When Natsu and Gray were about to teach Roy a lesson, Erza appeared behind them with a luggage cart that looked like a small mountain, and they immediately hugged each other.

Seeing the"friendly" appearance between Natsu and Gray with satisfaction, Erza, who was a little naive, didn't realize how awkward their situation was, and actually thought they had a good relationship!

Then, Erza, who was acting naturally, didn't feel the slightest bit of attention, and looked at Lucy with a puzzled look, and said

"Are you a new member? I think I saw you in the guild yesterday."

"Yes, Ms. Erza, I am Lucy who just joined the guild. Please give me your guidance."

"I am Erza, please take care of me." Erza smiled brightly and continued,"Now that everyone is here, let's get in the car first!"


After handing the luggage to the conductor, Erza led Roy and the others onto the train without looking at the conductor's embarrassed expression.

After taking their seats, Roy, Lucy, and Erza sat on one side.

Natsu, Gray, and Happy sat on the other side.

As the whistle sounded,"Woo!"……"The sound of the car rang, and Natsu, who was full of energy, suddenly became like a wilted cabbage, half dead.

Lucy, who had experienced the journey from Harugian to Magnolia, knew that Natsu was suffering from motion sickness again.

When she was about to ask whether to call the train attendant to help Natsu, Erza took the initiative to stand up and said something.

"Let me make it easier for you!"

Then, Lucy was horrified to see that Erza punched Natsu in the abdomen, instantly solving his motion sickness problem.

Well, Natsu fainted.

Seeing Natsu's miserable state, Gray next to him showed a gloating smile, and when Erza looked over, he immediately became very serious.

Gray didn't want Erza to see that he was gloating over Natsu's experience! If that happened, he would definitely not end well. Unable to see any flaws on Gray's face, Erza nodded with satisfaction, sat down again, and began to tell everyone the goal of this mission.


Dark Guild, Iron Forest

"Mr. Eligore, Kagayama has sent a message that he has unblocked LULLABY and boarded the train, and will soon join us."

In a dark cave, a minor character is reporting the situation to a silver-haired man with tattoos on his face.

""Very good!"

Upon hearing the news, the silver-haired man, Eligore, grinned and laughed.

Then, he stood up from his seat, stretched out his hand to grasp the huge sickle as tall as a person next to the seat, and swung it vigorously.

"Let's go! Let's go! Let's make those high and mighty guild leaders feel the pain!"

After saying this, Eligore took the lead and walked towards the cave entrance, followed by the other members of the Iron Forest.


"This is what happened. We have to stop the guild called Iron Forest and prevent them from disrupting the routine meeting of the presidents."

While explaining the mission information, the train had unknowingly arrived at Onibas Station.

This was the place where Erza heard the conspiracy of the Iron Forest Guild when she was doing the previous mission, and it was also the place where Roy and Erza met for the first time.

With the purpose of starting the search from here, which might be faster, Erza brought Roy and the others to this place.

Taking the luggage cart from the conductor, Erza walked while discussing with Lucy and Gray how to find the whereabouts of the members of Iron Forest. It was not until Roy asked about Natsu's whereabouts that everyone realized something was wrong.

The fainted Natsu was still on the train! I forgot to wake him up when I got off the train!

When I turned around, I saw that the train had already roared out of the station.

You look at me, I look at you.

Suddenly, everyone stared at each other, and the atmosphere became awkward.

"It's all my fault! I was so engrossed in the discussion that I forgot about Natsu in the car even though I knew he had no resistance to transportation.

Erza patted her head in annoyance and said with her head down.

"Anyway, all this is my fault. Please give me a beating!"

Erza blamed herself very much.

Roy scratched his head as he looked at Erza like this.

What was the reason that made Erza develop such a character?

That what, what tower? The shadow of Erza's childhood?

Forget it, I can't remember it for a while, and I'm too lazy to think about it.

At present, what should be done is to comfort Erza and cheer her up.

Roy walked forward and gave Erza a head pat like the first time they met.

The warmth of his palm was transmitted to Erza through her crimson hair. This warm feeling made her calm down a little, and her heart was full of strength.

Raising her head and tilting her head in confusion, Erza looked at Roy, her big watery eyes seemed to be asking...

"Why are you touching my head again?"

The queen, who was sometimes natural and sometimes strong, made such a move. Roy felt so cute that his blood tank almost emptied.

However, he did not forget his purpose and comforted her.

"Don't worry! Natsu will be fine, don't blame yourself.

Although, after traveling through time, Natsu may not have too many roles.

But that guy, after all, is the male lead in the original work!

He will definitely be fine.

"Anyway, let’s catch up first!"



PS: To be honest, this kind of plot can be omitted, but in order to make it less awkward later, it must be written.

Otherwise, there will be no subtle process of the strategy, and it will seem very awkward when it is put away.

Although I feel that now���The writing is very stiff, haha.

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