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Hearing Mira mention her gains, Lucy immediately became excited and couldn't wait to show everyone what she had gained from this trip.

Yes, in this mission, apart from Roy gaining Justice Points without anyone knowing, Lucy was the only one who gained extra gains.

That was the Star Spirit Keys that originally belonged to Angel.

These included the powerful Sculptor, the Gemini of the Zodiac that had appeared, and the other two Zodiac Keys. There were four keys in total, namely...

Kayelum of Sculptor. Gemini of Gemini.

Kesha of Cancer.

Finally, there was Aries of Aries.

Lucy summoned the companions of the new contract one by one to say hello to everyone. When it was the turn of the soft Aries of Aries to appear, a certain blond young man whose life was already on the verge of death suddenly trembled and his heart was in turmoil.

Unexpectedly, when he was about to die, he would see Aries again.

It seems that the person who killed Kallen was none other than Angel of the Six Demon Generals!

That's why Aries fell into her hands!

Following the wizard of the Dark Guild, Aries' life must have been very hard these years, right? It must have been even more miserable than when she followed Kallen.

Fortunately, Aries is now following Lucy. From now on, her life will definitely not be as miserable as her previous two masters!

How great!

Feeling as if something had come to a happy ending, the blond young man breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, because his body had already reached its limit, coupled with the violent fluctuations in his mind, the blond young man could no longer stay conscious and fainted on the ground.

Seeing this, the people around him hurriedly called his name in panic.

"Loki, Loki! What's wrong with you?"

"Loki suddenly fainted, everyone come and help!"


Hearing the shouts, everyone looked over here.

Aries Aries was no exception.

When she saw Loki fainted on the ground, although his appearance was different from what she remembered, she could still recognize him at a glance when she sensed the familiar aura of the star spirit on him.

Her heart was throbbing, and she couldn't help but exclaimed

"Lord Leo!"

""Master Leo?" X heard Aries's cry, and everyone around her immediately looked at her.

And Roy also recalled what happened.

Patting Xia Lulu's cat head in his arms, Roy said that he was careless and actually forgot about it.

Xia Lulu was puzzled and couldn't help stretching out her claws to scratch Roy.

It didn't hurt.

Next. After Makarov arranged for someone to send Loki to Boshiliuka, Aries told the people in the guild about her and her Lord Leo, that is, Loki's past story.


Aries's current master is Lucy, the previous one is Angel, and the one before that is a woman named Kallen.

Kallen is a wizard belonging to the Blue Pegasus. She holds the keys of Leo of the zodiac and Aries of Aries in her hands. She is a powerful celestial wizard.

Although Kallen is very powerful, she has a very bad personality and always beats and scolds Aries cruelly.

If it were other celestials, they would definitely break their contract with Kallen even if they would pay a heavy price for breaking the contract.

But Aries's personality is soft, and she just accepts it in the face of all this, which further encourages Kallen's arrogance.

Finally, Leo, who is also Loki, is also a celestial spirit contracted by Kallen. He couldn't stand it anymore, so he forced the celestial gate open and came to the human world.

Loki did this to make Kallen realize her mistake, to make her apologize to Aries, and to promise not to treat Aries like that again.

But Kallen didn't think it was her fault and refused to apologize to Aries.

After falling out with Loki, she went on the mission alone without knowing her own limitations.

Then, she encountered Angel, one of the six demon generals.

Because Loki came to the human world with his own power, Kallen couldn't force him to close the door and send him back to the Celestial World.

As a result, Loki had been occupying Kallen's quota for summoning celestial spirits, making it impossible for Kallen to summon other celestial spirits.

Facing Angel, who could easily open the door twice, Kallen, who couldn't even summon celestial spirits, was naturally no match.

In the end, Kallen not only died in Angel's hands, but all her celestial spirit keys were taken away.

Aries's key also fell into Angel's hands.

Although she changed her owner, Aries's situation did not change.

Angel's attitude towards Aries was as bad as Kallen's.

Angel always used Aries as cannon fodder, relying on the immortality of the contracted celestial spirits who could return to the celestial spirit world and revive.

This resulted in Aries having countless memories of death in countless battles.

Fortunately, now that Angel was defeated, Aries followed Lucy and no longer had to repeat such a painful experience.

This was Aries's experience, but she didn't know much about Loki's experience. However

, Aries gave everyone a message, an iron law that has never changed in the celestial spirit world since ancient times.

That is, because of the celestial spirit's own mistakes, the master died, and the celestial spirit would be punished and could not return to the celestial spirit world for the rest of his life until death.

Therefore, everyone can combine Loki's experience of joining Fairy Tail with the fact that Loki fainted just now, and infer that Loki's experience was not very good.

Loki joined the guild three years ago and stayed in the guild for three years.

As a celestial spirit, Loki stayed in the human world for a long time without a master, and could not return to the celestial spirit world to replenish vitality and magic.

It can only be said that it was fortunate that Loki was the leader of the twelve zodiac spirits, and his vitality and magic power were very strong.

Otherwise, if other spirits encountered such a situation, they would have died countless times.

At this point, Roy also knew why he had forgotten that Loki was a Leo spirit.

In the original work, when Phantom Attacked Fairy Tail, Loki could no longer maintain his survival in the human world because he used a lot of magic power, which enabled everyone in the guild to discover Loki's abnormality in time.

However, now that Roy has traveled through time, since the Phantom Attack was almost solved by him alone, Loki did not get the opportunity to attack.

Without the consumption of magic power in this place, Loki can naturally hold on longer.

Until now, because of the natural loss of vitality and magic power in his body, which was not much, Loki finally couldn't hold on anymore.

That's why today, he fainted in front of everyone in the guild.

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