Humans At American Comics: Start Stirring Wanda

069: Amputation Is A Small Matter, Go To Kamar-Taj Holy Place!



Li Ze locked the door tightly with a wave of his hand, and then a big chair appeared in front of him. The chair depicting Veyron was magnificent, which made people feel afraid when they saw it.

"Not yet..."

He glanced at the time, one minute had passed since T-1000 was notified.

It was previously learned that the t-1000 was staying in Hawaii.

It seems that the marching ability of the Shadow Corps is not very strong even after the magic modification, and it is not as good as the arbitrary door of the Kamar-Taj dimension.

You can travel to where you want to go in a single thought.

The definitely dimension portal seems to be known to many people, but it is from the hand of the ancient god Weishandi, and there are three powerful existences.

The created dimensional portal is naturally not bad.

But Li Ze's shadow corps can travel all over the world through the shadows. Such an ability is also shocking to the whole world.

If any country knew about the Ability of the Shadow Corps, they would probably turn pale with shock.

The reason is very simple. From ancient times to the present, whether it is the Middle Ages, or the Ming Dynasty, or the Yingzheng unified the six countries.

Or Modern Warfare.

The most important thing in the military is transportation. A powerful transportation ability can constantly provide reinforcements to the front line.

For example, the front line runs out of food, but our side can replenish it in time, while the enemy needs to wait.

So in this long-term tug-of-war, who wins and who loses has already been decided.

not to mention.

Li Ze's black shadow corps still has an extremely large number, and there are countless people in several large corps.

He hadn't even counted how many people there were in the entire Black Shadow Corps.


Just as he was thinking, there was a faintly lit area in the study that showed shadows, and At the moment rippled like water.

Along with the waves, several figures emerged.

"Boss, someone brought it."

T-1000 escorted a bald middle-aged man with a blindfold on his face. He was trembling all over, and he staggered a few steps to the front and knelt down.

"Li, what are we going to do with him?"

2b also came with her, she looked at Wilhelm who was kneeling on the ground, the long sword behind her was slightly floating.

It seems that the sword will cut off Wilhelm's head at the command of the master.

"Don't...don't kill me! Everyone has something to say!"

Kneeling on the ground, Wilhelm's mother was terrified and kowtowed to beg for forgiveness.

"Do you know what you did wrong?"

Li Ze, who was sitting on the chair, spoke slowly, with a gloomy and indifferent voice.

For a while, the temperature of the surrounding air dropped sharply.

"I don't know...your people didn't say anything, they just arrested me."

Wilhelm shook his head vigorously when he heard the cold voice.

He really doesn't know.

More than an hour ago, I was still on vacation in Hawaii, enjoying the baptism of the sea breeze, hugging left and right and enjoying the service of beauties.

As a result, on the way back to the hotel, he was kidnapped by a group of masked men, and he didn't say anything when asked, and no one talked to him until now.

"Know the Mystery Quentin Baker?"

Li Ze asked in a deep voice.

"I know him, an immortal superhero, but I don't know him."

Wilhelm was slightly taken aback when he heard that, and immediately denied it.

But his tone is full of admiration, and there is also a hint of arrogance that cannot be concealed, as if the mysterious guest's name will go down in history like his own.

"Hey, talking nonsense."

Li Ze shook his head. He wanted to make it easier for this guy to leave. After all, it is useless for an ordinary person to keep him. There is no need to torture him to force a confession.

Besides, in front of a magician, many people can lie.

It's a pity that giving the opportunity is useless, and he still refuses to admit it until now.

"What do you mean by that, I don't understand."

Wilhelm's heart skipped a beat, and he actually started with the first question.

He vaguely guessed something in his heart.

I just want to take a gamble, and he will never say anything about the mysterious guest.

"Quentin Baker is actually an engineer of the Stark Group and the director of the second structure project. The technology he invented was used by Tony Stark and improved into a psychotherapy program because it can project and simulate the most realistic psychological scenes. "

"However, Quentin Baker felt that Tony Stark had insulted his invention, so he resigned angrily, and kept looking for opportunities to get revenge.

"Now that Tony is dead, Quentin's opportunity finally came. He used the information gap to perfectly design the identity of the outsider Mystery Guest, in an attempt to become a superhero."

Li Ze spoke with a bit of emotion, not marveling at the mind and methods of the mysterious Quentin.

Instead, I think Tony Stark really deserves to be the Big Three of Marvel.

Even though he has passed away, there is still his figure in the book, and even his hair was revealed and caused chaos in the world.

Mysterio is just one of them.

"I do not know what you're talking about....."

Wilhelm still strongly denied it.

"Listen to me first, Kunshan Shell finally made the mysterious guest famous."

Li Ze stood up slowly, and his tone gradually turned cold, "The most critical step is the last video you exposed.

"Sorry, sir, please let me go back, your kidnapping is a crime! America will never tolerate such a thing!"

When Wilhelm heard this, he immediately realized that he couldn't hide...

But he would never admit to the mystery guest.

So many years of painstaking efforts are to make the name of the mysterious guest go down in history.

Show those ridiculously self-righteous superheroes that anyone can do it, not just a bunch of Avengers in pajamas.

As for the Daily Bugle will not expose the truth about the mystery man, as the largest local newspaper in New York, it will not do anything to self-destruct its reputation.

What's more, this revelation brought them countless fame and fortune.

"I know that you want to create a superhero, but it's a pity that when you do everything you can to achieve your goal, and even intentionally hurt innocent people, all this is destined to not come true."

Li Ze is very angry, he is neither a saint nor a virgin, but at least he will not kill indiscriminately for a false name.

Definitely more angry, Scarlet Witch was also slandered by them.

Thinking of this, Li Ze said coldly: "But don't worry, your lies will soon cease to exist, take him away and lock him up first, Nick Fury should like him very much.

"After all this guy and his cohorts are playing S.H.I.E.L.D like a monkey.

"What?! No! You can't do that!"

Wilhelm panicked instantly when he heard it.

S.H.I.E.L.D's methods are far more cruel than ordinary people imagine, and being amputated there is a trivial matter.

Not to mention he played Commissioner Nick Fury!

Wilhelm said loudly: "I would like to clarify everything!"

"Shut up! It's late!"

"And keep your voice down, if you wake up the neighbor next door, you will die even worse.


2.4 Li Ze waved impatiently for someone to take him away.

And after Wilhelm was taken away.

A ray of soul transformed from his body, and Black Mist's own appearance was exactly the same.

This is the technique of spiritualization, splitting a spirit body that is undoubtedly the same as the main body!

He's going to the Kamar-Taj holy place in New York!

The reason why he used the technique of spiritualization was because he had gone out to a designated hiding place before.

You have to stay for seven days after you come back before you can go out again.

So I can only go out with the technique of spiritualization, which does not violate the regulations.

As for why not let t-1000 or 2b go, it is because the strength of the two is not enough.

It's useless to go, after all, no matter how weak Doctor Strange is, he was also the Sorcerer Supreme hand-picked by Ancient One before his death.

Although Shuo Mie was usurped by the king for five years, his strength is still there!

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