Because it is an artificial hot spring, the water is sent from the boiler room. For convenience, the two wooden houses share the same water supply pipeline.

The hot spring pool of the wooden house where Li Duo lives is close to the right, and Zhang Zhe and Xia Wanxing’s is close to the left. There is a wooden fence in the middle, about three or four meters away.

After all, the area of ​​the island is so large, and every space must be used as much as possible. Each small wooden house is equipped with a yard of dozens of square meters, which is already very luxurious. Naturally, it is not perfect in all aspects.

It should be Brother Zhe’s voice just now, right? He and Xia Wanxing also came out to soak in the hot spring?

Yesterday, when Li Duo was soaking in the hot spring, she heard the movement next to her, so it was not surprising now.

Li Duo closed her eyes again, enjoying the massage of the warm spring water, but she couldn’t help thinking in her heart:

Why did Brother Zhe’s tone just now seem a little harsh, and it seemed to have a commanding meaning?

Doesn’t he love Wanxing very much? He usually speaks very gently…

Thinking of this, Li Duo couldn’t help but prick up her ears and try to listen to the movement next to her.

“Brother, you… smell so good…”

“I… I don’t have the energy to obey orders.”

Hearing Xia Wanxing’s voice, Li Duo sat up carefully, trying not to make any noise.

Smell so good? What smells so good?

I didn’t smell any perfume on Brother Zhe today. Could it be that Wanxing was talking about the smell of shower gel?

Obey orders?

Li Duo suspected that she had heard it wrong. Why would this sentence appear between lovers?

Could it be… Li Duo couldn’t help but think of some plots she had watched before.

Wanxing couldn’t…

Shouldn’t it be? When she called her to watch it together, Wanxing was so shy. She shouldn’t be so bold…

The next door fell into silence, but Li Duo’s heart couldn’t calm down.

What are Brother Zhe and Wanxing doing? Why don’t they even talk? Have they gone back to rest?

Or, they…

In Li Duo’s mind, a series of scenes quickly appeared in her mind, saliva began to secrete quickly, and her breathing gradually became rapid.

I couldn’t help rubbing my legs in the hot spring pool, and I felt my heartbeat start to accelerate wildly.

I seemed to hear a suppressed song in the distance.

It was like the call of a siren or the charm of a succubus, full of the power to seduce people.

Maybe because I soaked for too long and drank alcohol, Li Duo felt a little hot inside.

I shook my head vigorously and walked out of the hot spring pool carefully. I didn’t bother to dry the water on my body, and directly put on a bath towel and prepared to go back to the house to rest.

But my legs were uncontrollable, and I walked to the side of the wooden fence step by step.

At this time, a breeze blew, and Li Duo suddenly smelled a faint fragrance. I couldn’t help but close my eyes and feel it carefully, and an intoxicated expression appeared on my face.

Generally, after taking a bath, you must dry your body as soon as possible, otherwise the water will take away the heat from your body when it evaporates, which can easily cause a cold or even a fever.

The wet and cold sea breeze blew on my body, and Li Duo felt that his body was getting hotter and hotter, and he seemed to have no strength in his whole body.

Wanting to hold onto the wooden fence for support, but afraid of being discovered if she made any noise, she had no choice but to squat down slowly, spread the towel on the ground and sat down.

Sitting down, she saw that there seemed to be a not-so-obvious gap between the two wooden boards of the fence, only about ten centimeters from the ground.

Even though she knew she shouldn’t do this, Li Duo couldn’t control herself at all and gradually leaned down close to the ground.

After seeing the scene clearly, Li Duo’s eyes widened instantly.

Her left hand supported the ground, and her right hand tightly covered her mouth.

‘How could it be…? ! ‘



Zhang Zhe sat on the sofa in his bathrobe and sighed slightly.

Now it can be confirmed that all functions of the body have been greatly improved after physical strengthening.

This is true for strength, physical strength, and energy.

Just now, for the purpose of experimenting, Zhang Zhe had trained intensively for an hour, and he didn’t feel any fatigue at all, and he was far from satisfied.

But the sudden improvement of physical fitness is not all good, first of all, it is a bit uncomfortable.

How should I put it? It’s like when you need to dress up for something, but after taking out your favorite suit, you find that you have gained too much weight recently and it is a bit too small to wear.

It is very inconvenient to put it on and move, and you have to be careful to prevent the clothes from being damaged.

Not to mention the restraint, the ill-fitting clothes are not so good to wear, and they can’t achieve the best effect.

Feeling the vigorous power and extremely strong energy in his body, Zhang Zhe didn’t feel sleepy at all.

The midnight snack just now was gone after a few bites, and he was not full at all. ZhangZhe planned to get something else to eat.

But it was boring to eat supper alone at night, so he had to find a girl to accompany him.

Zhang Zhe picked up his phone and started thinking, who should he find?

After all, he was still on the island, and Lin Weiwei, An An, and Lina couldn’t come over now.

Equestrian coach Chen Ni?

Thinking of this girl who looked like Teacher Shinoda, Zhang Zhe’s heart was a little hot.

This girl was obviously interested in him, but after all, they just met, so it was not appropriate to call her out for supper.

At this time, Zhang Zhe suddenly remembered that Wang Shichong had brought several female anchors today to attract investment.

After eating barbecue in the evening, he reminded himself before leaving that they would not go back tonight…

Zhang Zhe opened WeChat, scrolled down and soon saw several business cards sent by Wang Shichong, and added them as friends one by one.

In less than half a minute, the friend requests were approved one after another, and the phone rang.

“Is this Mr. Zhang?”

“Hello, Mr. Zhang, I’m Erke. [Erke is cute.jpg]”

“What do you think of me?”

“What do you think of me?” [Dance video]”

Looking at the messages from the girls, a smile appeared on Zhang Zhe’s face.

Although he couldn’t understand Korean, judging from their expressions at night and their quick agreement to be friends, these female anchors probably wanted to let him go over in their dreams.

Zhang Zhe hadn’t planned to meet them today, after all, he was accompanying Xia Wanxing to play, but plans couldn’t keep up with changes.

Anyway, he couldn’t sleep at all, so he could only go to a buffet and appreciate their dancing skills.

Zhang Zhe did not reply one by one, but directly pulled them all into a group, and then said in the group:

“Get ready, I’ll go to the hotel later.”

After sending the message, Zhang Zhe was too lazy to read their replies, and directly put down his phone and got up to get dressed.

After packing up, Zhang Zhe walked out of the cabin, came to the outside of the yard and waved, and Zhang Long quickly drove a beach car to Zhang Zhe:

“Boss, what do you want?”

Zhang Zhe sat directly on the beach car and replied:

“Take me to the hotel and ask them to open a larger suite.”

“Okay, boss!”

Zhang Long immediately responded, drove the beach car to the hotel, and took out the intercom to notify Li Hu and others in the hotel to arrange the room.


Thanks to [Tao_lu] boss for the great god certification!

Thank you [Shanshan-Laochi] boss for the burst of flowers!

Now I owe 3 chapters for more, and I will start to add more tomorrow.

Ask for a wave of free power generation, thank you everyone! ~

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