Are you really in the Quantum Sea, Kevin. "

Looking at the white-haired man in front of her, Mei's expression was as cold as ever.



Chapter 33 The Great Crisis of the World Snake

Speaking of which, I don't know when it started, great and sincere love has always been praised by others.

Although, in the eyes of modern people, the so-called love is nothing but the effect of hormones and hormones in the body.

In fact, the love that many people talk about is really shallow, and they come and go quickly.

Even with a few exceptions, such as some old couples who have been close to each other for a lifetime, in the end, love has already transformed into family affection.

The so-called love, when the passion is over and the sweetness is over, after all, only the dullness is left.


However, for the man Kevin, he seems to be stubbornly refusing to be changed by the world.

Kevin, the man who is now the Lord of the World Snake, can't tell what he lives by, maybe it's just a simple obsession!

Yes, even after a long period of time long enough for steel to rot, water to rot, empires to collapse, and civilizations to disappear, Kevin still remembers every moment with Mei.

There is no doubt that Kevin is the type that will never change when he likes someone.

Therefore, whether it was the beginning or the end, although Kevin had been fighting against the Honkai, deep down he never cared about what the Honkai was or what would happen to human beings. Kevin cared about only one person from beginning to end...

[I see, is this the kind of development...]

At the same time, Mei also seemed to see the restlessness in the man in front of him.

But Mei actually underestimated the power of emotion.

In the pre-civilization era (Kevin's world line), just out of support for Mei, Kevin was the first to join the immature fusion warrior plan (it can be seen that Kevin is really a ruthless man).

In the end, the experiment was successful, but Kevin also paid a heavy price, which was never being able to hug the one he loved.

But Kevin has never regretted it. Maybe Kevin knew the meaning of the words that I can't hug you if I pick up the sword, and I can't protect you if I give up the sword. Kevin knows that once you give up, you will become Fusion warriors can't help themselves at all, let alone protect the opponent.

——However, even such a strong Kevin had times of despair.

It is still the pre-civilization era of the parallel universe. When I retreated from the battlefield of the final battle and returned to the base, when I saw Mei, who had completed the stigmata plan and died safely, it was difficult to say what kind of Kevin was. Feeling.

There is no doubt that Kevin's world fell apart that day.

Although Kevin did not follow Mei because of Mei's last wish, Kevin has completely changed.

For Kevin himself, with the passage of time, regret may smooth the edges and corners of the soul, but the memory of the past will never diminish with time.

But at this moment, looking at Mei in front of him, Kevin's cold side seemed to disappear.


Looking at Mei who looked at him with indifference, after so many years, Kevin rarely felt nervous.

Of course, Kevin also knew that the Mei in front of him was not his own, but how could emotions be easily controlled.

After all, Mei is not like Raiden Mei, but in Kevin's eyes, she is just a strange woman who looks like Mei with good luck.

Thinking of another universe-transformed version of himself, Kevin actually already knew that the Mei in front of him was actually the Mei of another universe.

Therefore, Kevin can still maintain restraint for the time being before seeing me, but after seeing Mei herself, looking at Mei who is almost identical to his own Mei, how can Kevin not have a trace of mood swings.

"...First meeting, my name is Kevin."

At this moment, for Kevin, to a certain extent, this is an uncompromising meeting after 50,000 years.

So, like I said before, this cruel man also became nervous.

However, next, Kevin did not expect that things would unfold completely beyond his previous expectations.

"So, you have been watching me all the time, so are the actions of the world snake you instructed?"


At this moment, when he heard Mei's question, Kevin didn't come back to his senses at first, but after learning what the World Snake did from Mei's mouth, Kevin felt bad for a moment.

Then, Mei also saw Kevin's expression and made a judgment in her heart. After all, Kevin's expression is really easy to understand for Mei.

Perhaps Kevin dropped his guard in front of Mei in his instinct!

[Well, is the world snake making up its own mind? 】

Thinking like this, Mei was fortunate enough to appreciate the whole process of the complexion of the Serpent Lord of a certain world from green to white, and then from white to black.

——In short, let us finally pray for the many cadres of World Snake!



At the same time, when Mei and Kevin first met in the sea of ​​​​quantum, the camera turned to the new long sky city.

That's right, this is the world line and parallel universe that May's true body is in.

Now, three weeks have passed since May's consciousness went to a parallel universe, apparently, although

different time flow

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