Humans Evolved From A Fish In The Cambrian Period

Chapter 32: The Territory Of The Odd Shrimp

Hearing the sound of the alarm, Qin Fei froze suddenly.

Because he really couldn't think of what would threaten his life.

"Could it be a strange shrimp?"

"There's no reason. Didn't the system say that my current battle value is the same as that of the strange shrimp? Even if the strange shrimp comes, the alarm will not sound!"

"Could it be a bigger strange shrimp?"

"The most rumored two Mickey shrimp?"

After a short period of thinking, Qin Fei felt that it was very possible.

"It should be like this."

"Let's see the truth, the biggest creature in the ocean."

Suddenly, there was a loud bang.

The meteorite smashed into the sea, and its huge impact directly stirred up the sea water.

The waves on the sea rose several meters high.

The powerful collision, the water pressure formed, flooded in an instant.

Go straight to the water.

"Damn, what's going on!"

Feeling something was wrong, Qin Fei swung his tail and quickly fled from the spot.

The aftermath of the meteorite did not catch up with Qin Fei. After the impact force was offset by the buoyancy of the sea water, the stone began to slowly fall to the bottom of the sea.

He lay quietly where Qin Fei had been.

Meteorites come violently and go quietly.

"What happened?"

"What was the huge shock just now?"

Qin Fei was a little curious and swam back, because there was no movement now, so he was not worried about what he might encounter.

If something really happened, he could still escape.

Qin Fei returned to the original place and found that there was an extra stone, which was bigger than him.

But just now, there was no big rock in this place.

"There shouldn't be such a stone here, right?" Qin Fei looked around the stone and said.

"Could it be a meteorite?"

Thinking of the meteorite, Qin Fei's face turned blue instantly.

"It's not what I said, just come."

"Sure enough, this era is full of dangers everywhere."

"I suddenly want to go home, what should I do?"

"System, is there a way for me to go back to 500 million years later?"

"At this time, it has exceeded the system's capabilities."

"Well, I'll just ask casually, you don't have to take it seriously."


After the turmoil just now, Qin Fei became even more diligent in finding trilobites to eat.

After eating the trilobites and completing the task, Qin Fei will focus on the odd shrimp for the next few days.

After all, if you want to get more protection, you need to upgrade your level.

After a period of hard work, the task is completed.

"Congratulations to the host for completing the trilobite mission and obtaining the skill Hard Armor."

Hard armor, when a skill is activated, a certain part of oneself can be strengthened, as hard as hard armor.

Of course, the whole body can also be armed, but the effect will be reduced by 20%.

"Uh, I'm such a small fish, you still care about the 20% with me."

Qin Fei rolled his eyes, feeling speechless.

Sometimes, Qin Fei feels that the system is a scam.

Perhaps this is when no one is perfect, and the system has its pitfalls.

"Forget it, as a generous fish, I don't care about these things with you."

Because even if you care about it, the system will not change the characteristics of this skill.

"Odd prawns usually live in the upper sea, so if I want to hunt them, I have to go somewhere in the upper sea."

Qin Fei looked up at the sea area above.

Not long ago, Qin Fei went up once, but it was to find land.

But unfortunately, with the current situation of Qin Fei, it is not suitable for living on land at all.

The upper sea area is almost all the territory of strange shrimps, and basically few other creatures will appear here.

Except for a few small creatures who have confidence in themselves, they will boldly break into this territory, and they will be eaten directly in the end.

Qin Fei, like other small creatures, came to this upper sea area full of danger.

Once the small figure of Qin Fei appeared in the territory, the odd shrimp had already observed his presence.

Then, a strange shrimp came towards Qin Fei.

"Dare to come to my territory, you little fish really have a long life."

"Bold little fish, since you have entered my territory, you should die and become my food."

Since the odd shrimp is the overlord, they also have a sense of lordship. Each odd shrimp has its own territory. If other odd shrimps violate its territory, they will duel.

The winner gets the opponent's territory.

As for the losers, they either escaped here, or they were killed directly.

And if other small creatures enter their territory, then the strange shrimp in this territory will execute the referee, and other strange shrimp will not interfere.

Therefore, even if Qin Fei saw several strange shrimps in the upper sea, only one strange shrimp came towards him.

"Okay, since you come directly to the door, it will save me from finding you."

"My eyesight is bad after all."

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