The short, meaningless life that has been manipulated all the time, Lei Lu girl couldn't help asking Mei.

"Primarch, is life so painful, or is it just me that's special?"

"It's always been that way, and the vast majority of life has its own pain."

At this moment, looking at Lei Lu girl's body gradually showing cracks, like a ceramic doll about to shatter, Mei also expressed her opinion.

Maybe to a certain extent Mei also knows that even if the culprit is Honkai, the tragic life of the Leilu girl should be partly responsible for herself! Although there is no plum, today's Lei Lu girl will not be born.

"To truly experience life, you have to stand above it."

"Third discipliner, I've heard people say this in the past, life is the end, life is the procession of accumulating pain..."

And just as Mei spoke slowly, the Herrscher of Thunder also listened quietly.

"Is that so?"

At this moment, along with Mei's words, the light in the eyes of the Herrscher of Thunder is also getting dimmer. It may be that life is about to come to an end, or it may be that the desire to survive in the girl's heart is gradually dying out.

Although Mei's words once caused a little light in the eyes of Lei Lu girl at a certain moment... but this light soon dissipated again.

So, the third Herrscher said these words next.

"Prime, you said it well, but, although this world may be beautiful, if there is a next time, I don't want to come again"

I don't know what mood I was in, but at the last moment, the Third Herrscher who said the above words had a feeling of relief.

"You know, Primarch, in my short life, I have come to a realization."

"So, what do you want to say."

And Mei was the first to discover the abnormality of the Third Herrscher.

It was only at this time that Mei discovered that the Third Herrscher seemed to have completed a subtle transformation.

Because at this time, the Third Lawyer said such words.

"For me, life has no purpose since birth, only a process, and the so-called ultimate purpose is nothingness. --- Up to now, my life is the same as a tree, the more it wants to open to the heights and bright places, Its roots go down, toward the soil, toward the dark, toward the depths, toward evil."

Just as thoughts cannot be calculated simply by the length of life, some old people are not as high as a young person's thoughts in their entire lives.

"The Primarch, you are different from me, don't die, and don't live alone."

At this moment, with the last words, everything the Third Herrscher has gradually turned into ashes and nothingness.

From the crack, the girl's body began to lighten, and it shattered piece by piece. After only a few seconds, only the broken Herrscher core and fragments of light remained in the girl's corpse.



In the universe, with the exit of the Third Herrscher, Mei was also slightly touched.

After all, it cannot be said that Mei really has no feelings, but whether it is this life or the previous life, Mei has put too much energy on human beings.

It was as if in this life, the moment May knew her world background, she turned herself into a Sisyphus who pushed stones, and moved her everything according to the optimal route calculated in advance...

It goes on and on and on, endlessly, with no end in sight.

Mei's knowledge has grown rapidly, but in the face of collapse, Mei still doesn't know where she can lead the human civilization in this world.

Mei knew that a planet-level Honkai beast had appeared in a certain collapsed world line, so thinking about it, the Herrscher's upper limit was probably even more terrifying.

"But, even so, humans will never give up!"

Thinking like this, Mei, who had regained her calm posture in the past, was preparing to put away the fragments of light and the core of the Herrscher left behind by the Herrscher of Thunder.

Among them, the fragments of light needless to say, the products left by these third Herrschers who are called fragments of powerhouses in a certain world can already be regarded as an extension of the life of Lei Lu girl to some extent. A scientist with super-intelligence and also the founder of the magnetic field rotation of Honkai, Mei may not be able to resurrect the dead Thunder Herrscher in another form.

Well, saying that Mei is also a model of squeezing the dead to life, it is indeed a bit crumbly.

At this moment, Mei found that she had about 20 relatively complete fragments of light in total. Thinking of it this way, in the future, the clones made from the 20,000 other cosmic-like Thunderbolts that were left before were used as the template to select the clones. If the best ones are integrated into these fragments, then you can directly get twenty super clones with at least 250,000 magnetic field rotations out of thin air. After all, those twenty existences are to some extent reincarnated Thunder Herrschers .

Thinking of this, after deciding how to arrange the fragments of light in her hand, Mei picked up the broken Herrscher core left by the girl Lei Lu.

Speaking of which, although through the three battles with Lei Lu girl and data collection, Mei's passage to the 500,000-horse magnetic field has been opened, but even so, Lei Lu girl's Herrscher core is still very important to Mei. Yes, not to mention making the God Key, Mei knew that her further development of magnetic field rotation would not be without the help and acceleration of the Lei Lu core.

"This is……"

However, at this time, after obtaining the Herrscher core of the girl of Thunder Law, Mei discovered an amazing fact through the memory retrospective and records of the Herrscher core.

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