Humans Evolved From A Fish In The Cambrian Period

Chapter 101 Sixty Thousand Years Of Capriciousness

"Everyone come here, come here."

Qin Fei kept driving some animals to a relatively inland place.

This place is similar to a rainforest, the river here is not very deep and urgent, and the terrain is relatively high.

Even if the sea level rises, it will not endanger this place.

So this place should be considered a very safe place.

As for the source of food, let them solve it themselves, anyway, either you eat me, or I eat you.

After all, this is the choice of the food chain.

"I think it's okay to add some more animals."

So Qin Fei caught some animals and brought them here again, making this forest that was not very big at first, suddenly many more animals appeared.

Most of the animal divisions in nature are taken over by natural selection, if they are affected by some artificial or non-natural selection factors.

Then these animals that come to the forest are alien species.

Once they come here, they will destroy the animal ecological environment here.

For example, the food chain here is already perfect, but there are more predators involved.

Then the animals used as food will be preyed on by more predators.

Such a result will lead to a large reduction in the number of low-end animals.

And after a long time, no matter whether it is the reduction of low-end animals, even the predators above will starve to death due to the reduction of low-end food.

So, on the surface, there is nothing wrong, but after a long time, the ecological chain here will be destroyed.

Obviously, Qin Fei didn't know about this kind of thing at all.

Qin Fei found three or four places similar to this place, and they all put some animals here to prevent this natural disaster from killing all the animals.

"There should be no problem like this." Qin Fei was very satisfied with his masterpiece, "I don't know when this hot weather will end."

According to the development of the weather season, it should be the winter season now.

But the current winter is the same as summer, there is no difference, and it is even hotter than summer.

Time passed year after year, and the hot summer all year round finally passed, but what Qin Fei didn't expect was that.

After the scorching heat ended, it turned out to be severe cold.

"Fuck, what is going on with this bad weather!"

For Qin Fei, no matter what the weather changes, he doesn't care, but the creatures on the blue star don't.

It's scorching hot for a while, and severe cold for a while. Even Xiaoqiang can't bear the alternation of ice and fire.

Most incredible of all, the atmosphere became rich in toxic gases.

Even if these animals survive these disasters, they will be poisoned to death by these poisonous gases.

Animals on land are in dire straits, and animals in the ocean are not much better off.

After a large volcanic eruption, the poisonous gas from the seabed melted into the water body, causing the death of a large part of the creatures in the sea.

And because of the heat and cold, most of the animals living in the shallow sea died because they couldn't adapt.

In short, whenever there is any major movement in nature, some creatures will always die.

This is the natural law of survival of the fittest.

If you want to survive, you must be prepared to evolve to adapt to this environment.

Sixty thousand years may not be a big deal in this long river of history.

In these animals, it may not be a big deal, after all, their mandate itself is not so long, it is just that in their life, they may survive in this scorching heat or cold wave.

The offspring they cultivate may adapt to one of these environments, and live to be able to adapt to both.

Then after countless generations of cultivation, their offspring can ensure that their survival rate increases when facing these environments.

But for Qin Fei, it was a long, but fleeting time.

The long period is the 60,000 years, and the short period is the alternation of these harsh environments.

Qin Fei didn't even know how many times he had experienced such a harsh environment.

Some volcanoes erupted, some tides eroded the land, and some were so hot that the forest turned into a huge desert.

At the beginning, Qin Fei also worked hard to help these animals build a comfortable home.

But this home is not worth mentioning in front of nature.

As time passed, Qin Fei didn't bother to care about the life and death of these animals, so he simply ignored them all and let them all fend for themselves.

0......seeking flowers......

On this day, heavy rain poured down, and the clouds that covered the sky and the sun, following the heavy rain for a month, finally cleared up.

A new round of sunlight swayed down, the sky was blue, the stale air became unusually fresh, the trees were moistened and received more sunlight.

Oxygen is released again, making the oxygen content in the air more.

The surviving animals are already a variety of animals that can adapt to more environments.

For example, the oil shale lizard is one of the representatives.

Although they are not very big, fortunately they can give birth and have tenacious vitality.

Let them last for a full 60,000 years.

Of course, in this long period of time, a group of animals will definitely perish, and a group of new animals will appear.

The newly born animals are all evolved by surviving harsh environments.

For example, what kind of dicynodonts, Wegte lizards, etc., all survived through evolution.

In particular, the Wegti lizard has a pair of wings on its ribs, which can be used to glide, making it much easier for them to find food or escape.

In the ensuing hundreds of years, in the ecological environment where Blue Star slowly returned to normal operation, two powerful lineups were born.

That is reptiles on land, and amphibians on land and water.

In order to dominate the land, two kinds of animals launched a fierce and protracted struggle.

The advantage of amphibians is that they are huge and strong. It is very easy to catch reptiles, and even reptiles have nothing to do with them.

The advantage of reptiles is that after 60,000 years of torture, their body surface is completely covered by scales.

These scales will ensure the balance of their bodies and prevent the water inside their bodies from losing quickly, so they can survive even in a drought.

In addition, although their bodies are thin and small, they are very flexible, and even a small number of reptiles know how to cooperate in groups to kill large animals as food.

Then, with these two lineups of creatures, in the end, which side will win the final victory and dominate this new era of Continental Xi. .

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