In the vast sea, there are some fish-like creatures living in the shallow sea.

These fish are very small, only three centimeters long, and they don't have mouths, not even fins.

It is said to be like a fish, but it does not have some of the main characteristics of fish, and it is not a fish, but its shape is somewhat similar.

All in all, a very strange fish, a strange creature.

At this moment, a flash of light suddenly appeared in the sea.

One such strange fish just swam into this light, and suddenly there was an exclamation in the flash.

"Damn it, what the hell is this?"

"Ah, don't..."

After a while, the flash disappeared from the water, and the fish reappeared from it.

But the fish just stood there motionless.

That's right, the fish seemed to have an expression, and was stunned in astonishment.

"What happened just now?"

"Why did a fish appear in my head just now?"

Qin Fei wanted to grab his hair out of nowhere.

But when he was about to raise his arm, he froze again.

Because he discovered that he didn't have hands, and the idea of ​​hands suddenly disappeared from his mind.

It seems that without hands is the most normal appearance for him.

"Fuck, why don't I have hands?"

Qin Fei moved his body in panic and turned around in a circle.

He found that not only his hands were gone, but even his feet were missing, and his whole body had become a fish.

"...Damn it, how did I become a fish!"

"Wait a minute, I'm not time-traveling, am I?"

Qin Fei suddenly thought of those plots in the novel, there must be such a strange thing happening, it must be related to time travel.

"Since I have traveled through time, does that mean I have a system!"

When Qin Fei thought of having a system, his panic immediately calmed down, and he even had some expectations.

As an ordinary working dog, social animal, he worked overtime day and night, as tired as a dog, and he didn't have much money.

He has had enough of this kind of life.

So he didn't know how much he hoped that he could start a brilliant life for the system like the protagonist in the novel.

"My time-traveling is too unkind. I just time-travel, can't I be normal? At least treat me as a human being, and you turn me into a small fish. What's the use of that?"

"What if I was accidentally eaten by a big fish? Wouldn't my life be over like this?"

"Why hasn't the system come yet?"

Seeing that it had been a while, Qin Fei still couldn't hear the sound from the system, so he couldn't help feeling a little puzzled.

"It can't be that there is no system!"

Qin Fei cried out in horror.

"If there is no system, how can I live as a fish?"

"You can't make me really be a fish!"


"Heaven, earth, please don't play tricks on me like this!"

Qin Fei howled like a wolf.

If he was holding hands again, he would hold his head with both hands, showing a painful mask expression, and wailing in despair.

Not long after.

Qin Fei stopped barking.

But it wasn't that he had started to accept this fact, it was because he was hungry.

His stomach started to grow.

"I'd better eat something and call again."

After Qin Fei finished speaking, he moved his body and began to swim.

As a fish without a mouth, Qin Fei doubted how he would eat.

But the body memory from the fish told him that he could eat while swimming.

Qin Fei, a small fish, has no mouth, but it has a mouthpart-like filter, which can filter some microorganisms in seawater.

As Qin Fei swims, the microorganisms floating in the seawater will automatically enter into Qin Fei's stomach.

It is then digested without even chewing.

This was a strange way of eating, but Qin Fei felt it was a matter of course, and didn't think there was anything wrong with it.

Maybe it's because Qin Fei is now a fish.

Even if the mind is a person, the body is a fish after all, so the bodily functions that belong exclusively to the fish will be integrated into Qin Fei's mind.

It won't surprise Qin Fei that this is his normal state.

"The gene attribute panel starts..."

"Genetic testing complete!"

"The host eats water bears +1...gets gene points +1...experience +10..."

"The host eats algae +1... gains experience +1..."

"Eating Protozoa +1... Gaining experience +1..."


An electronic sound emerged from Qin Fei's mind, startling Qin Fei.

Then get excited.

"The system is finally here."

"Open the properties panel."

As for how to use the system, Qin Fei can be said to be self-taught!

I have read many system novels in my previous life, how could I not know about this kind of operation.

Following Qin Fei's thought.

In Qin Fei's mind, a panel emerged.

This panel is exactly the properties panel of the system.

There are columns of information on it.

【Host】: Qin Fei

【Species】: Kunming fish

【Level】: 1 (42/100)

【Power】: 0.1

【Agility】: 0.1

【Physical】: 0.1

【Spirit】: 0.1

[Gene points]: 3

[Talent]: Devour evolution (by devouring creatures, you can get a lot of experience and gene points, get evolutionary conditions, and have a chance to burst out the biological genetic ability), adaptability (able to quickly adapt to various environments and climates, according to the host's own adaptation and learning Obtain four-dimensional attribute points)

Skills: None

"Kun Ming?" Qin Fei was a little puzzled, "What kind of fish is this?"

"Kunming fish is a creature that lived in the Cambrian period. Since Kunming fish is the earliest creature with a notochord discovered so far, it can also be said to be the ancestor of various chordates."

"It is also the most primitive ancestor before the host became a human being."

"Unexpectedly, such a small fish turned out to be our ancestor!" Qin Fei said with emotion.

"No... the system, what time do you say it is now?"

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