“Yes, yes, brother, follow me!”

The marketing manager led the way and said to Zhang Zhe:

“Brother, I am the marketing manager of our store. You can just call me Xiao Liu. What is your name?”

“My last name is Zhang.”

“Okay, brother Zhang. It’s still early now. It’s not the busiest time yet. There are still a few seats in Zone 0. Can I arrange No. 003 for you?”

Zhang Zhe has not been to the bar much, and it is his first time to TAXX, so he has no experience, so he replied:

“Okay, you can arrange it.”

Under the leadership of Xiao Liu, Zhang Zhe came to booth No. 003.

As the best booth area in the bar, Zone 0 is located on the north side of the dance floor in the center of the bar, and is more than one meter higher than the dance floor below.

This height difference of almost one person allows people in the booth to have a panoramic view of the entire dance floor, providing an excellent field of view.

At the same time, the light mist sprayed around the booth can isolate the sight below to a certain extent, protecting the privacy of customers in the booth area. The design is very clever.

Zhang Zhe sat down on the large sofa. Xiao Liu immediately asked the waiter to bring some fruit plates and snacks, and called two security guards in black suits to stand on both sides of the sofa to prevent anyone from harassing him.

After arranging these, Xiao Liu handed the tablet in his hand to Zhang Zhe and said:

“Brother, please take a look first to see if there is anything you are satisfied with…”

Zhang Zhe took the tablet and took a look, and then he was a little stunned.

I thought he was asked to choose drinks, but the screen was an album called “Atmosphere Group”.

From the thumbnails, you can see that they are all photos of girls, and there seem to be some text on them.

Zhang Zhe looked at Xiao Liu and asked:

“What is this?”

“Brother, I see you came here by yourself. It’s boring to drink alone.”

Xiao Liu smiled and explained:

“These are the photos of the girls in our TAXX atmosphere group. They are all of the highest quality. Brother Zhang, do you see if you are satisfied? I will call you over to warm up the place.”

As a marketing veteran, Xiao Liu knows very well why guests come to the bar.

If you just want to drink, where can’t you drink? Do you have to come to the bar to drink several times more expensive wine?

So for Zhang Zhe who comes alone, the girl must be arranged in place.

As long as the boss is happy, the minimum consumption of the booth is really just the minimum consumption.

Men always like to show their strength in front of women, and in a place like a bar where people are drunk and decadent, is there any better way to show strength than spending money?

Zhang Zhe looked at Xiao Liu with some surprise, and felt the influence of money for the first time.

If you don’t have money, no one will pay attention to you at the scattered tables.

At most, there are some low-level wine touts who say a few good words to you and sell you a cocktail set worth hundreds of yuan.

In the booth, you don’t need to ask, the marketing will take the initiative to send the girl to you to choose.

Feeling in his heart, Zhang Zhe clicked on a photo casually.

The girl has a good figure, and her appearance is also good if you only look at the photo, but I don’t know if the beauty filter is serious.

There are a few lines of small words on the lower left of the photo:

[Wenwen, 24 years old]

[Height 165cm]

[Measurements 92 68 90]

[Lively personality]

[Specialty: tongue dance]

The previous introduction was normal, but the last speciality surprised Zhang Zhe a little, and he asked Xiao Liu:

“What does this speciality mean?”

“Brother Zhang, it’s like this.”

Xiao Liu gave Zhang Zhe a “you know” look and explained:

“This Wenwen’s tongue is very flexible. Not only can she tie a knot in her mouth, but she can also dance with her tongue…”


After Xiao Liu said this, Zhang Zhe instantly had a picture in his mind.

As a girl in the atmosphere group, having such a unique skill can indeed be said to be a speciality.

After sliding on the screen, Zhang Zhe continued to look at the information of other girls.

At first, Zhang Zhe was indeed interested.

But after looking around, he found that the situations of these girls were similar, not only in appearance but also in figure.

The overall quality is good, but not great. It even looks like an assembly line product.

It’s normal to think about it. If she is a goddess, she can easily hook up with a sponsor. It’s impossible for her to work in a bar for a long time.

Those who can stay are not of high quality. Not only their faces, but also their bodies are probably operated on.

Thinking of this, Zhang Zhe, who was originally a little moved, calmed down instantly.

Although any woman can pay, Zhang Zhe still looks down on these semi-permanent ones.

As if seeing Zhang Zhe’s thoughts, Xiao Liu asked tentatively:

“Brother Zhang, are you satisfied?”

Zhang Zhe will flatHe handed him the board and leaned on the sofa and said:

“Forget about the atmosphere group, it’s not interesting.”

As soon as he said this, Xiao Liu immediately understood that Zhang Zhe looked down on them.

It makes sense. This Zhang brother looks young and obviously hasn’t been to the bar much.

But the first time he came to TAXX, he booked the most expensive 0 zone booth. He must be rich, so it’s normal for him to look down on these atmosphere groups.

Xiao Liu rolled his eyes and asked:

“Brother Zhang, how about I organize an amateur game for you?”

Amateur game?

Zhang Zhe knew about the atmosphere group, but it was the first time he heard of the amateur game, so he replied:

“Tell me in detail.”

“Brother Zhang, it’s like this…”

Xiao Liu sat on the sofa and began to introduce.

The bigger the city, the more girls like to go to nightclubs. They enjoy the pleasure of indulgence.

But many young girls like to play but don’t have enough financial conditions.

Take the TAXX bar as an example. The most basic scattered table costs two or three thousand a night.

Not to mention college students, many people who are already working don’t have much money to come here often.

However, if a nightclub wants to do well, there must be more women in the club, and the quality must be good.

Therefore, many nightclubs not only offer free tickets to ladies, but even if you are pretty, you can arrange a free table, send some wine and fruit plates, etc.

But there is no free lunch in this world.

The reason why the bar lets these girls play for free is to give them enough “clean games” when big customers come.

Of course, this is all voluntary and nothing is forced.

But these girls who take advantage of free things are basically those who are not well-off but love to play and are relatively materialistic.

If there is a high-end game, they are happy to come, maybe they can get close to a rich second generation?

“Brother Zhang, it happens that a sister brings her best friend to play tonight, and she is from the Art Academy. If you are interested, I will call her to come and see for you?” Xiao Liu asked.

Zhang Zhe nodded with satisfaction. This Xiao Liu was really good at dealing with things, so he said:

“Okay, go ahead. As long as the quality is high, I will at least open a magic dragon set for you!”

A hint of joy flashed in Xiao Liu’s eyes, and he immediately replied:

“Brother Zhang, please wait a moment. I’ll go now and guarantee that you will be satisfied!”

Without letting Zhang Zhe wait too long, about three or four minutes later, Xiao Liu came with the girls.

Not the two mentioned before, but four directly.

The two on the left were holding each other’s arms. They looked young and should be the students of the art college that Xiao Liu mentioned before.

The other two were about 25 or 26 years old, and their makeup and temperament were relatively mature.

The four girls, whether in appearance or figure, were much higher in quality than the atmosphere group they had seen before.

When Zhang Zhe looked at the four girls, they were also looking at Zhang Zhe.

After seeing Zhang Zhe’s appearance clearly, they couldn’t help but feel a little surprised.

Before coming here just now, Brother Liu told them that this big customer today was not only young but also handsome.

But before that, several people didn’t care too much. After all, Brother Liu was doing marketing work, and it was normal for him to say good things for the boss.

The reason why they came here was more because it was a game in the 0 zone booth, and they thought it would be good to meet a rich man.

But after coming here, they found that what Brother Liu said was true, and he was even a little modest.

This is not very handsome, it’s just too handsome, right?

Through the dim lights of the nightclub, you can see that the man on the sofa has deep facial features and perfect proportions of eyebrows and eyes, which looks like a star Zunlong in the early years.

Although he was lying on the sofa, you can see that he has a good figure and is at least 1.8 meters tall.

More importantly, the other party is also very rich!

I got such a high-quality game as soon as I arrived. I was so lucky tonight!

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