, established a human empire that swept the galaxy. Even if his son's betrayal drew a sharp turn in his rule, no one could erase his great achievements. He is the emperor, the father, guardian and god of mankind.

However, at this time, the existence of dialogue with the God-Emperor was extremely stressful.



[Damn, this God Emperor is really not good at fooling around. 】

That's right, at this time, the person who was talking to the Warhammer God Emperor was neither Mei, nor a positive person, nor a person from the Warhammer Universe, but another so-called "outside the box" existence.

It turned out that here, the villains who didn't know that they had been exposed were actually planning to cause trouble.


[That guy Zhang Heng, it's not good to choose a theme, but he chose a warhammer, and it's not a medieval warhammer, but a warhammer 40k! 】

To be honest, from Yang Ji's point of view, he has absolutely no idea what happened to the positive person.

Even, at the beginning, Yang Ji found that the new volume of the positive people chose the warhammer was actually ignorant.

After all, in the opinion of Yang Ji, the villain, even if the hero chooses the popular movie Lord of the Rings a few years ago, why should he choose the unpopular theme of Warhammer.

Yes, the time point of "outside the box" is around 2007. At this time, the popularity of Warhammer is not to be mentioned on the side of the Eastern Powers. In fact, Yang Ji himself has little knowledge of this subject, that is, he found the positive The author chose this theme as a new volume before trying to understand the setting of Warhammer.

[This combat power jump is too big. 】

But I have to say that after a rough understanding of the subject matter, from the perspective of Yang Ji, the villain, the energy level of Warhammer 40k is indeed too high.

[With this kind of world background, even if the demon team I secretly supported enters a accidentally, it may be completely destroyed, so what are the positive people thinking? 】

Therefore, the reason why the villain intends to make trouble here is very straightforward. After all, if one day your enemy engages in an operation that you do not understand, you will be instinctively vigilant.

After all, Yang Ji and Zhang Heng, the grievances and grievances between the antagonists and the positives have long been indisputable.

Here, the negative thinks that they should preempt the attack and use the world background to destroy the positive Zhongzhou team, so they have found the emperor before.

However, this is also the first time that the villain has discovered that he can't influence the God Emperor in Warhammer like he secretly guided the plot before.

Therefore, the negative can only transfer the target.

The lens turns.

The fluffy flies of Nurgle's gardens buzzed in dark, thick swarms below the sky. Under the messy canopy of leaves gnawed by insects, large rotting forks and vines entwined around them seemed to sprout side by side to cover the decaying earth.

Fungal plants sprouted from the mulch covering the trees and spewed choking spores. The half-demon plant shakes its stem at its own frequency, but it is not stimulated by the irritating air that seems to freeze. Bright reds, blues, yellows and purples punctuate the gloomy air; joyous paradises are set in the melancholy forest landscape. Digging and running insects have brightly patterned carapaces and shiny wings. Insects fly briskly along the long banks of the slow, muddy river. In the rustling of the reeds, whisper the name of the popular sepsis spread in the mortal world by the great Nurgle; or mourn for those who are doomed to die by their creator.

Yes, this is no other place, it is the realm of Nurgle in the warp, so everyone can imagine what the villain will do next.



Chapter 292: The opposite of death

"Bang Bang, open the door, check the water meter!"

It's like people die when they die.

In other words, the moment the villain hit his mind on the Chaos God of Warhammer World, the outcome of certain things was already doomed.

"Hey, seems something happened?"

"It's not surprising, I felt that this family had a strange smell before."

"Yeah, it almost smells like something is rotting. It's not like killing people and hiding corpses!"

No, "outside the box", not long after, a bunch of people gathered in front of the villain's house.

It can only be said that the mentality of people watching the fun is the same.

Meanwhile, "Inside the Box," the Warhammer Universe Warp, the Gardens of Nurgle.

Emerging from the most primitive quagmire is the vicarage of Nurgle, dilapidated and ancient, but its foundations are forever, the mansion is an eclectic mix of rotting wood and broken walls, covered with creeping poison ivy and thick walls. moss. Cracked windows and cracked stones compete for space with rusted bronze, rusted iron borders and moss-covered lintels compete to outdo each other with their corrupt charm.

Nurgle toiled beneath these crumbling walls, his massive body swollen with decay and emitting an unbearable stench. He had green, necrotic leathery skin, covered with pus-filled ulcers, swollen sores, and numerous parasites. Nurgle's pulsing organs, full of putrid excrement, spewed out through fissures in his superficial skin and hung on him, as though he were covered with disgusting fruit. Swarms of miniatures erupt from these organs

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