"This creature is Laidlicia, collectively referred to as trilobites, belonging to the phylum Arthropoda, class Trilobites, and order Laedlicia. It was the most mainstream species in the Cambrian period..."

"Because their whole body is divided into three parts: head, chest, and tail, and the cup holder has two dorsal grooves that divide it into three pieces longitudinally, so they are called trilobites..."

"Trilobites come in different shapes and sizes, and can be divided into several types..."

"Stop stop... stop..."

Hearing the system's continuous academic explanation with Qin Fei, Qin Fei felt dizzy.

"I just need to know the name of the bug and whether it will eat me."

"Others, you don't need to explain too much."

Qin Fei didn't care too much about what kind of insects or characteristics of trilobites, what he cared about was whether the trilobites would eat fish.

If it ate fish, Qin Fei would turn around and run away whenever Qin Fei saw this kind of creature in the future.

"The trilobite family generally feeds on plankton as the main food, and also eats some carrion. There is only one type of large trilobite that occasionally preys on some small organisms."

"Then what level does this trilobite belong to?"

Hearing the system's explanation, Qin Fei couldn't help feeling that the system was still reliable.

"The smallest trilobite is about two to six millimeters in size, and the largest can grow up to 70 centimeters, but the general size of trilobites is generally about three to ten centimeters."

"So that's the case, then this one should belong to the majority category."

"The trilobite in front of the host is of the order Wrightligi. When it is an adult, it is about 30 centimeters in size. It belongs to the category of large trilobites."

"That is to say, the trilobite in front of me is still a juvenile. If it grows up and is much bigger than me, it might eat me when it sees me..." Qin Fei thought about it .

"Then let me remember the appearance of this trilobite now. When I see such a guy in the future, I can avoid it."

As Qin Fei said, he boldly swam out of the sponge.

It is still a juvenile trilobite and cannot eat Qin Fei, so Qin Fei is not afraid of it.

Qin Fei came to the side of the motionless Trilobite, but still kept a little distance, so that he could escape at any time.

If the trilobite suddenly went crazy and attacked him, wouldn't it be very dangerous, right?

In such an ocean full of dangers everywhere, as the weakest little fish, of course he must learn to protect himself.

Otherwise, he would not even know how he died, or even have no bones left.

Before you are strong, it's better to be cautious, and don't make waves if you can.

Trilobite felt the strange gaze, and was stunned for a moment, not knowing why the creature in front of him was staring at him, as if he wanted to eat him.

But there is another question mark in its small head, this creature seems to be smaller than itself.

It actually wants to eat itself?

The trilobite, which is simple-minded and doesn't have much thinking, stupidly thinks that Qin Fei is definitely here to eat it.

So the brain sends out a dangerous signal, the body receives the signal, lies on the ground, all stand up, turn around and run away crazily.

"Hey... I haven't watched enough yet, why did you run away..."

The sudden big movement of the trilobite startled Qin Fei, thinking that the trilobite was about to attack him, he quickly swam back.

But when Qin Fei came to his senses, he found that the trilobite had run away, and it was very fast.

Qin Fei chased after him reluctantly.

But after a while, Qin Fei couldn't see the trilobite.

"I'll go, what are you doing with so many legs, rush to reincarnate!" Qin Fei said out of breath.

"It turns out that swimming as a fish is so tiring."


At this time, Qin Fei felt hungry from his stomach.

"I'm hungry, let's eat something first."

As he said that, Qin Fei's filter started to work, and he swam towards those tardigrades that shone with green light.

Started to eat up.

"Eating water bears +5...gene points +5...experience +50..."

"Eating Protozoa +11...Experience +11..."

"Eating algae +13...Experience +13..."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for upgrading to level 2 and gaining 1 attribute point."


Qin Fei opened the property panel and checked the data.

【Host】: Qin Fei

【Species】: Kunming fish

【Level】: 2 (3/200)

【Power】: 0.4

【Agility】: 0.31


Spirit: 0.54

[Available attribute point 1]

[gene points]: 9

[Talent]: Devour evolution, adaptability

[Skills]: None

[Task]: Eat a thousand water bears (9/1000)

"Allocable attribute points, that should be strength, agility, physique, and spirit."

"Well... then where should I add the attribute points?"

Qin Fei was lost in thought.

Strength is a very straightforward type of strength. If you add skill points here, with Qin Fei now in Xiaoyu's body, he really can't imagine what practical effect it will have.

As for agility, I think it means speed.

As for physique, it should be physical strength and resistance.

The final spirit should be thinking ability and reflection ability.

"Okay, let's allocate all attribute points to agility first."

"It's important to save your life."

Qin Fei clicked on Jiahao behind Agility.

Immediately, the agile 0.31 became 1.31.

In the sea world, Qin Fei could not imagine what dangers he would encounter.

But the only thing he can know is that he can escape in case of danger.

To escape, one needs to rely on speed.

As long as I'm fast enough, all threats can't catch up.

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