Humans Evolved From A Fish In The Cambrian Period

Chapter 8: The Fish With Only One Combat Value

"Except for the second one I don't want, which one should I choose, the first or the third?"

Tardigrade: When eating, he liked me so much, but when it was his turn to look like me, he hated it...

So love goes away, right?

"Well, I'd better choose the third one."

"As far as my body size is three centimeters, even if it doubles in size, it's still only six centimeters, which is still too short."

"And the third one, being able to grow a mouth is what I want most."

"After I have a mouth, I can eat more things, and I won't be limited to plankton."

After making a choice in his mind, Qin Fei turned to the third choice.

After Qin Fei clicked on the third icon, the icon shattered and turned into bits of starlight and merged into Qin Fei's body.

Afterwards, Qin Fei's body began to change.

The notochord, which was originally cartilage, became a real bone, and the smooth skin gradually emerged with fish scales one by one.

What also changed was Qin Fei's mouth.

The mouth, which originally had no upper and lower jaw bones, began to evolve at this time.

With the growth of the upper and lower jaw bones, it means that Qin Fei has a real mouth.

A mouth that can be opened up and down.

The original sucker-shaped filter was replaced by a mandible.

It's just that although Qin Fei has a real mouth, he doesn't have teeth.

Yes, only the row of hard bones.

"Successfully evolved."

"Haha, I finally have a mouth."

Qin Fei opened and closed his mouth, circling around happily.

"After evolution, it seems that my strength has become greater. Maybe this has something to do with the spine."

"Identify the host has the combat capability, now activate the combat value function."

"The host can obtain the enemy's combat value by comparing the combat value."

"It's amazing, I didn't expect this to exist."

Qin Fei's eyes lit up, and he immediately clicked on the familiar panel functions.

【Host】: Qin Fei

【Species】: Kunming fish

【Level】: 9 (4189/4200)

【Power】: 2.1

【Agility】: 8.9

[Physique]: 3

【Spirit】: 1.9

【Gene points】: 0

[Talent]: Devour evolution, adaptability

[Skill]: Tear

[Task]: None

[Battle Value]: 1

Sure enough, at the bottom of the attribute panel, there is an extra column of combat value.

But when Qin Fei looked at the value, the whole fish was not so good.

"Fuck, my battle value is only one!"

"So I'm so weak?"

"How does this make me fight other creatures?"

"System, did you make a mistake somewhere!"

"With only one battle value, am I even worse than a scumbag..."

"It seems to be right. I am a small fish of only three centimeters, and I am extremely weak..."

As Qin Fei was talking, he suddenly felt that the battle value was only one, which seemed to fit his current appearance...

"No, how can I agree with my combat value?"

"No, the combat value of ordinary people is only five. As for me, a fish with one combat value, does it mean that I am very powerful?"

"Yes, actually I should be a very powerful fish."

While talking, Qin Fei was somehow persuaded by himself.

"Okay, let me see what the combat value of other creatures is."

Whenever there is something new, Qin Fei will of course check it out.

As the saying goes, practice is the only criterion for testing one's own strength.

Qin Fei came to the sponge he was familiar with. As long as Qin Fei looked at the creature in front of him and mentally recited the battle value, the opponent's battle value would be displayed.

So the first thing that appeared before Qin Fei's eyes was Sponge's battle value.

"Pfft, the combat value of 0.3 is even lower than one!"

Qin Fei laughed when he saw that Sponge's battle value was only a pitiful 0.3.

"It seems that my battle value is still very strong, haha..."

Qin Fei laughed loudly proudly.

Afterwards, Qin Fei looked at the creature slowly crawling inside the sponge.

The creature's name was the Grotesque Worm, and it was a very strange little bug.

Why do you say it is strange?

This has to start with its magical structure.

Qin Fei swam to the grotesque bug.

Seeing its seven pairs of limp feet walking slowly forward, Qin Fei felt strange.

"So soft feet, how does it support its body?"

Although the grotesque worm has many feet, when it walks, it is bent, as if it is crushed.

Maybe it's because the spikes on its back are too heavy.

So I don't know why it grows these spikes and what it does.

If it's for defense, I'm afraid that other creatures will eat me, but the spikes that don't seem to be too hard may not have any effect!

Qin Fei has seen the giant pliers of the strange shrimp before, and in front of the pliers, any defense is scum.

What's more, the mouthparts of the odd shrimp are also very scary, which turned out to be circular incisions.

Between one sheet and one sheet, what else can't be chopped up by him?

Therefore, it is the strange shape of the grotesque worm that later generations of bioarchaeologists almost mistaken its body structure.

At one point it was thought that its spikes were its feet, and the feet were tentacles on its back or something.

Of course, apart from this strangeness, there is another strangeness about the grotesque bug.

That is its head.


Happy winter solstice!

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