Western Continent, Temple of Time.

This is the residence of the descendants of Chronos, the God of Time.

In the martial arts training ground outside the temple, a beautiful girl with wild blond hair and pride like a lion is waving a long sword in her hand with a vigorous posture.

Sweat splashed in the air, and her fair skin shone with a moving light under the sunlight, making this blonde girl full of fascinating charm.

The blonde girl's name is Timaria Yesta, a descendant of Chronos, the God of Time.

Suddenly, she stopped swinging her sword and looked up at the sky.

There, there was a shining light that was gradually getting bigger and falling in this direction.

She murmured to herself in confusion.

"Why is there a flash in the sky in broad daylight? A meteor?"

Thinking of this, Dimaria's heart was aroused.

It is said that if you make a wish to a shooting star, your wish will surely come true.

Although Dimaria's strength is extremely strong, strong enough to stand on the top of this continent. But after all, she is still an eighteen-year-old girl, and there is still a trace of innocence in her heart.

So, Dimaria put the long sword into the scabbard and stood still.

She stared at the flashing light in the sky, clasped her hands in front of her chest, and whispered a wish.

"I want to join the Emperor's army and fight in all directions. If possible, it would be even better to become one of the twelve shields of the Holy Spirit. And... oh, am I a little greedy!"

Realizing that she had made too many wishes, Dimalia knocked her head, stuck out her tongue, and showed a playful look.

Then, she heard a clear male voice suddenly ringing in her ears.

"If you make a wish to a shooting star, it won’t work if you say it out loud!

Besides, I’m not a shooting star, I’m sorry to disappoint you."

The voice came from behind, full of ridicule.

"Who is it?

Dimalia reacted quickly, holding the hilt of the sword with her right hand and turning around quickly.

As she turned around, she was surprised.

With her strength, she was completely unaware of the approach of the person behind her. It was not until he spoke that she realized there was someone behind her.

Although she was attracted by the"meteor", it also showed that the person behind her was very powerful.

Before she could see the face of the person behind her, Dimalia had already drawn the long sword at her waist, and a strong wind raged, and a cold light cut through the space and slashed towards him swiftly.


A crisp sound of metal intersecting rang out, and Dimalia's long sword was clamped by the man's two fingers, unable to move.

She pulled out her long sword with all her strength, but it was just held tightly in the man's hand, motionless.

Seeing this, Dimalia decisively let go of her long sword, retreated dozens of meters, and stood still again.

Her body was tense, and she looked vigilantly at the tall man in strange armor in front of her. Dimalia's voice was full of hostility.

"Who are you? Why are you here?"

He swung the long sword in his hand to the side, causing it to sink completely into the ground, leaving only the hilt. Facing the hostile gaze of the blonde girl in front of him, Roy chuckled and said,

"As the host of this place, is your way of entertaining guests to draw swords against them?"

"Humph! You come uninvited. I don't consider people like you to be guests! Who are you? What is your intention in breaking into the Temple of Time?"

Although she didn't feel any hostility from the strangely dressed man in front of her, Dimalia still didn't let down her guard. She snorted coldly and stared at Roy.

Hearing the question from the blonde girl in front of him, Roy couldn't help laughing when he remembered her wish when he fell from the sky just now.

So, he quietly fell behind the girl and teased her.

"I am the shooting star you just made a wish for! I just got lost and accidentally came here. Don't be so nervous, I'm not a bad person."

Hearing the teasing in Roy's words, Dimalia couldn't help blushing.

Treating others as shooting stars, and making wishes to"shooting stars" like a child, such a thing was discovered in front of her, even for someone as proud as her, it was a bit embarrassing.

However, Dimalia immediately concealed this embarrassment, and her voice was still firm.

"Even so, this is no reason for you to break into the Temple of Time! Tell me your intention, or I will be rude to you!"

"Don't be so hostile to me! Relax a little.

And didn't I just say that I'm lost.

I saw from the sky that you're the only place with people around here. I want to ask for directions, so I can only land here!"

Without paying attention to Timaria's impolite words, Roy waved his hand, indicating that he was harmless. He just wanted to ask for directions and asked Timaria to relax.

Yes, Roy was lost.

Before, he fell headfirst from the sky and made a free fall, thinking that he could fall back to Magnolia.

But Roy forgot that Gildarts's previous punch was an upward force. He flew so high. If he fell straight down, he would be a million miles away from the origin.

So, during the long free fall, Roy took a nap, and when he woke up, he found that he was a completely unfamiliar continent under him.

Finally, after seeing Timaria in the martial arts training ground of the Temple of Time, he fell towards this place. Come, want to ask for directions.

Perhaps because she felt that Roy really had no ill intentions and felt his kindness, Dimalia was no longer so hostile to Roy, but she did not completely let down her guard.

After all, she was the only girl in the entire Temple of Time. Facing a man who was obviously very powerful and could easily block her attacks, she certainly could not take it lightly.

Looking up and down at Roy's cool armor, Dimalia was a little jealous.

She has a boyish personality and yearns to gallop on the battlefield, so she also likes this cool and extraordinary armor.

However, this occasion is not the time to have such thoughts.

So, Dimalia suppressed the eagerness in her heart and asked in confusion:"You said you were lost? Then how did you fall from such a high sky?"

Before, when Dimalia found the flash in the sky, she estimated that the flash was at least a thousand meters away from her.

So, she was very curious about Roy who could get lost while flying so high in the sky.


Roy paused, not knowing how to answer.

This question stumped Roy.

Should he tell the girl in front of him that he was punched into space?

Regardless of whether she understood the concept of space, most people would not believe this statement, right?

"As expected, you have ulterior motives!"

Sensing Roy's hesitation, Dimalia's face changed, her aura became serious, and her hostility towards Roy rose again, and she shouted loudly


Roy's forehead was covered with cold sweat under his helmet, and he didn't know whether to laugh or cry.


PS: I was busy with school today and only got back to work now. I took the time to slack off and updated one chapter. I'm very sorry. I was originally planning to choose Urrutia as the landing point, so that we could meet. In the end, after thinking about it, I chose Timaria.

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