Lower abdomen pain?

Zhang Zhe’s heart tightened. This was not a trivial matter. Especially if the pain was severe, he had to see a doctor as soon as possible.

Diseases such as acute gastroenteritis, appendicitis, pelvic inflammatory disease, corpus luteum rupture, etc., would cause severe pain in the lower abdomen. If the treatment was not timely, it might cause big problems.

But the island was still under construction and had not officially started business. There was a doctor in the pharmacy in the hotel, but he could only handle some simple problems.

Judging from Xia Wanxing’s expression, she must be in great pain. Zhang Zhe hurriedly said:

“Lie down, I’ll check you.”


Hearing that she was going to be checked, Xia Wanxing’s eyes flashed with a trace of panic. She looked at Zhang Zhe with a timid expression and said:

“Okay, then… Brother, go slowly, I really feel a little pain…”

Zhang Zhe was stunned for a moment, and then realized that Xia Wanxing must have thought wrongly, and couldn’t help but raise his hand and tap her head gently.

“What are you thinking about? I’m here to check you.”

“Oh oh.”

Xia Wanxing blushed and quickly leaned on the bed and lay down again.

Zhang Zhe directly called out the system panel and opened the skill store.

The system was very user-friendly after the upgrade. The skills displayed at the top were all the skills that Zhang Zhe was recently exposed to or might need.

[Medical Skills – Internal Medicine (Professional Level)]: 100 points.

Unlike skills such as horsemanship, medical skills are divided into multiple different skills.

After countless years of development, the knowledge system of medical skills is very large, with countless branches, and any one category is enough for many people to study for a lifetime.

It is impossible to learn all the categories of medical skills with only 100 points.

Zhang Zhe did not hesitate and directly bought the professional-level internal medicine skills.

Instantly, countless medical knowledge appeared in his mind, including both Chinese and Western medicine, as if he had been immersed in the field of internal medicine for many years.


After digesting the medical knowledge in his mind, Zhang Zhe said:

“Lie down, relax your body, and give me your right hand.”

Xia Wanxing obediently stretched out her right hand, and watched Zhang Zhe put his fingers on her pulse, and she couldn’t help but feel a little surprised and curious.

Is my brother taking my pulse?

In my impression, those who can take pulses are those old Chinese medicine grandfathers with long beards. Can my brother, who is so young, also do it?

After taking Xia Wanxing’s pulse for a while, Zhang Zhe gradually put his mind at ease.

Xia Wanxing’s pulse is very healthy, the pulse position is normal, the pulse frequency, rhythm and strength are also very stable, and there is no surging pulse caused by some acute diseases.

The only problem is that there is a little kidney yin deficiency, which is probably caused by the recent work fatigue, excessive pressure and staying up late.

Before, Zhang Zhe was too worried and ignored some details. Now he recalled it after learning medical skills.

When he first entered the room, Xia Wanxing sat there in a daze and didn’t feel any pain. It was only when he wanted to get up and move that he felt pain.

So her lower abdominal pain should not be caused by acute inflammation, but may be caused by muscle strain and other reasons.

“It’s no big deal. Lie down and I’ll check you again. Tell me if it hurts anywhere.”

“Yeah, okay!”

Xia Wanxing responded obediently, and couldn’t help but curiously asked:

“Brother, you also know medical skills? Why haven’t I heard you say it before…”

“A little bit. I know a lot of things. I can’t tell everyone, right? You will slowly know it in the future.”

Zhang Zhe smiled and replied, gently placed his hand on her lower abdomen, pressed slightly and asked:

“Does it hurt like this?”

“A little bit.”

“What about here?”

“It doesn’t hurt much here.”

“Like this?”

“Hiss… It hurts.”

After a simple examination, Zhang Zhe roughly understood what was going on.

It’s not a serious disease, but the pain caused by muscle strain caused by excessive abdominal pressure and abdominal spasm.

In short, it’s similar to the stomach pain caused by frequent and severe coughing, which increases abdominal pressure and pulls the abdominal muscles.

However, Xia Wanxing was not coughing, but because she ate too much yesterday.

The human body is very delicate, especially the internal organs are very fragile, so you still have to pay attention to maintenance.

After all, the space in the abdominal cavity and stomach is limited, generally only 7-12cm in size. Although the stomach can expand by about one-third when it moves, eating too much will put a lot of pressure on the stomach.

Even though living conditions are much better now than before, you can’t overeat easily, otherwise it is easy to cause gastrointestinal diseases.

Xia Wanxing just didn’t pay attention, but fortunately it’s not a big problem. Even if it’s not treated, it only takes a few days of rest to recover.

If you can massage it, relax the tense muscles, and relieve the pain to a great extent.

Zhang Zhe reopened the skill store and bought a new skill, [Massage (Professional Level)].

The points decreased by 100 points again, leaving only 1520 points.

Originally, he wanted to buy ByteDance shares, but the points gap was very large. Now he spent 200 points on Xia Wanxing, but Zhang Zhe felt it was worth it.

Among all his women, Xia Wanxing is the most special one, and she has an absolute transcendent status in Zhang Zhe’s heart.

Only she gave her whole heart to him when he had nothing.

After awakening her talent, she obeyed all his orders unconditionally.

Just like when he said he would help her check her body, Xia Wanxing misunderstood a little.

Although her stomach hurt, she agreed without hesitation, completely leaving the physical discomfort behind.

It seemed that satisfying her own requirements was the biggest pursuit in her heart.

Zhang Zhe even had an illusion that she had really signed a soul contract with him, just like the succubus cosplay the night before, and gave her entire life and even her soul to him.

Not to mention, Xiao Wanxing’s stomachache was originally caused by himself.

Not to mention that it was just 200 points, even if all the points were used up, or even missed the ByteDance shares, Zhang Zhe would not feel bad.

ByteDance shares are indeed rare assets.

But for Zhang Zhe, who has a system, no matter how good the assets are, they are just a bonus. It does not mean that with these shares, you can get a substantial and huge improvement.

So just let it go, there is no need to force it too much, and regard the process of obtaining these assets as a necessary job.

If you affect or even limit yourself because of these assets, that would be a waste of time.

Anyway, you are still young and there is plenty of time in the future.

After digesting the knowledge of massage, Zhang Zhe raised his hand and rubbed Xia Wanxing’s hair, and said softly:

“It’s okay, I’ll give you a massage and it won’t hurt.”


Xia Wanxing responded with a red face, watching Zhang Zhe rub his hands warm and put them on her lower abdomen, her heartbeat couldn’t help but start to speed up.

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