Because of the protective clothing, Qin Fei's teeth could not be broken.

Only normal size body shape to eat.

In the face of relatively large food, the speed of eating will be slower.

Normally, in this case, Qin Fei would have already grown huge, swallowed it in one gulp, and then waited for the stomach to slowly digest it.

It's not like eating slowly like this.

Unfortunately, this is not the case now.

If there is no protective clothing, it may still be possible.

But there is no way, now I can only eat slowly.

Smash it, Smash it, Qin Fei has eaten up the headless alien at some point.

A pair of skeletons with flesh and blood remained inside the protective clothing.

Qin Fei's body was also covered in blood.

But there is no way in this situation. This is the ground, not in the sea, and there is no water.

If it is in the sea, there will be sea water washing away the bloody water automatically.

But not here.

"It's sticky all over, it's really uncomfortable."

"Looks like I'm going to have to wash it."

According to the records in memory, there is a food cabin in the alien base, and there is water there.

To put it bluntly, where is the alien's kitchen.

Where is the place where aliens usually eat, and where some daily necessities will be stored.

Then opposite the food cabin is where the aliens sleep.

Qin Fei left the control cabin again and crawled towards the food cabin.

This is so aboveboard!

No way, who said there are no aliens here.

Two of the aliens are outside, and they won't come back without a few days or dozens of days.

As for the other alien, Qin Fei didn't know where he was.

Anyway, I can't see where others are now.

Since this is the case, then go to the food compartment to have a look and wash it.

By the way, see if the other alien is there.

That's right, just by the way.

You see, once a fish puffs up, it is so confident.

However, when Qin Fei walked over, he was very careful.

Although this kind of caution is of no use.

Qin Fei's body was covered with blood, and the road he traveled would leave a long trail on the ground.

If no aliens discover this, then these aliens are either fools or blind.

The food compartment is very close to the control compartment, and Qin Fei will arrive soon.

Just like before, once the door opened, Qin Fei quickly went in.

Then look for a place to hide and hide first.

Seeing that there was no movement here, Qin Fei poked his head out to check, and found that there were no aliens here either.

"Hey, the aliens aren't here either."

"Where did he go, then?"

Qin Fei came out of the hiding place suspiciously, and then went to the place where the water was stored.

A place where water can be put, which is somewhat similar to a faucet.

Qin Fei just presses the button next to that faucet, and the water will come out from there.

In Qin Fei's memory, this water is for drinking.

But Qin Fei doesn't care if it's for drinking or not, as long as there is water.

Turn on the switch to turn on the water, and the water came out. Qin Fei quickly washed himself all over.

After washing all the blood from his body, Qin Fei returned to the control cabin again.

When returning to the control cabin, Qin Fei had almost digested it, so he started eating again.

After eating, I went back to the food compartment to wash.

I went back and forth twice like this, and about two days passed.

"How does it feel, this is like my home."

Qin Fei was very skeptical until now.

Is it too much? After all, this is the base of aliens.

To be so unscrupulous, walking around here.

Also ate two aliens.

This was unimaginable for Qin Fei at the beginning.

Not to mention it was unimaginable at first, even now, Qin Fei wondered if he was dreaming.

But obviously, this is not a dream.

After losing his target, Qin Fei planned to leave here. As you go, open the ship hatch here in the control cabin.

And just go there and go from there.


After a few days passed like this, the engineer Zhika Xingren came back from the outside.

When he saw the door of the spaceship cabin opened wide, he was a little puzzled.

"Hey, they opened the door so quickly and waited for me."

Engineers and Chika Stars aren't like that much.

After he entered the cabin of the spaceship, he closed the hatch and drained the water.

After the water was drained, he also got out from the spaceship.

Then leave the spacecraft cabin and return to the engineering cabin where you work.

The door opened. He habitually put the engineering box in his hand on the workbench, then went to the faucet, intending to drink a glass of water.

Ke Cai put down the project box, and when he saw the dried blood on the ground, he couldn't help but be taken aback.

"Whose blood is this?"

The Chika star was stunned for a moment, then took a few steps back, and returned to the engineering box.

Open the engineering box, and put the large and small energy emitters on your hands from inside.

Years of experience told him that some unexpected things might have happened here at the base.

But he has another doubt, that is, if something happens here at the base.

The two Zhika people who are still at the base will definitely send them a message.

But from the beginning to the end, they did not receive any information.

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