During the Cambrian period, there was only one continent, a supercontinent called Gondwana.

So how big is this supercontinent?

It starts at the South Pole and spans to about the size of the equator.

This continent is also surrounded by the largest Pan Ocean on Blue Star. This Pan Ocean is the only ocean on Blue Star, covering the entire Blue Star.

This is the blue star of the Cambrian period.

During this period there was only one ocean and one continent.

As for some other small continents, compared with the continent of Gondwana, they can only be regarded as small islands, not continents at all.

Of course, even if there was such a huge continent in the Cambrian period, no creature knew about it.

Moreover, the continent in this era is just a piece of rock, with nothing but sand and rocks of various materials.

There is not even a breath of life, and it is desolate.

I don't want to think that in the ocean, life is rich and colorful, and there is everything you want, and it is extremely lively.

On the surface of the sea, the sea breeze is constantly stirring the ocean, raising waves one after another.

The waves are big and small, sometimes they are calm, and sometimes they are huge.

Odd shrimp living in the upper layer of the sea, once they encounter huge waves, they will go deep into the bottom of the sea to hide, for fear that they will be killed by the waves if they are not careful.

Today is a very windy weather.

The sea water is swimming slightly, everything looks so beautiful.

Suddenly, on this quiet sea, a small water column suddenly burst out.

This small water column soared into the sky, almost one meter high.

The moment the water column rose into the sky, a creature flew out of the water column.

This creature is not an odd shrimp.

Of course, even the odd shrimp doesn't care about making such a huge move.

They only occasionally come up to take a look, most of them are in the ocean.

It is not like this creature, which directly leaves the water and flies into the air.

The individual of this creature is not very big, about fifteen centimeters.

This creature is a fish, but instead of pectoral fins, it has legs.

This miraculous fish is undoubtedly Qin Fei, a nondescript fish.

Qin Fei struggled to swim upstream, he wanted to pass through the upper layer of water at the fastest speed and come to the sea level.

Because here in the upper sea area, there are many strange shrimps moving here.

Qin Fei doesn't intend to play with the strange shrimps in their habitat.

It's not that he is afraid, but his purpose is not this, but to be curious about what the land looks like in this period.

As soon as Qin Fei soared into the sky, his sight became much brighter as soon as he left the sea.

The raised head finally saw the sky that I hadn't seen for a long time.

"It turns out that the sky here is also the same!"

The sky is still blue and white clouds, and a huge sun hangs high in the sky, which is no different from the world five hundred million years later.

If there is any difference, it is that the blue sky here is bluer.


Qin Fei fell back into the sea, only showing a small head on the sea surface.

"Why didn't I see land?"

"Isn't there a super continent in this period?"

Qin Fei looked around, and there was nothing but the sea.

Did not see where the land was at all.

"Could it be that my current location is too far from the land, so I can't see it?"

Qin Fei thought it was possible, after all, he went directly upstream from where he was.

That place is seventy or eighty meters deep.

Indeed, there is still some distance from the edge of the mainland.

"If you want to know where the land is, you have to go to the sea area close to the sea level, and then follow the terrain all the way upriver, it should work..."

"Wait... that's not right!"

Qin Fei suddenly thought of something, his eyes lit up immediately, and if his hands were long enough, he would have even slapped himself on the forehead violently to express his thoughts.

"What am I? I'm a fish with a system. If you don't know, why don't you find the system!"

"System, I'm going to the Gondwana continent, which direction should I go?"


The voice of the system appeared, followed, and pointed an arrow in front of Qin Fei's eyes.

Seeing this arrow, Qin Fei nodded in satisfaction.

Actual actions are often better than words.

"The system is finally reliable once."


Following the arrow, Qin Fei swam southward all the way.

At this time, at an unknown time, a huge figure suddenly followed behind Qin Fei under the ocean.

Its speed even started to get faster and faster.

"Alarm alert!"

Suddenly, the system's alarm sounded, and Qin Fei, who was swimming leisurely, was suddenly taken aback.

"what's going on?"

Qin Fei still attached great importance to the system's alarm sound.

Qin Fei looked left and right, but there was nothing there except water.

"Could it be..."

A premonition made Qin Fei look under the sea.

It's okay if you don't look at it, but when you look at it, you can see that there is a huge figure approaching swiftly behind you.

"It really is you!"

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