the same level as the Black Dragon.

The Council regards him as a level that must not be provoked.

Therefore, Erza was completely overthinking.

While the coalition forces were discussing Roy's kicking the satellite, the six demon generals and others on the opposite side suddenly moved.

Everything started from Cobra's loud cry.

"He's moving! Run!"

Cobra heard Roy's voice and shouted nervously.

Hearing his words, Brian and Whitey felt nervous, and their magic power burst out at the same time, running behind them at a very fast speed.

Cobra had already started moving before he shouted that sentence.

The three of them ran away very quickly

, leaving behind an evil man who was still sleeping soundly on the flying carpet and a huge cloud of dust when they escaped. This scene stunned the coalition forces and others. Even Roy's hand, which was about to hit the CU switch, stopped in mid-air, and a look of astonishment appeared in his eyes.

He had a look of confusion.

These guys are so in sync with each other!

But, no hurry, I will deal with them later.

First, I will deal with this guy who is still sleeping in a sweet dream without realizing the crisis.

Then, I will chase those guys. Anyway

, they are just turtles in a jar and will never escape from my palm.

Thinking of this, Roy shook his hands and walked lightly towards the man who was sleeping on the flying carpet.

Roy didn't react at all until he walked in front of the man.

Raising his right fist, Roy punched out like a dragon and hit him hard on the head.

"At least, you won't feel pain, feel lucky for that!"

At this time, Naz's shout came from behind Roy.

"That guy is very weird, Roy. He just twisted my attack and couldn't hit him at all!"

Before, after being kicked away by Laser, Natsu happened to fall in front of the man.

Then, Natsu roared at him like a fire dragon in anger.

Unexpectedly, the flame didn't hit the man at all, but was twisted by an unknown force and sprayed past him.

That's why Natsu reminded Roy when he attacked and asked him to be careful.

Then, Roy punched the sleeping man on the head.

With a"bang", the sleeping man's head was smashed into the ground by Roy, and the fierce punch made him sleep more thoroughly.

【Defeat Dark Night, one of the Six Demon Generals, and be rewarded with a Justice Point Progress of 13%】

Turning to look at Natsu, Roy asked,"What did you just say?"

"No , no, no, I didn't say anything!"

Natsu shook his head frantically, denying that he was the one who had just spoken.

Although it was a kind reminder, it was too embarrassing.

���, was solved by Roy with one punch.

Although Natsu is single-celled most of the time, he is still very face-saving sometimes.

He would never admit that he couldn't even attack the opponent.

Seeing Natsu's stubborn look, the coalition army laughed happily while being surprised that Roy solved a powerful opponent so easily.

Hearing everyone's laughter, Natsu also touched his head and laughed foolishly.

This is the happiness of single-celled organisms!

At this time, everyone thought that the man who was knocked down was too weak.

It should be just a coincidence that he just dodged Natsu's attack, not the real strength of this man.

But what they don't know is that the man named Dark Night who was knocked down by Roy's punch. In fact, among the six demon generals, except for Brian's inner personality, he is the most powerful person on the surface. Dark

Night's magic is called distortion magic·bending, which can distort rebound magic and use the refraction of light to create illusions. It is a weird and powerful magic.

The reason why Natsu's magic attack couldn't hit the man named Dark Night who was knocked down by Roy was actually because the opponent would unconsciously cast magic to protect himself in his sleep, and use his own magic to distort and rebound the attack on himself.

However, although Dark Night's magic is very strong, it has two fatal weaknesses.

One is that it cannot distort the human body, and the other is that it can only distort one space at a time.

Therefore, Dark Night's magic can't be launched at all against Roy's pure physical attack fist.

And because Roy acted too quickly, Dark Night, the strongest person among the six demon generals, didn't even have time to react and wake up, and fell down in his sleep without a sound.

It can only be said that Dark Night is unlucky to meet Roy, a guy with explosive physical attacks.


PS: Catch up.

_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collect, recommend

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