Humans Evolved From A Fish In The Cambrian Period

Chapter Eleven Because It's Unpalatable

When evolution begins, you can feel the changes in your own body in your body.

First of all, his whole body has become bigger than before, from the original three centimeters to ten centimeters.

The spine was strengthened once and became harder, giving Qin Fei more favorable strength.

In addition, Qin Fei's eyesight has also improved.

The visible range becomes farther and clearer.

I no longer want to be the same as before, I always feel a little fuzzy.

This evolution is a strengthening evolution of the whole.

So in addition to the huge physical changes, Qin Fei's various attribute indexes have also been strengthened accordingly.

【Host】: Qin Fei

【Species】: Kunming fish

【Level】: 10 (34/6700)

【Power】: 4.2

[Agility]: 10

【Physical】: 5.2

【Spirit】: 3.4

[gene points]: 7

[Talent]: Devour evolution, adaptability

[Skills]: tearing, impact

[Task]: None

[Battle Value]: 3

"This enhanced evolution turned out to be the case."

Qin Fei was pleasantly surprised when he saw his attribute panel.

"Unexpectedly, it turned out to be an enhancement of all attributes. This is not bad."

"But it's a pity, even if we eat Kunming fish again, we won't have this homologous gene point anymore."

"If there is still, then I can continue to enhance the evolution."

"After a few times like this, maybe even the most powerful predator like the Odd Shrimp has the ability to fight."

Qin Fei was thinking like this, when suddenly, the system's alarm sounded.

"Alert alert alert..."

"Could it be that the strange shrimp is here!"

As soon as Qin Fei heard the system's alarm sound, the first thing Qin Fei thought of was that the prawns were coming.

Besides, Qin Fei couldn't imagine any other creature that deserved such an alarm from the system.

Because Qin Fei once asked the system, the Odd Shrimp is undoubtedly the most powerful predator in this world, in this ocean, none of them.

And the size of the odd shrimp is really huge.

Odd shrimp are generally 40 to 50 centimeters long, and the largest ones can even grow as huge as two meters.

In this ocean, the size of all creatures is only a few centimeters to ten centimeters.

Therefore, for such a huge race appearing in the ocean, it can be said to be the top existence on the pyramid.

There is no nemesis.

It is the most correct overlord level.

"Oh, it seems that I can only hide on the ground."

Qin Fei looked around, and there was no suitable place to hide, so he had to think about it the same way as last time.

Hiding directly under the sand.

But this time Qin Fei was different from last time.

This time, his speed was much faster, and he got into the sand all at once. ,

Even before the strange shrimp came over, Qin Fei had already avoided it.

After hiding in the sand, Qin Fei stuck his head out a little bit, wanting to see the situation outside.

See if the odd shrimp is coming.

Or is it another large creature.

Not long after, a huge black shadow appeared from a distance.

This black shadow is exactly the strange shrimp, but this strange shrimp is a little different from the strange shrimp that Qin Fei saw last time.

That is, there are some changes on its claws.

The claws of this odd shrimp have some more web-like fluff, and the size is not as big as last time.

"This should be a different species of strange shrimp."

The so-called odd shrimp is actually a big category, and under this category, there are several kinds of odd shrimp.

But their main features haven't changed much.

That's Tebby's protruding tubular eyes, and those giant pincers.

That is their most beneficial weapon.

Tubular eyes allow them to look around and see where there is food.

Huge pincers are the most advantageous grasping weapon, one grasps one accurately.

The arrival of the strange shrimp will undoubtedly bring an unprecedented sense of crisis to the creatures in this sea area.

Some creatures sensed the dangerous information and began to flee one after another.

However, their speed is nothing in front of the strange shrimp, and they are easily eaten into their mouths.

In addition to this odd prawn, Qin Fei also saw the arrival of two odd prawns.

The types of these two strange shrimps are the same as the strange shrimps that Qin Fei saw last time.

"Fuck, three strange shrimps came all at once, the world in the ocean is really dangerous."

"Let me see what your combat value is first."

"My darling, the combat value of the first strange shrimp is six, and the second two are five."

"With my current combat value of three, I still can't fight against them."

"However, the difference in combat value is only three points at most. As long as I develop a few more wretched waves, it should be almost the same."

"Oh, by the way, we also need to consider the combat value of the odd shrimp with a body length of more than two meters."

"With such a huge size, their combat value should also be higher."

"About ten?"

Qin Fei compared these strange shrimps, which are only 40 to 50 centimeters, with the two-meter strange shrimps.

The size alone is already quadrupled.

Then if the combat value is also multiplied by four, wouldn't it be a combat value of twenty-four points.

"Conservatively estimate that the combat value of the largest prawn is 25, which means that my combat value reaches 30 in order to avoid the danger of predation in this ocean."

"It seems that there is still a long way to go!"

"Hey, what happened to this strange shrimp?"

Qin Fei saw that the nearest odd shrimp seemed to have eaten a creature lying on a small rock.

But after it ate it, it spit it out again.

Such a miraculous scene made Qin Fei feel a little unbelievable.

"Hey, system, what's going on?"

"The strange shrimp spit out the food in its mouth."

System: "Because it's unpalatable."

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