Humans Evolved From A Fish In The Cambrian Period

Chapter 81: Eating Roasted Orthopedic Stones

After wandering around in the sea, Qin Fei finally chose to attack the right-angled stone.

No way, in the ocean of this era, only this type of creature is particularly large.

Other creatures are just pitifully small.

The largest sea scorpion is only a little over three meters.

And others, are much smaller.

No way, who told this group of arthropods - not to force it.

Just their layer of armor prevents them from evolving to a larger size.

Molluscs, on the other hand, have no such hindrance, they can do whatever they want.

So they grow wildly, overlooking all the creatures in the ocean in an instant.

A pair of who else can eat me.

It is really the weakest of the Cambrian period, finally ushering in their spring.

But there is a sun above the spring, watching it all the time.

No, Qin Fei found a right-angled stone.

"Hey, why is the shell of this right-angled stone bent?"

When Qin Fei saw this right-angled stone, Qin Fei was dumbfounded.

Because this right-angled stone is a little different from the right-angled stone Qin Fei knew.

That is its shell, which is curved like a moon.

"Could it be a long disability?"

"Or are you a deformed right-angled stone?"

Although Qin Fei was a little puzzled, he didn't just want to eat him.

"Hey bro, I'm taking you to a good place.

Qin Fei directly contacted the right-angled stone with a signal.

When Right Angle Stone heard Qin Fei's signal, he turned around suspiciously and looked at the fish that was as big as himself.

I was also taken aback.

It is the first time I have seen such a huge alternative creature.

The moment he saw Qin Fei, Right Angle Stone's expression was not fear or dread.

Instead, they attacked directly.

They are no longer the weak molluscs of the previous era.

It is the top predator in this ocean.

In this ocean, what animals are their opponents?


There is no opponent.

All animals can only be reduced to his food.

Now the food came to the door in person again.

How can I not be moved.

Although this food, due to.

As big as a man.

It's so big that it can't even fit in your own mouth.

But so what?

Since you have entered my domain, you must die.

Whether I eat you or not.

This right-angled stone suddenly ejected a jet of water from its mouth.

The thrust formed by the water column directly pushed the right-angled stone towards Qin Fei and quickly passed it.

This is the method for fast swimming of Cartesiana.

Through the effect of a kind of thrust, directly raise one's swimming speed to a higher level.

Later, when the Right Angle Stone came to Qin Fei's side, the long tentacles wanted to grab Qin Fei.

"Hey, I haven't shot you yet, so you shot me first."

"Who gave you confidence?" Qin Fei said with a chuckle.

Faced with such a move by Right Angle Stone, Qin Fei directly ignored it.

Qin Fei didn't know how many times he had encountered this kind of behavior.

So seeing such a move by Right Angle Stone, Quan Fei even wanted to laugh.

"Why your offensive methods won't change at all."

"Every time you attack like this, you don't get tired of it, but I find it annoying."

Faced with such a move by the right-angled stone, Qin Fei opened his mouth directly and removed one of the tentacles in one gulp.

After one of the tentacles was eaten, Right Angled Stone danced wildly with his tentacles in a circle.

Although it hurts, it can't make a sound.

I can only suffer in silence.

Where did this animal come from? Why is it scarier than me.

Right Angle Stone has the idea of ​​retreating.

But will Qin Fei give it such a chance?

That's definitely not the case.

After Qin Fei swallowed a tentacle into his stomach, he bit the orthopedic shell in one bite.

"Hee hee, I wonder how the roasted right angle stone will taste?"

Qin Fei happily took the right-angled stone and quickly walked towards the land.

Right Angle Stone, who was being taken away, panicked a lot at this moment.

Hi, Inko.

Don't you want to eat me?

where are you taking me then

Can you tell me?

Don't swim so fast, okay, I'm a little panicked now.

Even a little dizzy.


Qin Fei came to the sea level and directly threw the right-angled stone onto the ground.

The temperature on the land is higher than the temperature below the ocean.

Moreover, the ultraviolet rays were directly irradiated, so that the Orthopedic Stone couldn't adapt to it all of a sudden, and kept struggling on the ground.

But its shell is heavy.

No matter how hard it struggles, it can't move a step.

"Don't struggle, I will give you a happy drop."

I don't know if this right-angled stone deciphered Qin Fei's signal.

It really retracted itself into the shell and surrounded its head with tentacles.

0………seeking flowers 0

Seeing this, Qin Fei felt a little funny, "Do you think I can't eat you if you hide inside?"

"Okay, let's start the barbecue."

Since this oven is heated by heat, and there is a large plate on it, this is more like frying things.

But Qin Fei can't control that much, as long as there are cooked food to eat.

"Open your shell first."

Qin Fei immediately bit the shell of the right-angled stone.

A hole was opened in the shell, and the gas in the shell escaped instantly, and at the same time, a lot of water flowed out of it.

Without this kind of air pressure and water, Orthogonal Stone instantly felt the difficulty of breathing.

At the same time, because of the change in its own pressure, the right-angled stone hiccupped in an instant.

After removing the shell, Qin Fei turned on the oven.


The oven heated up very quickly, and the right-angled stone on the plate, the soft body swayed crazily.

It's nerves at work.

Qin Fei didn't care.

Not long after, a smell of meat wafted over, making Qin Fei's mouth water instantly.

"Sure enough, cooked meat is more fragrant."

Qin Fei picked up the iron rod on one side, turned the right-angled stone over again, and continued to fry.

The fried pieces of meat have turned white and red, and there is a layer of slippery grease on the smooth surface.

These oils squeak and squeak, making the scent even more intense.

"This touching voice, as well as this appetizing aroma, are only available in my family. If you want to eat such delicious food, come here quickly.

Qin Fei held a tentacle in his hand, and kept blowing on the tentacle, letting the fragrance float towards the ocean.

"If you don't come up again, I will eat all the delicious food."

However, no matter how Qin Fei blew, Haiyang Li didn't react at all.

Except for the waves hitting the beach wave after wave.

Nothing happened.

Not even a single animal appeared.

"Damn, why don't you show face like this?"

"Well, you low-intelligence animals, you deserve to spend your whole life eating tasteless food in the sea."

Qin Fei simply ignored it and went back to the oven, chomping on the fragrant right-angled stone.

"Well, this is really delicious!"

"Hey, what's that?"

Qin Fei was enjoying the food while basking in the sun.

Suddenly found a very kind thing ten in the air. .

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