Humans Evolved From A Fish In The Cambrian Period

Chapter 38 Opening The Door To A New World

Only after one more task of eating the ancient lighthouse jellyfish.

Qin Fei is just under the seabed, swimming slowly every day, looking carefully at every corner to see if there is an ancient lighthouse jellyfish.

"Why doesn't this ancient lighthouse jellyfish live in groups? One here and one there."

Three days have passed, and Qin Fei only found ten ancient lighthouse jellyfish.

At this speed, Qin Fei might take a year to complete the task of this thousand.

Although one year is not enough to let Qin Fei's lifespan come to an end, it is too long.

"By the way, I almost forgot, there is still the last odd shrimp left."

Odd Shrimp: "Damn, are you so confident in what you said? We Odd Shrimp don't want to lose face!"

Strange Shrimp: "As the overlord of the ocean, are we all you can eat?"

"Eat the last strange shrimp, then I can get compound eyes. With compound eyes, my eyesight will be stronger, and it may be much easier to find the ancient lighthouse jellyfish."

Qin Fei wanted to slap his forehead with his hands, blaming himself for thinking of this way so late.

However, his hands were too short, so he could only pat his sideways.

Now Qin Fei put aside the search for the ancient lighthouse jellyfish, and went to find the strange shrimp.

"Stupid and stupid shrimp, come out quickly, come to Dad's stomach, I'm here to give you warmth, my stomach is warm, not as cold as this sea water."

While talking, Qin Fei went to look for the strange shrimp again and again.

However, it is not easy to find the strange shrimp. The underwater world is so big, and there is no way to know where the strange shrimp will hide to resist the cold winter.

"You can't wait until spring to look for odd shrimps. It will be too late."

In this cold season, Qin Fei wandered everywhere as usual, looking for strange shrimps.

So after two days of hard work, Qin Fei finally found it.

At this moment, there is a strange shrimp swimming slowly in the bottom of the sea. Its eyes, which are as huge as table tennis balls, look around the bottom of the sea, trying to find some creatures to eat.

Seeing a trilobite in front of it, the strange shrimp threw the trilobite into its mouth without saying a word.

The trilobite's hard carapace did not resist the bite force of the odd shrimp's teeth.

It was directly eaten into the stomach by two or three bites.

The sound of the hard shell and the teeth colliding and cutting, giggling, is like eating crispy fried food, full of taste.

Trilobites are creatures that odd shrimps like to eat, but they don't eat too much.

Because the shell of the trilobite is still very hard, although the teeth can be bitten open, it is not conducive to digestion.

So odd shrimp likes to eat, but will not eat too much.

Therefore, after eating the trilobite, the odd shrimp didn't bother to find it when it saw the second trilobite.

Just headed elsewhere and swallowed a grotesque bug.

Weird Worm: "Why is it always me who gets hurt? Anyway, I'm also a bug with defensive equipment!"

Qin Fei passed by here and just saw the odd shrimp hunting, and immediately showed an excited expression.

"Odd Shrimp, finally let Dad find you."

As he spoke, Qin Fei swam towards the strange shrimp.

The strange shrimp had already spotted the fish Qin Fei before Qin Fei spotted it, but it happened to be eating, so it ignored him for the time being.

Now eat the food in your stomach and lock your target on Qin Fei.

This is its next food.

The strange shrimp came towards Qin Fei quickly, worried that the fish would escape.

"Hey, looking at you, it's obvious that you want to eat me."

Qin Fei saw the strange shrimp swimming towards him, and instantly knew the purpose of the strange shrimp.

Apart from eating and sleeping, what else can an odd shrimp do?

"If you want to eat me, it depends on whether you have the ability."

Qin Fei looked at the strange shrimp, and the fighting value of the strange shrimp also appeared above its head.

The battle value of this strange shrimp is only four, which is far from Qin Fei.

And in terms of body size, it only looks about thirty centimeters.

Obviously, it is thought to be a very young prawn, which may not have reached adulthood yet.

But Qin Fei doesn't care about this, and eats the odd shrimp as soon as he has it.

"Hey, I won't push you any more, I'm going to start."

Now that the last strange shrimp has been found, Qin Fei doesn't have much sex with the strange shrimp, just to make fun of it.

Qin Fei swam towards the strange prawn directly and quickly, and when it arrived, it instantly grew bigger, and swallowed the strange prawn into his stomach.

Strange Shrimp: "..."

I was eaten like this?

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the task of eating the strange shrimp and obtaining the compound eyes of the strange shrimp gene."

With the sound of the system, the genes of the strange shrimp began to fuse into Qin Fei's body.

Qin Fei's eyes began to remodel, and the original small eyes became bigger.

There are only simple single-hole eyes, and there are many small and pitiful small eyes with countless lenses.

The time to integrate into the genes is quickly completed.

It was as long as Qin Fei blinked slowly.

When you close it, your eyes are pitch black, and when you open it, the world that was originally a little blurry becomes hundreds of times and thousands of times clearer in an instant.

At this moment, the world unfolded in Qin Fei's eyes seemed like a new world.

Colors become richer.

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