
The problem is, the good times don't last long, and the shaman's reincarnation is finally realized through the warp.

And the Warhammer warp is not a good place.

There is a saying that when you stare at the abyss, the abyss is also staring at you.

However, he said that with the frequent use of warp space by shamans on the earth in the Neolithic period, the warp space around the earth gradually attracted uninvited guests.

Needless to say, it was a tyrannical, cruel, vicious being.

It roams in the warp, wanton killing and destroying everything.

That's right, as long as anyone who knows the history of Warhammer may have guessed, it is the warp demon that we are talking about here.

With their interference, all shamans naturally lost their ability to reincarnate.

Moreover, this is not the most serious. The shamans soon discovered that sooner or later, even ordinary humans would have to suffer from the invasion of warp demons.

In the face of this dangerous situation, the shamans on Earth at that time naturally could not wait to die.

Unfortunately, after a series of discussions, all the shamans on earth came to a pessimistic conclusion.

One's own life will inevitably end with the death of the flesh, and the soul will also be sucked into the warp and become food for the demons of the warp.

Then, under the influence of those ferocious warp demons, human beings will follow in their footsteps and gradually go to extinction!

So, in order to avoid this tragic end.

The shamans made a decision together.

And I have to say, it was a really brave decision.

Perhaps this is exactly what the sentence says, the greatness of human beings is the greatness of courage.

The so-called enlightenment is to open up a way forward in the dark wilderness

But he said that with all the shamans on the earth at the same time taking medicine and committing suicide, the souls of all the shamans gathered together, and then with the unparalleled spiritual power of the shamans, a dazzling immortal fire was formed inside the warp, killing all the shamans. A full soul, forged into a new and more powerful new soul.

That's right, that's when the Emperor of Warhammer World was born.



In a sense, the Emperor is the destined human lord of the Warhammer world.

But he said that in the second year after all the shamans on earth collectively took poison and committed suicide, a baby boy was born.

He has an extraordinary physique and immortality, as well as the most powerful psychic powers ever.

The proof is that, at birth, the power of the baby boy surpasses that of any shaman in the old days of the earth!

In addition, immortality, immortality, and enormous psychic power are all things that baby boys are born with.

Unfortunately, none of this reassured the young Emperor.

As some blond vampire said, everyone lives to overcome insecurity and fear in order to live with peace of mind! Whether it is for fame and fortune, to dominate others, or to make money, it is all for peace of mind! Getting married or making friends is also for peace of mind!

But the young Emperor was not at ease.

The young Emperor had been pondering a question.

That's victory, and then domination... ah, sorry, I accidentally said a word of usurpation.

... In fact, the question that made the Emperor ponder was the responsibilities that many shamans gave him.

'How to make the human race feel at ease? ’

This question, like the ultimate question of philosophy in later generations, made the young emperor feel confused.

Because, without a doubt, the world of Warhammer is hopeless.

Yes, if the world theme of Mei's life is collapse, then the theme of the Warhammer universe is despair.

"...A visitor from the outer universe, are you also a human?"

But now, the Warhammer Emperor, who came as a projection, felt a familiar aura from Mei.

The lens turns.

In the boundless galaxy, the stars are dotted.

Here, a galaxy the size of the Milky Way is just a tiny corner.

The universe is dark and dark, vast and boundless, and the distances between galaxies are also measured in light-years.

So no matter where it is, unless it is a man-made celestial body, a death star, a star battleship, or the area above 70% has no radiance at all.

Empty, dead, and dark will always be the dominant color in all regions of the universe.

Any civilization wants to walk freely in such an environment, unless it masters the curvature engine, the superspace engine, and the quantum wormhole engine, which can distort space and artificially open up cosmic wormholes.

Otherwise, according to common sense, the distance between the planets alone is enough to make anyone despair!

But obviously, psionics is such an unscientific existence.

At this moment, the will of the Warhammer Universe Emperor spans countless light-years, so a crucial conversation is going on in the Far East Star Region of the Warhammer Galaxy.

As for the two sides of the conversation, one is the great god emperor, and the other is the savior of the collapsed world.

And the rest of the Central State team at this stage isn't even eligible to join the conversation.

No, the gray-haired glasses literary girl bx is eligible to join, but unfortunately, in the emperor's opinion, the aura of bx that belongs to the Sith Maharaja makes the emperor a little unhappy. Besides, the girl bx The brutal nature of the indifferent life brought about by the other half of the elements of Thanos is even more so.

The emperor frowned.


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