In the dense forest, there are unknown dangers everywhere.

Qin Fei turned into a body about one meter in size and walked inside, intending to see how far arthropods have evolved in this era.

He has not been to these places for a long time.

Before, because the forest was not very high and not very dense, I was too lazy to come.

Now the forest has become very dense, even if Qin Fei becomes a normal body and looks down, he can't see clearly.

So he decided to come in and take a look.

Walking on the wet soil, there are various low plants under your feet.

There are no roads for long walks yet, so weeds grow everywhere.

As Qin Fei continued to deepen, the sound of leaves wandering could be heard from some distance away.

Apparently some animal sensed Qin Fei's approach and chose to run away.

There are some animals crawling on some big trees, but there are not many in general.

Just when Qin Fei wanted to get closer to see what the animal on the tree was, suddenly a giant stood up in front of him.

The creature that stood up suddenly was a huge centipede, no, it wasn't a centipede.

The size of the centipede will definitely not be as huge as three meters. This is a creature called ancient millipede.

It has a pair of extremely sharp predators on its head, and it has captured many creatures with this pair of weapons.

Including many reptiles that just came up.

"Hey, I thought it was some big guy, but it turned out to be you."

Qin Fei had seen this kind of ancient Malu before.

It's just that the ancient Malu at that time was much smaller than it is now.

The giant crocodile of ancient Malu is waving, and the pair of feet on the body segment is waving a little hungrily.

It was going to attack Qin Fei.

This is the biggest food it has caught today, as long as it is eaten, it will not need to eat for a few days.

The speed of ancient Malu was very fast.

In this primeval forest, in terms of speed, there is absolutely no animal that is faster than it.

The same is true of its body flexibility. When it stands up and sees the food, it has already shot.

The huge crocodile claws grabbed at Qin Fei.

It aimed directly at Qin Fei's neck, which was its usual attack method.

Because this place is a very fragile place.

As long as the toxin is released in this place, the food can be quickly poisoned to death, which makes it convenient for it to eat.

But this time the animals it met were a little special.

The moment the ancient Malu attacked, Qin Fei stretched out his claws and directly grabbed the giant crocodile in the ancient Malu.

Hearing the sound of snap, one of the predators in ancient Malu was easily snapped off by Qin Fei.

The crocodile was cut off, and Gu Malu waved a pair of legs in a panic.

This is a strong enemy!

The ancient Malu quickly realized that the current situation is not that it is a predator, but that it is turned over and the prey becomes a predator.

Aware of this, Ancient Malu quickly took countermeasures.

Instantly, a strange smell appeared on it and spread to its surroundings.

Immediately, it fled backward quickly.

This peculiar taste will make predators feel a very disgusting feeling, making them feel very disgusted to eat for a short time.

Then take this opportunity, it can escape away.

With its speed, it is easy to take off.

Although there are not many opportunities that can be used, awareness of danger and means of protection are still necessary.

After all, it is not the top predator.

"What is this smell, so disgusting?"

Qin Fei pinched his nose, while the other hand quickly fanned his side, trying to blow away the smell.

So at the same time, when he realized that Gu Malu wanted to escape, Qin Fei stepped out decisively and stepped on it.

Just step on the ancient Malu.

The back of the ancient Malu is a very hard armor.

But this cannot defend against Qin Fei's kick.

His foot directly smashed its armor, but it just didn't break through its body.

It just happened to fix this ancient Malu on the ground.

"It turns out that you are releasing this disgusting smell."

After stepping on this ancient Malu, the disgusting smell suddenly became more intense.

The smell, so nauseating that Qin Fei wanted to vomit, came directly to the surface.

"It seems that you won't stop until you are sent on your way."

Qin Fei didn't say much, a peanut-sized energy ball appeared on his finger, and he threw it towards the head of the ancient Malu.


With a loud noise, Gu Malu's upper body was smashed open.

There was also a big hole in the ground.

The blood did not flow out from Gu Malu's lower body, but was directly scorched by the energy ball.

After Gu Malu died, the disgusting smell stopped releasing, and when the smell dissipated, the nauseating feeling of vomiting was gone.

"`" This guy also has magic attacks, which is really unexpected. "

"Then let me try to see if your meat tastes good."

A flame rose from Qin Fei's hand. This flame was a kind of energy flame released by Qin Fei with his internal energy.

It took Qin Fei a long time to imitate the flame effect.

Throw this flame on the corpse of Gumalu.

A burst of fragrance wafted over immediately.

"Woo, this scent is not bad."

Seeing that the armor was roasted red and the gravy squeaked, Qin Fei stopped the flames.

Then he bit open the ancient Malu with one bite.

"Woo, the taste is not bad, you can eat it."

Qin Fei's mouth is very tricky now, he must eat cooked food, not raw food.

There are still bad ones, don’t you Wang Zhao) just don’t eat them, no matter how much experience you give.

Anyway, with Qin Fei's current experience bar, it is difficult to upgrade in a short time.

So he was not in a hurry to eat desperately.

Instead, let time speak, as long as the time is about the same, its level will come up.

This is a proper use of time to consume levels.

"Eating ancient Malu, experience +200... gene points +50..."

"Ding! The task is issued, eat one hundred pieces of ancient horse land, and you can get poison gas skills."

"Hey, there's a mission here."

"It's been a long time since I've been on a mission."

"It's only one hundred, it's not a very simple matter."

For this task, Qin Fei said that it is easy to complete by sprinkling water.

"Then I'll just hide here for a few days, and I'll always meet."

"As a top predator, there are not many natural enemies, so you can definitely see it everywhere.

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