From this memory, Qin Fei learned that the name of this Chika star was Laplace Gillie.

The name is also long enough.

This Chika star is an operator of a volcano control device.

Specially write the program of the volcano control device, and carry out the prescribed frequency of volcanic eruptions according to the environment of this planet.

It is also their operation that makes this purple star change so quickly from an unlivable planet to a blue planet that is now habitable.

And on this planet, a life that belongs to its own planet was also born.

Only the planet that can give birth to life is the most livable planet.

Only such a planet is the most comfortable planet.

In this way, the planet can survive without wearing protective protective helmets.

This is breathing in a natural environment, and it is extremely comfortable.

According to their plan, there will be a super-large volcanic eruption after a while, so as to bring the development of this planet to another level in one fell swoop.

According to their intelligent calculations, as long as there are three large-scale volcanic eruptions and then slowly fermented, the oxygen concentration on this planet will reach a level that is most comfortable for them.

This step requires the cooperation of all Zhika Stars.

Although there are only five of them on this planet, the division of labor is very clear.

How to cooperate?

That is to plant a large number of plants that can absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen according to the needs of the conditions.

Now there are two Zhika Stars who have started to arrange outside.

Everything is waiting, as long as the Zhika star can fix the program code of the super volcano in his hand.

But it is a pity that this Zhika star can no longer type codes.

This is one of the important memories Qin Fei learned from his memory.

"Although they do this, it can indeed make Blue Star develop faster."

"But after this super volcano erupts, will all life on the blue star be extinct?"

According to the memory of this Chika star, this super-large volcano has used one-third of the volcanic area, and it has continued to erupt for several years.

With such a large-scale volcanic eruption, would the marine life at that time still have a place to survive?

Because these volcanoes are all under the sea.

Its range covers the entire Blue Star.

Thinking of this, Qin Fei felt scared.

If the blue star is really occupied by this group of aliens, all the creatures in the ocean will be gone.

Then there will be no blue stars in the future.

How can this be done.

Of course it is trying to stop it!

But thinking of himself as a fish, Qin Fei was immediately discouraged.

If only the five aliens on Blue Star would be fine.

But stepping on the horse, hundreds of years later, another group of aliens came over.

And it's still a big team.

In other words, all the aliens will come to live in Blue Star.

Such a formation, even if it has the things of the modern technological era, it can't fight this group of aliens.

What's wrong with this.

It's impossible to do this at all!

"Why don't you kill these aliens first."

"As for what will come later, let's think about it later, anyway, there are still hundreds of years to go."

After having the memory of the aliens, about their body structure.

Qin Fei also understood very clearly.

Squeaky aliens have a high demand for oxygen.

If the amount of oxygen is insufficient, they can easily faint from lack of oxygen, or die.

At the same time, this is one of the reasons why they have such a long life.

On their heads, there is a small antenna.

This little antenna is their breathing system, and this breathing system is very special.

The small antenna on the outside is equivalent to the nose, and this antenna is connected to a certain place in the head.

This place is the air bag.

Can be used to store oxygen.

And these stored oxygen will be continuously delivered to the brain area e.

This area of ​​the brain controls the slowing down of cell division in their bodies while maintaining normal functioning.

Thus making their lifespan longer.

But this also has a disadvantage, that is, their physical strength will be much weaker.

Because these energy outputs are given to longevity.

This is impossible.

Because the birth rate of the Chika Stars is very low, it is terrifyingly low.

In a lifetime, a couple can only conceive one Chika star, or even one.

This is because their breeding function is deteriorating.

That's right, degeneration.

Even if they have created test tubes.

But its survival rate is still not high.

In order to change this status quo.

The scientists of the Chika Stars began to find another way out.

Since this difficulty is so difficult to break through.

Then go another way to make your life longer.

To balance out the problem of low birth rate.

So, there are now their long-lived Zhika Stars.

"If I can destroy the oxygen generator here, they'll die from lack of oxygen. Right?"

Qin Fei suddenly thought of a way.

Although the solution came out, new problems also appeared.

That's how he's going to destroy that manufacturing machine?

Although Qin Fei knew where the manufacturing machine was based on the memory of the Chika Star, he didn't know how to destroy it.

Because this Zhika star is just a coder, and doesn't care about manufacturing technology.

Besides, there is still a very headache problem that has not been solved yet.

The line of sight looked at the dead Zhika star once.

How should this mess be cleaned up?

Well, just eat it.

"Ding! Release the mission, the host will eat five Chika Stars, you can get the skills of the Chika Stars you eat, and the breath storage genes of the Chika Stars, and get 5000 gene points."

"Now, even the system wants me to eat aliens, so what should I do?"

"Fart! I have a long life to spare, so I went to hit their attention."

"On the contrary, they don't pay attention to me and I'm fine."

Qin Fei rolled his eyes.

"However, if I don't go to trouble with them, then this super-large volcano will be erupted by them, and all the creatures will die, and there will be no life on the blue star in the future. This is not easy. "

Qin Fei was extremely conflicted at this moment.

Confused whether to do it against the aliens or against it.

"Okay, for the safety of Lanxing's life, I, Xiaoyu, will fight this one time."

"Fuck it."

As soon as he had an idea, Qin Fei planned to squat here.

Prepare to kill the Chika star again by surprise like just now.

Because there are two people in total who are in charge of the control cabin.

Now one is dead, and there is another.

And there is another Zhika pedestrian who is responsible for the hardware maintenance of the entire base.

There were two other Chika Stars who went out.

After inspecting the entire Blue Star and collecting various data of the Blue Star.

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