Kevin, the girl who fought the Herrscher of Death, is over.

"Are you sure, Prometheus, there really isn't any information about this person in the global database?"

However, at this time, Kaiwen's attention was all focused on the surveillance video of the girl Mihayou in front of her.

Obviously, the abnormality of the girl Mihayou has been discovered.

As for why the girl Mihayou was discovered so quickly, the reason is actually very simple.

"Miss Mihayou, according to the examination, the concentration of Houkai energy in you is unexpectedly low. It seems that you have never lived in a high Houkai environment in the past."

As soon as the camera turned, I saw that at this moment, the red-haired royal sister, himeko, the main plot of the 3 main storyline of the collapse of the future after 50,000 years, the immeasurable Tajizi in the previous era looked at the written investigation report of the girl Miha You can't help but feel Amazed.

However, the red-haired royal sister probably didn't know how much shock her words brought to the girl Mihayou's heart.

[aptx4869 developer: The truth is...]

[Falling Saint Black Cat: Yes, it's the truth...]

[Game master umr: I hope people are okay. 】

[Evil King's true eyes are the strongest: I think it should be a man! ? 】

At this time, the words of the various members of the group made the girl Mihayou's mood even more irritable.

[I’m really not Viagra: It’s too bad, because I’ve never been in contact with Honkai, my physique is very conspicuous in this world…. 】

But in the final analysis, the girl Mihayou knows that she can't panic. After all, as half of the author of "Honkai: The First Era", no one knows more about the surveillance on the red-haired royal sister himeko at this time point than the girl Mihayou herself. Strength, presumably, at this time, his information has begun to appear in the eyes of the upper class of human beings, the girl Mihayou thought so.

———Actually, that’s exactly what happened.

After all, it was known a long time ago that the red-haired royal sister himeko is likely to become the Herrscher of this era in the future, and Mei, who destroys Australia like the original plot, has been monitoring the red-haired royal sister himeko with the highest strength.

Even, Mei did not erase the red-haired royal sister himeko, but it was because Mei knew that even if the other party was erased, the Herrscher of the Flames would still appear when the time came, but at most it was time to change to another unknown identity. The person who has become the Herrscher of Flame is nothing more than a red-haired royal sister Himeko.

This is the reason why the girl Kaiwen discovered the girl Mihayou at the beginning. After all, the girl Mihayou was focusing on monitoring the target red-haired royal sister himeko.

So, don't get close to some deadly characters when you have crossed, and give a few negative examples, such as some fan fictions that cross the magic ban and immediately wander around Kamijou Touma,

Or, if you travel to World of Warcraft and run to various important characters to try to change history, this is simply courting death...



Of course, it wasn't just the red-haired royal sister Himeko who was being secretly monitored.

At this time, the academy, which was renovated from the ruins of Changkong City, moved to the east area of ​​the city, which was a narrow apartment building in the military area.

In the bathroom, white mist lingered, and the water vapor adhered to the frosted glass, condensing into little water droplets.

"After testing, you have new news."

The mechanical electronic sound sounded, and the sound of the water flow from the rain shower stopped.


The voice was cold, and the wet gray hair tips of the woman could be faintly seen in the mist.

"Captain himeko has finished his last patrol."

(Hunting: This is a new pronoun born after the pre-epoch world line where Mei is located since the Herrscher of Thunder, and after the completion of the mobile city, the general meaning is to go out for hunting in the mobile city and collapse. Beasts, collecting scarce materials outside the mobile city, etc., are a bit like bounty hunters, but both official and private people conduct patrols.)

"Hua? Are you there? Listen to me, I'll bring someone back from this inspection trip~"

In the clearly mature and stable female voice, it gives people a sense of inconspicuous contradiction.

‘One person, is there any sign of human survival and activity outside the mobile cities around the earth today? ’

However, upon hearing the content of the communication, Hua in the mist frowned.

As a result, in the bathroom, apart from the rising white mist and the rolling water droplets, there was no other sound for a while.

In the next second, fingertips like bamboo shoots protruded from the mist in the bathroom, followed by thin wrists like white lotus roots, and the towel was pulled down, causing the mist to surge.


At the same time, after finishing the brief conversation with Hua, who had not appeared for a long time, he looked at Mihayou, a girl with a heavy expression beside him, who mistakenly thought that the other party was worried about her test report, and the red-haired royal sister Himeko spoke to comfort him.

Obviously, even if in the future, he might become a Herrscher who is dedicated to destroying civilization, but at this point in time, the red-haired royal sister Himeko is indeed still a true warrior against the collapse, so for the situation of the girl Mihayou , the red-haired royal sister also gave her own views.

"Don't be nervous, you should simply have high resistance to Honkai. For example, Executive Kaiwen, a fusion warrior transformed by the super-change factor announced by the upper level has a very high resistance to Honkai."

But considering the original

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