Hearing Joseph's slightly threatening words, Roy laughed out loud and shouted to MK-2:

"President Joseph, are you out of your mind? Do you think we are all idiots? Do you think we will wait for your cooldown to end before going to war with you? Don't make me laugh, okay?

Also, if your brain is no longer needed, please donate it to someone in need! At least, it can still be used for a little while!"

Hearing what Roy said, the members who were a little nervous because of Joseph's words suddenly laughed out loud.

The whole shore was echoing with cheerful laughter.

Joseph, who was sitting in the MK-2 hall, heard Roy's ridicule and the laughter of other members of Fairy Tail, and he was so angry that he slapped the armrest on the other side and broke it.

This damn guy! How dare he mock the great President Joseph like this!

Seeing President Joseph so furious, the remaining three of the four elements beside him didn't even dare to breathe, and kept their heads down.

They were afraid that Joseph would smash their heads like the armrest of the chair.

But this is not over yet, Roy is still mocking

"Oh, no. President Joseph, I'm sorry, I was wrong. With your IQ, you shouldn't donate this problematic brain. That would be harmful to others!"


Joseph roared wildly and suddenly stood up from his seat. A huge and strange black and purple magic power rose from his body, which made people shudder.

"Damn you brat! After I defeat Makarov, I will grind you to dust! To vent my hatred!"

In a rage, Joseph did not plan to wait for Jupiter to cool down, and attacked directly.

Under the surge of magic power, a huge black and purple magic circle rose behind Joseph.

Suddenly, countless ghost-like things flew out of the magic circle and rushed towards Fairy Tail and others on the shore.

Seeing this scene, Makarov, who had fought with Joseph, immediately recognized the magic and reminded loudly

"Be careful, these are Joseph's ghost soldiers, they will take away the magician's vitality and magic power, everyone can't have direct contact with them!"

Originally, Makarov could easily eliminate these ghost soldiers, but at this moment he felt that these ghost soldiers were also good for the members to train, so he just gave some pointers and did not take action.

Hearing Makarov's words, some members who were originally preparing to punch them directly immediately changed their tactics and used magic to attack the ghost soldiers.

At the same time, they were secretly glad in their hearts.

If the president hadn't recognized this magic, he would have been hit on the spot.

Then, because of Makarov's instructions, the people who were originally a little panicked immediately stabilized their position and began to steadily eliminate these ghost soldiers emitting strange magic.

"Makarov! Come and fight me! I will pay you back for the ugliness I suffered six years ago!"

At this time, Joseph's roar came from MK-2, exploding on the shore like thunder.

Hearing Joseph's invitation to fight, Makarov snorted coldly, his momentum soared, and a huge golden magic flame rose from his feet. The magic breath filled with light instantly purified all the ghost soldiers on the shore.

"You dare to yell at me? Wait! I'll beat you up right away!"

As soon as the words fell, Makarov's short body flew into the air and rushed towards MK-2.

"Then, I'll go over there and get some Justice Points. When the fight between the Guild Master and that guy Joseph is almost over, I'll go and get Joseph's head."

Thinking like this, Roy's body was also wrapped in blue magic power, and he flew towards the Phantom MK-2.

Seeing this scene, Erza and the others realized what Roy wanted to do and hurried to follow.

They didn't want Roy and Makarov to fight alone!

This was a battle between guilds, and they also had to contribute their own strength.


On the top of the Spectre MK-2, the sun was shining brightly all around, but the rooftop where Roy was was covered with dark clouds and pouring rain.

This ability seemed to be the ability of someone in the protagonist group later, right?

Roy scratched his head, trying to recall the information about this person who could bring local rainfall.

At this moment, a crisp but very low female voice came from behind him.

"" Drip drip...

""Oh, yes, it's you!"

Turning around, Roy saw the blue-haired girl and immediately clenched his right fist into his left palm, making a look of sudden enlightenment, which puzzled Juvia. Juvia tilted her head and looked at Roy, her expression very confused.

"Juvia, I don't understand what you are saying, you weirdo?"

"It's okay. It doesn't matter if you don't understand. So, are you my opponent? In this case, I might be at a disadvantage!"

Juvia didn't seem to have done anything bad, so after defeating her, Roy's justice value should not be very high.

Therefore, his face hidden under the mask showed a disappointed expression.

"Mr. Weird is saying something Juvia doesn't understand again, but it doesn't matter, I just need to defeat you."

Juvia waved her right hand, and several high-pressure water blades slashed towards Roy.

Looking at the powerful momentum, it seemed that even diamonds could be cut.

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