Since Cobra and Whiteeye had just attacked in anger, the power of their magic was extremely huge, and the two did not realize that their magic would attack themselves, so they were directly hit hard without any preparation.

Lying in the big hole created by their own bodies, Cobra and Whiteeye both felt as if their bodies were torn apart. Just by moving a little, severe pain would instantly spread throughout the body.

However, the pain in the body at this time was far less than the shock in the heart.

From being hit by their own magic to being pushed back nearly a hundred meters, during this period of time, the two people's minds were a mess, and they had no idea what was going on.

"Why didn't I notice his movements at all? Why was I attacked by my own magic? Why?……"

If they hadn't heard Roy's oppressive footsteps approaching, Cobra and Whiteeye would have been lying in the pit with a thousand questions in mind, thinking about life.

When Cobra and Whiteeye were about to stand up to fight, they suddenly felt a pain in their necks and were hit by a huge force, falling rapidly.


With two explosions that sounded almost at the same time, Cobra and Whitey returned to the pit.

In their final blurry consciousness, they seemed to hear a strange, familiar sound that they had heard before.


Then, he lost consciousness and passed out completely.

Without looking at the two people who had fainted, Roy calmly opened his system panel and read the message log.

【Defeat Cobra, one of the six demons of the Dark Guild, and be rewarded with 11% of Kabuto's Justice Value Progress. The current Justice Value Progress is 44%】

【Defeat Whitey, one of the six demons of the Dark Guild, and be rewarded with 11% of Kabuto's Justice Value Progress. The current Justice Value Progress is 55%】


After defeating Cobra and Whiteeye, Kabuto's Justice value progress also exceeded 50%.

According to the situation when the Dragon Knight's progress value exceeded 50%, the next step should be to unlock the enhanced ability of Kabuto Knight.

As Roy expected, the system prompt sounded soon.

【Congratulations to the host for unlocking more than 50% of Kamen Rider Kabuto's Justice Value. Hereby unlock the enhanced version of the unique ability of the Kabuto series knights, 'Time Traveler'.

Time Traveler: The host can travel through time through this ability, and any other source of time magic cannot produce an effect on the host.

When the host activates this ability to travel through time, a coordinate will be nailed to the original timeline. The host can return by himself, or automatically return after staying in another timeline for 72 hours.

Note: The effect of traveling through time through this ability can only be applied to the host alone, and can only travel through the past, not the future. 】

The ability to travel back to the past? Isn't this similar to the ability of HyperZector?

I just don't know if there is a time limit for this forward travel, such as how many years can you travel at most?

After all, it's just an enhanced version of the general ability, which is pretty standard!

However, the ability to make other people's time magic invalid is not bad! This simply makes myself the nemesis of the time wizard again.

If he continued like this, one day, he would be able to become the nemesis of all wizards in the world with just these unlocked knight abilities, without the need for magic or transformation!

Roy was not disappointed, but calmly browsed the next system prompt.

【Ding, since the host has unlocked more than 50% of Kamen Rider Kabuto's Justice Value, a random attribute will be drawn from Kabuto's companion attribute and attached to the host.

Excuse me, do you want to draw it now?

Compared to the general knight ability just now, this message prompt undoubtedly made Roy look forward to it.

After all, this is something that can enhance the host!

So, Roy gave the order with expectation.


【Ding, congratulations to the host for winning one of Kamen Rider Kabuto's companion attributes, 'Sun God'.

Sun God: You are the glorious sun of the heavenly might, and you are the symbol of unrivaled power.

With the blessing of the sun's power, the host's body will be strengthened all the time until it has the power of the sun and achieves the body of the sun.

Moreover, every attack of the host can produce a flame explosion effect, and the power is linked to the sun power contained in the host's body. 】


Seeing this companion attribute, feeling the huge explosive power that suddenly surged in the body. Because of the excitement in his heart, Roy rarely burst out a swear word.

Even though the original Kabuto is called the Sun God, and the King of Force has pretended to be a lot of force under the sun, it is completely impossible to compete with the real sun. However

, this companion attribute that Roy obtained can actually allow him to obtain the same powerful power as the sun!

With this powerful energy, even the most powerful black dragon in the world, Roy is confident that he can blow it up with one punch.

This is a powerful ability that can destroy the world. How could Roy not be excited?

However, just when Roy was excited, reality poured cold water on him and extinguished the fiery mood in his heart.

All this was because he took a look at his system panel.

Host: Roy

Current system level: Primary (unlock the Knight's tenfold increase)

Currently unlocked Knights: Ryuki (Dragon Rider), Kabuto (Kabuto)

Dragon Rider Justice Value Progress: 100%

[Dragon Rider Data Panel

Inherent Skills: Mirror World Master

Companion Attributes: Fire Master·Flame Lord

Punch Power: 200t

Kick Power: 400t

Jump Power: 700m

Running Speed: 100m/0.125s"

Armor Justice Value Progress: 55%

「Kabuto data panel

Inherent skills: Time Traveler

Companion attribute: Sun God

Sun power growth progress: 0.0001%/day

Masked form

Punch power: 124t

Kick power: 155t

Jump power: 310m

Running speed: 100m/0.4005s

Knight form

Punch power: 46.5t

Kick power: 108.5t

Jump power: 573.5m

Running speed: 100m/0.261s"

Only one millionth of the sun power progress is increased every day...

If you want to fully obtain the sun power, it will take... more than 2,700 years!

Sure enough, power is not so easy to obtain.

Roy smiled bitterly and shook his head, throwing away the unrealistic idea of punching the black dragon that just came to his mind.

Although one millionth of the sun power is strong enough. But with the strength of the black dragon, if you want to blow it up with one punch, it is estimated that you have to unlock about 5% of the sun power.

It would take more than a hundred years to unlock this level...

In this time, Roy's knight system would have been unlocked to an advanced level. With the high-multiplied knight power, he could easily blow up the black dragon with one punch.

Therefore, the excitement in Roy's heart faded a little.

Of course, this ability is not weak, and there is definitely no disappointment.

It's just that Roy had too high expectations at the beginning, and suddenly found that he could not meet his expectations in a short period of time, so he felt a little disappointed.

After calming down, Roy looked at Brian, who was sweating and still trying to unlock Nirvana.

Next, he just needs to wait for Nirvana to be unlocked.

Then, defeat Brian, destroy Nirvana, and Roy can draw his third knight. With anticipation flashing in his clear blue eyes, Roy shook his hand, walked towards Brian, who looked anxious, and urged.

"How long will it take? Hurry up, I can't wait!"

When these words came out, everyone was shocked.


PS: Although my panel doesn’t appear very often, I’ll try to show it less often in the future!

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