Under the surprised gazes of Edrus Lucy and Erza Nightwalker, strange armor that had never been seen before appeared from Roy's waist piece by piece, covering his entire body in just a moment.

Then, facing the shot from Nightwalker that could almost pierce through space, Roy did not dodge, but calmly stretched out the index and middle fingers of his right hand.

It was as if he was going to use these two fingers to take the stab from Nightwalker.

This performance was not that Roy underestimated the enemy, but that he had absolute confidence that he could take on Nightwalker's direct attack.

Nightwalker was indeed powerful, and Roy did not deny this.

However, her strength was only comparable to Erza of Aslant. She was only at the level of a high-level S-class wizard, and had not yet touched the threshold of the Holy Ten.

Moreover, although the speed of her sonic gun was fast, it was not so fast that Roy could not react.

Therefore, Roy naturally did not take her earth-shattering attack seriously.

Two fingers were enough to block it.

At this moment, in understanding���In the eyes of Lucy and others who knew Roy's strength, Roy's action seemed so calm and relaxed.

But in the eyes of Edlas Lucy, it was very terrifying!

She couldn't see the figure of Nightvoka's high-speed attack at all, but she could still see the scene of Roy slowly extending his fingers.

Facing the attack of the fairy hunter, he just wanted to resist it with two fingers?!!

Edlas Lucy kept exclaiming in disbelief in her heart, and she felt that this world was simply too crazy. After seeing this scene, Nightvoka, who was sprinting in the air at high speed, had a gloomy face, and a feeling of anger that could not be suppressed in his heart.

Roy's frivolous attitude completely angered her.

"You actually look down on me so much! Then, pay the price for your arrogance! You damned rebel!"

Driven by anger, Netvoka recklessly activated the magic crystal of the Ten Commandments Gun, releasing the sonic gun at maximum power.

In the past, there was no opponent in this world that Netvoka needed to use all her strength to defeat, and she herself was consciously trying to use as little magic power in the magic crystal as possible.

Because the magic power in this world is getting less and less, one less is one less.

But now it is different.

Netvoka knows that as long as she defeats these people in front of her, no one will be able to stop His Majesty the King's plan.

By that time, the capital of the king will be... The giant magic crystal in the sky and the transcendents above will all become the inexhaustible eternal magic power of this world.

At that time, she no longer needs to worry about the restrictions on the use of magic crystals in battle.

And now, she just pre-drew the magic power at that time.

Thinking of this, Netvoka was unscrupulous.

The next moment, while the gorgeous magic light bloomed, the Ten Commandments Gun in Netvoka's hand burst into a hysterical roar of thunder.

And she herself, driven by the Ten Commandments Gun, turned into a dazzling crimson thunder.

""Go to hell! Traitor!"

Netvoka shouted angrily, waving her hands vigorously. The sharp tip of the spear flashed with cold light, and with great momentum, she thrust it towards Roy's chest, determined to pierce him through.

Looking at Roy who still did not dodge, Netvoka showed a smug smile on her face, as if she had already succeeded.

However, she underestimated her opponent.


The crisp sound of metal clashing came from the tip of the Ten Commandments gun and between Roy's two fingers, and fell into the ears of everyone.

A fierce hurricane blew over the roof, blowing off the tiles on the roof and scattering them into pieces.

And Netvoka's figure, which was moving so fast that Edlas Lucy and the others could not see clearly, suddenly stopped in front of Roy.

In Edlas Lucy's shocked eyes, Netvoka's pretty face flushed, and the veins on her white arms even bulged, trying to send the tip of the gun in her hand to Roy's chest.

However, all this was in vain.

No matter how hard Netvoka tried, the Ten Commandments gun was just clamped by Roy's two fingers, motionless.

And Roy, proudly stood in place, not even taking a step back.

"What kind of monster is he?"

Lucy kept exclaiming in her heart. She felt that what she saw and heard today was simply unbelievable.

On the roof, Roy stood casually.

Although his two fingers were bearing a huge force that even an S-class wizard could not bear, Roy's face under the mask showed a relaxed smile.

So relaxed that he could even tease Nightvoka.

With a playful look in his clear blue eyes, Roy looked at Nightvoka in front of him, who was still unwilling to give up and wanted to send the gun to his chest with trembling hands, and said

"Is that all you can do? Erza?"

Hearing Roy's words, Nightvoka raised his head and stared at his huge blue eyes, his eyes burning with fire, his heart filled with anger and horror.

"Damn it! This guy!"

Because the fierce attack was suddenly stopped, Netvoka's hands holding the Ten Commandments Spear trembled slightly, and she almost couldn't hold the spear in her hand.

However, the trembling in her hands was far less than the sudden waves in her heart.

Netvoka had never seen such a powerful person, who could take her almost full-strength attack so lightly, and looked like nothing happened.

Realizing that he couldn't break through Roy's two fingers from the front, Netvoka prepared to withdraw and launch an offensive again.

Pull... can't pull!

Start again!

Gritting her teeth and exerting force with both hands, Netvoka almost used all her strength to try to pull the Ten Commandments Spear out of Roy's hand.

However, without the Ten Commandments Spear, she had no magic power in her body, and her physical fitness was only a few points stronger than that of ordinary people.

How could she compete with Roy, who had a strength of hundreds of tons?

Even if she used all her strength, the Ten Commandments Spear was like growing on Roy's hand, and it didn't move at all.

"No, Erza, stop struggling and surrender!"

Roy quipped, holding the Ten Commandments gun tightly in his hand and looking at Nightvoka who was trying to pull the Ten Commandments gun away.

"You, stop calling me so affectionately!"

You kept calling me Erza, Erza, as if we were very familiar with each other. You damned rebel, go to hell!

Feeling indignant, Natvoka got hot-headed. While holding the Ten Commandments gun with both hands, he stretched his right leg tightly and kicked Roy in front of him.



A cry of pain just came out of Netvoka's mouth, but it was immediately suppressed by her iron-like will and turned into a muffled groan.

It hurts, it hurts so much!

Her right leg felt like it had kicked a steel plate and was about to break.

In the intense pain, Netvoka trembled and sweated profusely.

She wanted to hug her right calf, but she didn't want to give up the Ten Commandments Gun in her hand. At this moment, Netvoka could only stand in front of Roy in an extremely awkward posture, shaking like a sieve, which was very funny.

Seeing Netvoka, who looked exactly like Erza, showing this painful look, Roy couldn't help laughing when he remembered her momentum that seemed to want to kick him to death just now.

You dare to use your flesh and blood to collide with my armor that is harder than steel.

Girl, you are very brave!

Just now, when Netvoka's powerful whip kick came, Roy didn't even think of blocking it.

As I said, the people in this world are just ordinary people after leaving the magic weapons.

Is it necessary to block the attacks of ordinary people?

But I have to say that Natvoka is really a heroine.

Roy stretched out his left hand in front of Natvoka and gave her a thumbs up.

Then, he was surprised to see that Natvoka seemed to have forgotten the pain, and a fierce flame that seemed to be unquenchable rose in her eyes as she glared at him.

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