Since the last promise, Huang Xiang has been very honest.

Not only did he start working, but he also became more attentive to Liu Yun.

Especially after Liu Yun’s live broadcast became popular, Huang Xiang quit his job.

He got up early every morning to buy vegetables and thought of ways to make soup and cook to supplement the nutrition of pregnant Liu Yun.

The neighbors around him would say that Liu Yun was lucky and her husband wanted to hold her in his hands.

Perhaps she was deceived by his performance, or perhaps she really became stupid due to pregnancy. Liu Yun really believed that he had changed before.

But the facts proved that gamblers are not trustworthy.

Huang Xiang not only started gambling again, but this time he gambled even more, and even mortgaged their wedding house.

Not only that, he also signed an IOU of millions!

After knowing this news, Liu Yun had given up and had the idea of ​​divorce.

“Divorce? Impossible!”

When Huang Xiang heard that Liu Yun wanted to divorce, he was furious and said:

“You are a woman who despises the poor and loves the rich. When our family was rich before, you rushed to marry me. Now that I have no money, you want to divorce?”

“I despise the poor and love the rich?”

Liu Yun could hardly believe that this was what Huang Xiang said.

As a person from a small city, Liu Yun’s family conditions are indeed far worse than Huang Xiang’s before, which is also the reason why she is more inferior.

But before getting married, Liu Yun also had a good job and never asked Huang Xiang for money.

After getting married, Liu Yun stayed at home full-time, and Huang Xiang did give her a sum of money every month, sometimes a few thousand and sometimes 10,000 or 20,000.

But after deducting the living expenses of the family, and occasionally buying some clothes for Huang Xiang and his parents-in-law, there was basically no money left.

When Liu Yun bought a piece of clothing for herself, she had to consider whether it was worth it, but when spending money on them, she never hesitated.

Even when they got married, Liu Yun wanted a diamond ring, but because Huang Xiang’s mother said it was too expensive, when Huang Xiang discussed it with her, Liu Yun directly said she would not buy it.

Now Huang Xiang actually said that he despised the poor and loved the rich?

Liu Yun immediately gave up on him completely and said expressionlessly:

“I have decided to divorce. All the property in the family belongs to you, and all the money I earned during this period is given to you.”

“I will raise the child myself, and I will not ask you for a penny of child support in the future. You just need to sign…”

Huang Xiang looked at her coldly, and the muscles on his face were shaking.

Even though he had physical problems and even their child was conceived through test tubes in the hospital, Huang Xiang still had some feelings for Liu Yun in his heart.

After all, Liu Yun was excellent in both appearance and figure. She was the dream lover of many boys in school.

Even now, many people envy him for having such a beautiful and capable wife.

Which of the men in the community is not jealous of him behind his back?

Although he couldn’t eat it, Liu Yun brought Huang Xiang a special sense of accomplishment. Marrying her was the most worthy thing for Huang Xiang to boast about in his life.

If the two really divorced, outsiders would laugh at him.

What’s more, Liu Yun can now make millions every month.

How could Huang Xiang, who had lost everything, let go of such a gold mine?

But looking at Liu Yun’s attitude, no matter how much he apologized, she probably wouldn’t forgive him. Huang Xiang was silent for a long time, and suddenly said:

“Divorce is OK, but I have a condition.”

“What condition?” Liu Yun asked immediately.

“If you help me pay off my current foreign debt and make up for the loans of two houses, I will agree to sign.”

Huang Xiang’s eyes flashed with a gleam, and he said:

“After all, we haven’t divorced yet, and the money you have earned recently is also the common property between husband and wife, and you are so profitable now, you have to leave me something, right?”

Huang Xiang’s foreign debt is several million, and the loans for the two houses are tens of millions.

Liu Yun’s recent sales performance is indeed good, but after deducting the company’s share and paying personal income tax, she only got about 10 million.

She didn’t enjoy any happiness after marrying, and she served their family for more than two years, and she had to give him more than 10 million before agreeing to divorce?

This is unreasonable.

But in order to get rid of this gambler as soon as possible and start a new life, Liu Yun is willing to start all over again.

“Okay, I agree!”

Huang Xiang’s face suddenly raised a smile, and he said flatteringly:

“Wife, I know you love me…”

“Don’t call me wife, disgusting!”

“Okay, I’ll call you whatever you want me to call…”

It was because of this that Liu Yun specially asked Zhang Zhe to advance last month’s salary, and finally barely made up 1500 million.

Of course, it is impossible to give this money directly to Huang Xiang, otherwise who knows whether he will continue to gamble with this money?

Liu Yun wanted him to sign the divorce contract first, but Huang Xiang was unwilling to do so, saying that he had to wait until the loans of the two contracts were settled before signing.

In recent days, Liu Yun has been busy with live broadcasts while arguing with Huang Xiang, which can be said to be mentally and physically exhausted.

Finally, the procedures are almost done, and it seems that he will be able to get rid of this disgusting guy soon.

Unexpectedly, two days ago, when Liu Yun took out the divorce agreement, Huang Xiang changed his mind again:

“You have earned so much in just a few months. It’s too little to give me just over 10 million, isn’t it? I will sign if you give me another 50 million as compensation.”

“Are you crazy?”

Liu Yun widened her eyes and couldn’t help but swear:

“Where the hell can I get you 50 million? I agreed to your previous conditions. You must sign this today.”

“I know you don’t have it now, but you can write me an IOU and pay a part of it every month.”

Huang Xiang said in a tempting tone:

“You make a few million a month, which is just your annual income. As long as you agree to my condition, I will sign it immediately…”

In recent days, Huang Xiang has once again felt the joy of being rich.

The debt collectors who used to be fierce and ferocious now smile when they see him, and even call him Brother Huang.

Having easily obtained more than 10 million, Huang Xiang naturally wants to ask for more.

He had never even thought about divorcing Liu Yun from the beginning to the end.

Although he liked gambling, he could still distinguish between a full meal and a full meal.


Liu Yun replied without hesitation:

“I won’t give you a penny. If you don’t sign today, I would rather take the money and sue you.”

“Okay, then you sue me.”

Huang Xiang threatened directly with a dead pig’s fearless look:

“If you dare to sue me, I will immediately ‘expose you’ on the Internet with your real name, seducing men during pregnancy!”

“Now that you are supported by the sponsor, you want to abandon your husband and children! I want to see if you can continue your live broadcast. Anyway, this is how my life is, but you are different…”

At this moment, Huang Xiang undoubtedly revealed his true face.

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