【Kill Joseph Pola, the president of the Phantom Ruler and the tenth ranked Holy Ten Magicians, and you will be rewarded with Dragon Rider Justice Point Progress 18%】

18% progress in justice value!

This is the maximum value Roy has obtained in a single kill so far.

The reason why there are so many is not only because Joseph is very powerful, but also because he has done so many bad things. Otherwise, if he has not done many bad things, no matter how powerful he is, he will never have such a high justice value.

Therefore, Roy can be regarded as getting rid of harm for the people.

After obtaining this 18% progress in justice value, Roy's dragon rider justice value progress has reached 90%.

Next, only 10% is needed, and he will be able to unlock the dragon rider progress to 100%.

By that time, not only will the 'Unburnt Flame Lord' evolve, but it will definitely gain other stronger abilities.

I don't know what kind of abilities will be obtained?

Roy is looking forward to it.

Returning from the mirror world to the real world, Makarov is still waiting for Roy in the hall.


Looking at the unharmed Roy, Makarov asked a question in an affirmative tone.

There was no doubt that he had acquiesced to Joseph's death.

Roy waved his right hand, and the armor on his body shattered into pieces. His original face was revealed, and he nodded and replied:"Well, it's solved!"

"In this case, I will talk to the Council when the time comes. Don't be impulsive.

Makarov sighed and said this.

He also took great pains to protect Roy.

Although Roy thought he didn't need Makarov's protection, he still appreciated Makarov's caring heart.

"Don't worry! President, for your sake. As long as they don't take the initiative to come to me to make trouble, I'm very easy to talk to."

Roy's words were very natural, as if he had made a big concession for Makarov's sake.

Makarov's mouth twitched when he heard it, and he almost couldn't help the urge to jump up and punch Roy.

Thank you so much for giving me such a big face!

Moreover, since you are giving me so much face now, why didn't you give me any face just now?

The young people nowadays are really going to piss off the old man!


When Roy solved Joseph in the mirror world, the battle in the real world had also come to an end.

Among the four elements, the fire element Rabbit Maru was defeated by Natsu with the saliva of the fire dragon, and the earth element Sol was easily defeated by Erza.

As for the water element Juvia, because of the sudden disappearance of Mr. Monster, she had no intention of fighting and surrendered directly.

So, after all the high-level combat forces of the Phantom Ghost were captured, most of the Phantom Ghost members chose to surrender, and only a small number continued to resist.

Then, when Roy and Makarov appeared, Makarov told the news that Joseph had died. Those members who were still resisting also lost the will to resist in an instant and surrendered on the spot.

So far, the war launched by the Phantom Ghost against Fairy Tail ended with Fairy Tail's great victory.

Although the Fairy Tail did not know why the Phantom Ghost came to attack them until the end of the battle, it did not affect their happiness after winning the battle.

Therefore, the laughter of the Fairy Tail members echoed above the Phantom Ghost MK-2.


The Magic Council headquarters was in a spacious, bright, and magnificently decorated hall.

At this time, the hall was empty, but after a bright blue light flashed, a huge blue magic circle appeared in the hall.

Nine figures appeared in nine directions on this huge blue magic circle.

The identities of these nine people were the nine members of the Magic Council.

The first to speak was the current Speaker of the Council, Crawford.

"The rulers of Fairy Tail and Phantom arbitrarily launched a large-scale war between guilds, violating Article 4 of the treaty that prohibits fighting between guilds. How should it be dealt with?"

After he spoke, the other people first had a heated discussion, and then gave their opinions one by one in an emotional manner.

"The guys from Fairy Tail always wreak havoc, and this time they caused such a big mess. I think they should be severely punished."

"Yes! I even heard that Joseph died at the hands of Makarov. If this is not severely punished, how can other guilds be convinced?

So, since Phantom has been ordered to disband, then Fairy Tail should also be ordered to disband."


"I second that!"


The first few people who jumped out were the council members who had long been unhappy with Fairy Tail. They all demanded that Fairy Tail be severely punished.

However, apart from these people, there were several others who did not express their opinions.

Then, a short, squinty-eyed old man wearing a strange hat defended Fairy Tail:

"But this time, it was the Phantom Ruler who took the initiative to cause this! They first destroyed the Fairy Tail's base, and then launched a super-large magic weapon to attack Magnolia. The development of this matter can't be blamed on Fairy Tail at all, right?"

After the old man spoke, a young man with blue hair and a strange pattern on the right cheek also spoke.

"I think so too. Fairy Tail should not be held responsible for this incident. I suggest that they be dealt with innocently."

After both of them suggested that Fairy Tail should be not guilty, a heated discussion broke out in the room.

After a long time, the chairman of the council made a decision on how to deal with Fairy Tail this time.

"After a unanimous discussion among the nine councillors, Fairy Tail was found not guilty this time.

However, if it commits the same offense again next time, it will be ordered to disband on the spot.


After the decision was made, the images of the nine councillors disappeared from the magic circle one after another.

The wide hall suddenly returned to a state of silence.


In a certain room, a black-haired woman in white clothes was respectfully asking the blue-haired man who had just helped Fairy Tail.

"Lord Zekrein, why do you suggest that Fairy Tail is not guilty? Wouldn't it be more beneficial to your plan if they were convicted?"

This black-haired woman in white was Urrutia, who was hit by Roy's face-breaking punch.

At this time, her left cheek was still bulging high, and her original beautiful face could not be seen at all.

Looking at the blue-haired young man sitting on the chair, her eyes showed curiosity.

Hearing her question, the blue-haired young man called Zekrein supported his right hand on the chair, held his chin, and showed a meaningful smile.

"This is to make the game more interesting!

But, by the way, what's wrong with your face? Why is it so swollen?"

Hearing his words, Urrutia's face suddenly turned black and he didn't want to talk.

Thinking of the tall figure who punched his left cheek, Urrutia gritted his teeth and hated him secretly.

Roy, right? You dare to attack a beautiful face that a woman is proud of. I will make you pay a heavy price!

Before, after waking up, Urrutia investigated Roy's identity and planned to find an opportunity to retaliate against him severely in the future.

So, never underestimate a woman's revengeful psychology!

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