
Lucy tilted her head up, her beautiful eyes staring straight at Roy, her pink lips slightly parted, mumbling.

Being led by Roy all the way, Lucy felt like she was immersed in a warm ocean.

The fire in her heart was ignited by the warmth transmitted from her hands. Driven by this primitive power, Lucy raised her slender white neck.

Feeling the scorching temperature from his hands, Roy turned his head to look at Lucy.

Looking down at her slightly charming appearance, Roy's deep eyes had a blazing light flashing.

Seeing that something embarrassing was about to happen


Suddenly, a black unknown object smashed the wall with a loud noise.

Then, the unknown object flew past Roy and Lucy, hit the floor heavily, and raised a lot of dust. The beautiful atmosphere was suddenly destroyed. Roy and Lucy showed angry expressions on their faces at the same time. They turned their heads and looked in the direction where the unknown object flew in.

There, Natsu appeared at the crack in the wall, with his hands on his hips and laughing, with a very proud expression on his face.

"Your iron dragon is really not that good! You are no match for me at all."

Roy and Lucy saw then that the one who had just smashed through the wall and flew in was none other than Phantom's iron dragon Gajeel.

At this moment, he no longer had the arrogance he had just shown. He was beaten into a pile of scrap metal by Natsu, and his appearance was horrible.

It was Natsu who had just punched Gajeel in, interrupting what Roy and Lucy were about to do.

Although this was an accident caused by the battle, it was understandable, but Roy and Lucy still glared at Natsu with vicious eyes.

This guy who asked for a beating!

Suddenly attacked by Roy and Lucy's eyes, Natsu shuddered and stopped laughing.

Then, Natsu touched his head and looked at the two of them in a daze, confused.

What's going on? Why are you looking at me with such fierce eyes?

Natsu looked innocent


What happened next was very simple. Joseph's thought body escaped, Aliya died, and Gajeel was beaten into scrap metal. The remaining members of the Phantoms were leaderless and became a mob, and were directly defeated by the members of Fairy Tail.

Then, the members of Fairy Tail, who had let out their anger, returned to Magnolia happily, ready to discuss how to deal with the Phantoms' attacks again.

However, plans can never keep up with changes.

Just after returning to the guild, the combat meeting was only halfway through. Before Erza and the others could come up with an effective combat plan, Joseph and his Phantoms had already made a comeback.

This time, they hit the door of Fairy Tail directly.

The ground under my feet was shaking wildly, as if there was an earthquake.

Dust fell down like rain, and the guild, which was almost destroyed by Gajeel, would not be strange even if it collapsed immediately. A huge roar came from the outside, as if a huge steel monster was heading towards Fairy Tail.

"What's going on?"

Erza held onto the table and chair in front of her and asked Alzak who was standing outside the door to check on the situation.

"There is a huge magic robot heading towards us!"

Arzak's anxious voice came from outside the door, and everyone rushed to the door in a rush, wanting to know what happened.

After seeing the scene in front of them clearly, they were stunned.

A huge castle-shaped magic robot was coming across the sea from the back of Fairy Tail.

"What the hell is that, the castle is moving?"

"It should be a kind of magical giant, but it's too big!"

"I really didn't expect that they would launch an attack in this way!"


Faced with a scene beyond their imagination, the Fairy Tail members couldn't help but fall into panic.

However, the more terrifying thing was yet to come.

Suddenly, the MK-2 in front of them stopped on the sea surface hundreds of meters away from the Fairy Tail Guild, raising huge waves and hitting the shore where the Fairy Tail members were.

Deep in the castle, Joseph sat on the throne, observing the wonderful expressions of the Fairy Tail members through the communication magic crystal, with a gloomy look on his face, and he was very proud in his heart.

"That's right, be afraid! This is the price you are about to pay!"

Then, he pointed his right hand and gave the order.

"Magic Cluster Cannon Jupiter, prepare to fire!"

As Joseph's order was issued, a huge opening opened on the top of the castle, and an extremely thick gun barrel stretched out from it, facing the Fairy Tail and others in front.

At the same time, dozens of wizards with four attributes of magic power, earth, fire, water, and wind, began to charge the control room of the Magic Cluster Cannon.

During the charging process, four multiple magic arrays of different colors appeared at the muzzle. Then, a large number of magic particles gathered at the muzzle, forming an ultra-large magic energy ball that was slowly rotating.

As if it was accumulating power, as time went by, the size of the energy ball became larger and larger, and the rotation speed became faster and faster!

Even at a distance of hundreds of meters, the Fairy Tail people could still feel the terrifying magic power contained in the energy ball that was gathering at the muzzle.

If they were hit by a shot from this thing, let alone people, even the guild behind them would probably be razed to the ground and cease to exist.

Suddenly, the crowd was in an uproar.

"Damn, are they going to use this horrible thing to attack us?"

"This is really a crime!"


Seeing this scene, Makarov's pupils shrank, and he couldn't believe his eyes.

How dare you do this? Do you want to raze the entire Fairy Tail to the ground? Joseph!

Makarov, who knew the powerful power of Magic Cluster Cannon Jupiter, was extremely angry.

When Makarov was about to use the defensive magic circle Triple Pillar to block Magic Cluster Cannon Jupiter, Roy and Erza stood up at the same time.


""Change to Diamond Armor!"

The next moment, the tall red knight and the heroic armored queen stood in front of everyone side by side.

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