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Because they had not experienced the fierce battles in the original work, among the current original protagonists, except for Natsu who had grown in strength after swallowing Roy's fire, the others had not made much progress compared to before.

Therefore, at this stage, the gap in strength between them and Laxus still existed objectively.

Therefore, Roy was not surprised by this result.

When Roy saw Laxus, he was glaring at Roy with a dark face.

"Yo! Congratulations! Second place!"

Roy stretched out his hand and greeted Laxus with a smile.

His smile was very innocent, as if the person who had just sprayed exhaust gas in Laxus' face was not him.

Seeing Roy's"hateful" smile, Laxus was instantly ignited.

He sprayed exhaust gas in his face and mocked him for being the second place!

"You damn bastard, how dare you say hello to me? Give me some guilt!"

Roy roared, and Laxus almost couldn't hold back the urge to rush up and fight Roy in person.

However, because Makarov was at the scene, Laxus still restrained his impulse.

In the end, thousands of anger condensed into a cold snort.

After glaring at Roy again, Laxus folded his arms and left the scene with a cold face.

He was only forced to participate in this game and was still in solitary confinement.

Therefore, after the game, he naturally had to go back and continue to be locked up.

Moreover, Laxus didn't want to see Roy's hateful face again, for fear that he would not be able to suppress the urge to print his fist on his face. But

Laxus Roy also knew that if he went up to him, he would probably get beaten, right?

Therefore, Laxus chose to turn a blind eye to it.

Looking at Laxus's back as he left, which seemed to be filled with anger, Roy chuckled.

The young man's psychological quality still needs to grow!

After watching the game through the magic crystal ball for a while, Roy found it boring and left the scene.

Because this is a 24-hour endurance road running championship, the entire race is very long.

Except for Roy, Laxus, and Jed, the earliest the others can reach the finish line is estimated to be noon the next day.

So, go back and have a sleep first, and come back tomorrow morning.

No words that night


The next morning, when Roy arrived at the scene, he found that Laxus, who had been in solitary confinement yesterday, was also there.

He asked Makarov and found out that there would be an award ceremony for the top three later.

So Laxus, the second place winner, would naturally be there.

"Good morning! Second place."

Roy smiled jokingly and greeted Laxus again.

This behavior was like rubbing salt into Laxus's wounds, and it was very asking for a fight.

But after a night of rest, Laxus had calmed down. In response to Roy's ridicule, he just snorted coldly and ignored him.

Laxus knew it well. What would happen if he paid attention to him?

He couldn't beat him, and he couldn't talk him out of it.

Paying attention to him would only make himself angry, so it would be better to pretend that he didn't see it.

Seeing this, Roy stopped teasing Laxus, and waited for the arrival of the contestants with the audience who were still enthusiastic.

In the end, due to some minor accidents, Erza, Natsu, Gray, Gajeel and Jade, the five people, fell down together. Before the finish line.

Then, while they were arguing, it was Happy, who was not favored by anyone before the race, who won the first place.

And the fourth and fifth places were also what no one had expected, they were Xia Lulu.

Except for Roy and Laxus, two regular monsters, the third, fourth and fifth places were taken by the three cute creatures of Fairy Tail.

As for Erza and the others?

If Erza hadn't taken advantage of the chaos and rushed into the finish line with the large group behind, she would have been tied for last place with Natsu and the other four.

Yes, four last places.

At the last moment, Natsu, Gray and Gajeel, all three of them hung on Jade and rushed into the finish line with Jade.

In other words, in this endurance road running championship, four people will accept the penalty game.


Hearing this result, Natsu and the other three were in disbelief, and it felt like the sky had turned gray.

"Are you mentally prepared? Accept the punishment game!"

Makarov appeared in front of Natsu and the others with a serious face and said seriously.

However, anyone could see the smirk and expectation hidden under his appearance.

"Are you kidding me?、"

"At least we should hold a loser's revival match!"


Natsu and Gray wanted to struggle a little longer, thinking they still had a chance to be saved.

However, Makarov refused.

"How can this be? You can't say it so unpromisingly! As a wizard, this is just like making a mistake at work, you can't make it back!"

Makarov taught Natsu and the others a lesson very seriously, rebuking them for having the wrong idea.

As a wizard, you have to move forward bravely and face your mistakes!

At this moment, Makarov seemed to be shrouded in glory, and his image became extremely tall, which made Natsu and the others feel a little ashamed. The next moment, Makarov waved his hand and exposed his true purpose.

"You just accept the punishment game obediently! Got it? Four of you together!"

At this time, Makarov's eyes were smiling into a funny look, looking extremely"evil"

"After all, you just want to watch them accept the punishment game!"

Lucy stood beside Roy and complained silently in her heart

"I know! Just come on. Tell me! What is the punishment game?"

Natsu clenched his fist, indicating that he was willing to accept the loss.

Seeing Natsu's performance, Makarov suddenly became excited.

"You are very ambitious! Then I will announce the content of this year's punishment game...

This is it!"

Makarov took out the famous magic magazine, Weekly Sosara, and showed it to everyone.

"Weekly Sosara?"

"Is it related to the weekly magazine?"

At this time, Natsu and the others had not realized what was waiting for them. Standing there, they had no sense of crisis at all.

Then, Makarov smiled extremely evilly and said something that made Natsu and the others sweat.

"The four of you must publish super embarrassing female-dressing photos in the weekly magazine Sosara next week.

The content is a super luxurious 20 pages, so I will be interviewing you closely for a whole week."


When Natsu and the others heard this punishment, they were stunned.

Women's clothing?! What the hell!

"That's the thing, so let's go pick out the right outfit now!"

Jason finally summed up Makarov's words, and he was very excited.

"How could I let you succeed!"X4 came to his senses, Natsu and the others ran away, Jason quickly followed

"Wait for me! COO!"

"Who will wait for you?"X4


Seeing Natsu and the others fleeing quickly, the members of Fairy Tail burst into laughter.

"They started running again! They seem to have plenty of energy!"

"If I were to accept that punishment, I would run away too! Hahahaha……"

"That's true. Just thinking about it gives me goosebumps. Women's clothing, and they have to publish a full 20 pages! It's social death! Too miserable, tut tut!"


If Jason was the only one chasing, Natsu and the others could have escaped the punishment game.


Roy and Laxus looked at each other and smiled evilly.

"This is quite interesting!"

They love to make others look bad.

Then, they caught two people each and brought back the desperate Natsu and Gray.

So, in the shame and anger of Natsu and others, the hot-eyed male group of Fairy Tail debuted in women's clothing.

From then on, the legend of Natsu and his four friends spread in the magic world of Ishgar. It made Natsu and his friends like thieves when they went out, hiding their heads and showing their tails, for fear of being recognized and pointed at and said

"Hey! Aren’t you that so-and-so? The one who wore women’s clothes!"

How miserable!


PS: I was abused by a dog yesterday, it was so miserable. _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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