Humanity’s Great Sage

Chapter 2023 Bloody Fireworks

At this moment, I don’t know how many eyes looked this way, and I could vaguely see that after the blood light dissipated, it was the face of a young man, but it seemed that he had been stimulated by some unknown source, and his expression was extremely ferocious and terrifying, and Without the cover of blood, this young man was actually filled with a layer of black aura, twisting and dancing on his body like a living creature.

Even when viewed from a distance, the black aura gives people an extremely ominous feeling, as if the black color is the condensation of the world's filth.

If that's all, that's it. The key is the state of the Demon Lord Lu at this moment. His cultivation level is undoubtedly higher than that of the young man in the bloody light. However, in that collision just now, he failed to take any advantage. On the contrary, He also seemed to have suffered a bit of a loss.

The strong body rolled in the starry sky and flew out upside down. It took several breaths to stabilize. There was a look of surprise on his face. It was obvious that he did not expect that he would be knocked away by an opponent whose cultivation was weaker than his own.

You know, he didn't spare any effort in that moment!

The other Demon Lords were watching in the battleship, and their feelings were not very clear, but he collided head-on with the enemy and immediately noticed something was wrong.

The other party's not normal.

It seems that he has lost his mind, but it seems that he has not. After practicing for so many years, Deer Demon Lord has never encountered such a weird thing. He is crazy and calm. This extremely contradictory state is undoubtedly the most appropriate way to describe him.

There was no room for him to think too much at this moment, because after that collision, the young man who looked a little abnormal was covered in blood again, and he rushed towards the largest battleship in the center of Zixuan with a fierce momentum.

No one knew what he was going to do, but the Deer Demon Lord couldn't ignore it and immediately stepped out to intercept him.

But this moment of delay has made the distance between them far wider, making it impossible to intercept them.

Fortunately, the battleship was not a target. Seeing the enemy attack, a ray of light burst out from the battleship. Its ferocity was comparable to that of Rizhao himself.

Xueguang had no choice but to retreat and moved forward in a roundabout way, but was repeatedly blocked by the power of the battleship. Seeing the deer demon approaching, Xueguang suddenly changed its direction and swept towards a battleship on the left.

Apparently he had to change his goals under duress.

The targeted warship immediately counterattacked to block it, but after all, this warship was not as powerful as the largest one, and the offensive it launched was simply not enough to stop it.

Suddenly, blood light clung to the surface of the battleship.

At the same time, the battleship's protective array was pushed to its limit, and the light was so intense that the entire battleship seemed to be covered by a bright light curtain.

No one knows what the bloody light intends, but having a Rizhao so close and pushing the protective circle to its limit is undoubtedly the best and most correct response.

The Deer Demon Lord roared and killed, intending to drive away the bloody light.

During the ups and downs of mana, a spiritual pattern appeared out of thin air at the feet of the bloody light.

In the largest battleship, the two great demon masters had been paying attention to the bloody movement. When they first saw the spirit pattern, both Bi Chen and Mo Xuan couldn't help but be stunned.

Bichen's expression changed urgently: "Void Spirit Pattern!"

After living for so many years, he has also dabbled in the art of spiritual patterns. Although he has no talent in this area, his long life can make up for many shortcomings, so he can tell at a glance that this is an extremely complex void spiritual pattern.

"No!" Mo Xuan also whispered, and hurriedly sent a message to the deer demon master who was approaching Xueguang rapidly: "Back off!"

Although I don’t know why the other party suddenly constructed such a void spiritual pattern, void spiritual patterns are generally related to teleportation and movement.

Almost at the same time as his voice fell, the spirit pattern trembled slightly, and the next moment, figures suddenly appeared beside the bloody light.

Every figure was almost the same as blood. It was shrouded in blood, and its true appearance could not be seen clearly, but it gave people an extremely manic feeling.

There are a total of eight rays of blood light transmitted through the void spirit pattern. Counting the first one, there are nine rays!

These nine rays of blood were all filled with the aura of sunshine, and seemed to come from the same source. As soon as they appeared, they hurriedly dispersed in all directions.

At the same time, on a meteorite in the distance, Lu Ye stood quietly on the spot, restrained his aura, and stared at the direction of the Zixuan fleet.

The nine blood shadows are not beside him, but his nine precious blood clones.

But the current nine precious blood clones are different from the normal precious blood clones, because each of them carries part of the black fruit of the talent tree.

When he was in the Vientiane Sea, Lu Ye had been trying to remove the black fruits of the talent tree. After some experiments, the talent tree clone could divide half of the black fruits, but the talent tree clone couldn't discard it, so this method was meaningless.

Then he thought about the precious blood clone, which is a kind of clone. The talent tree clone can split the black fruit, and there is no reason why the precious blood clone cannot.

The initial attempt was unsatisfactory, but with Lu Ye's hard work and persistence, it finally came to fruition.

The precious blood in one's own body can absorb part of the essence of the black fruit and carry it in it. In this way, as long as the precious blood clone is discarded, the black fruit can be removed bit by bit.

Before returning to Kyushu, his nine drops of precious blood were prepared, each carrying part of the essence of the black fruit.

He did not throw away the nine drops of precious blood at that time, because after discarding it, he had to re-concentrate it, spending time and energy, and was always ready to use it at this time.

After all, it is a clone with the level of nine rays of sunshine. When used in the right place, it can play a big role.

Just like this moment!

His initial target was the largest battleship. This thing was too powerful, so of course it had to be cut off first.

If he had enough time, it should be no problem for the Precious Blood clone to get close to the largest battleship, but... God is not as good as God, and there is a little problem with the plan.

Lu Ye also didn't expect that after absorbing part of the essence of the black fruit, his precious blood clone would undergo some subtle changes.

Each of these clones that belong to themselves, after being condensed, seems to have their own thoughts and ideas...

This is incredible. The precious blood clone is condensed from his precious blood and is a part of him. Logically speaking, he can control it easily, just like moving his own fingers.

But the current situation is that my fingers have their own ideas, and this situation becomes more and more obvious as time goes by!

Lu Ye just thought about it briefly and knew what was going on.

The black fruit is the condensation of the seven emotions and six desires of the monks he devoured. When the precious blood clone absorbs these things, it is equivalent to the thoughts of those dead monks being resurrected in his own precious blood clone.

Lu Ye didn't know if if he left things alone, the dead Yuan Du, Gu Xi, Chen Xuanba and others would one day be resurrected with the help of their precious blood clones.

Probably not, after all, people cannot be resurrected after death. Even if the precious blood clone does revive due to this, there is a high probability that it will only become a weird existence that only knows killing and destruction.

The problem now is that with the influence of the black fruit essence, Lu Ye's control over the precious blood clone will weaken over time.

He didn't expect such a thing to happen. After all, this was the first time he condensed and absorbed the precious blood clone that absorbed the essence of the black fruit.

The plan went a little awry, but nothing serious.

"Explode!" Lu Ye stared forward and spoke softly.

The moment the words fell, extremely terrifying energy fluctuations were emitted from the nine scattered precious blood clones. The blood light suddenly exploded and quickly spread in all directions to cover the vast starry sky.

Lu Ye looked at it from a distance and sighed. The nine treasure blood clones were somewhat resistant to his instructions, so they failed to explode together, and the damage caused was obviously reduced!

If the nine precious blood clones can explode at the same time, the damage caused will be several times greater.

The bloody light filled the air and persisted for a long time. Several figures rushed out of it in embarrassment. Among them was the Deer Demon Lord. In addition to him, there were two strong men of the Demon Lord level. They were all gray-headed and obviously injured. of.

The blood light gradually dissipated, revealing the scene of that space.

Of the five incoming Zixuan battleships, only four are left at this moment. The smaller one has been turned into countless fragments. It is the one that was previously attached to the Precious Blood clone. The Zixuan demon in the battleship Xiu, except for the two demon masters who escaped, no one else, including Yueyao and Xingxu, remained alive.

The nine sunshine-level clones self-destructed. Even if the power was greatly reduced due to some accidents, it was still not something that ordinary monks could withstand. Even if the battleship pushed its protective power to the limit, it was still easily torn apart.

When the three demon masters appeared, they hurriedly approached the largest warship on their side, panicking as if they were seeing ghosts.

Although the other three smaller warships were not broken, they were somewhat affected, and each had some damage.

In the central control hall of the largest battleship, Bichen and Mo Xuan both had their eyes twitching. They had just seen the shocking scene with their own eyes. Even though they had lived for countless years, they could not believe their eyes.

"Blood Explosion Technique!" Bichen said in a deep voice, recognizing that it was the Blood Explosion Technique of the Vampire Clan. This was a secret technique used by the Vampire Clan to kill the enemy together.

"What's going on?" Mo Xuan exclaimed.

They had just arrived in the Yuluo Galaxy, and nine vampire Rizhaos suddenly appeared. Why did these nine Rizhaos perform the Blood Explosion Technique without saying a word?

What exactly is going on?

That was Rizhao, and as many as nine were dispatched at once.

Is this the Yuluo Galaxy? Isn't this the base camp of the vampire clan? Mo Xuan was full of questions that could not be answered.

To take a step back, even if this is really the base camp of the vampires, no vampire anywhere has such courage to directly let the nine Rizhao self-destruct to intercept Zixuan's fleet. What kind of hatred is this? To do such a big deal.

No matter where Rizhao is placed, it is a mainstay. Nine people are dispatched at once to self-destruct to intercept. Who has such a strong foundation and can squander it at will.

It can be said that the self-destruction of the nine Rizhaos directly stunned Zixuan. Not only Zixuan was confused, but even the Rizhaos of all races in Fangcun Mountain who observed this scene through means were also a little confused.

Lu Ye previously said that he would take the lead, so naturally everyone had no objections. This was Yuluo's matter after all, and it was natural for Lu Ye to take the lead.

But...this is how it came out? Nine Rizhaos, they set off such a big bloody firework and then it was gone. This is the first time in history that they have done this!

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