“I’ll take a break first, you four can drink first.”

Seeing Bingbing wanting to clink glasses with him again, Zhang Zhe waved his hand to refuse, and then asked the waiter beside him to open two more bottles of wine.

Seeing that Zhang Zhe didn’t drink, Bingbing didn’t say anything, and didn’t dare to force Zhang Zhe to drink. After drinking half a glass, she put the glass on the table, and didn’t mean to clink glasses with the other three girls.

“Mr. Zhang, are you feeling uncomfortable in your stomach?” Siqi hugged Zhang Zhe’s arm and said with concern.

“It’s okay, I just drank a little too fast, I’ll just take a break.”

Zhang Zhe replied:

“There are still four bottles of wine, you continue to drink, and I’ll order more after you finish drinking.”

“Then how about I rub your stomach for you?”

Siqi asked tentatively:

“I used to eat irregularly, and my stomach was often uncomfortable. Rubbing it can make it much better.”

Zhang Zhe glanced at her and didn’t answer, but changed to a more comfortable position to lie on the sofa, and closed his eyes at the same time.

Siqi understood, a hint of joy appeared on her face, she hugged Zhang Zhe’s arm directly, and began to rub Zhang Zhe’s stomach.




Lina, who was sitting on Zhang Zhe’s left, also noticed Siqi’s actions.

She didn’t expect Siqi to be so close to Zhang Zhe so quickly, and she felt a sense of crisis in her heart.

As she said to An An before, it was impossible for Lina not to be moved when she met a man with such good conditions.

She also knew that Siqi and Bingbing on the opposite side must have the same idea as her, but she didn’t care much before.

Because in Lina’s opinion, she and An An were more beautiful and younger than them, and her figure was not bad at all.

You are better than you in all aspects, how can you compete with me?

But now, seeing that Siqi was so proactive, Lina felt a little uneasy.

She was prettier than Siqi, but she couldn’t stop her from being hot!

Once a man gets excited, sometimes he is not rational.

Lina knew she couldn’t hesitate any longer, so she took the initiative to hug Zhang Zhe’s arm and started chatting:

“Brother, I don’t know what you do yet…”

Zhang Zhe glanced at her and replied casually:

“Me? About the same as you, a senior.”

“Brother, are you also a college student?” Lina asked in surprise.

She really didn’t expect that Zhang Zhe was still a college student like her.

It’s not that college students are so rare, but she was surprised by Zhang Zhe’s age.

Zhang Zhe’s dress today was more mature. She thought Zhang Zhe was a little older, but she didn’t expect that Zhang Zhe was just a senior this year.

In other words, Zhang Zhe was only about 22 years old, only three years older than her?

This was more shocking than Zhang Zhe starting to work and do business. He could consume Shenlong suits at will before graduation…

What kind of family is this?

She really couldn’t imagine it.

“Why, not?” Zhang Zhe asked back.

“No, no…”

Lina waved her hands and explained:

“I just didn’t expect you to be so young, almost my age…”

Zhang Zhe smiled and asked:

“Let’s not talk about me. You said before that you and An An are both from the Academy of Arts. What year are you this year? What major are you studying?”

“An An and I are both freshmen. I told you when I first came here. Brother, you forgot so quickly!”

Lina hugged Zhang Zhe’s arm and shook it like a spoiled child, then explained:

“We are both in the dance department. I study jazz dance and An An studies classical dance…”

Zhang Zhe really didn’t know much about dance, and his mind was not on this at the moment. He replied casually:

“Dance department… Then you are very good at dancing?”

“It’s okay. I started learning dance since elementary school. It’s been more than ten years. An An is almost the same!”

Although Lina’s tone was modest, she clearly stated her advantages.

She knew very well that many men like girlfriends who can dance, especially those who are fond of the splits.

Her advantage is that she can dance, and she is also young, as she is a freshman this year!

As the saying goes, no one can be eighteen forever, but there are always eighteen-year-old girls!

Seeing Siqi rubbing Zhang Zhe’s belly like a caring girlfriend, Lina suddenly said:

“Brother, it’s so boring to just sit there, how about we go down and dance?”

It was almost eleven o’clock in the evening, and it was gradually entering the busiest time. The music rhythm was also much faster, and the explosive electronic music made everyone in the bar beat faster.

Many people left their seats, or entered the center of the dance floor, or swayed their bodies to the rhythm of the music.

“I don’t know how to dance, if you want to dance, go by yourself.” Zhang Zhe waved his hand backsaid.

Zhang Zhe also saw Lina’s eyes, and naturally knew what she was thinking, but this was exactly what Zhang Zhe wanted.

It was useless to just look at his eyes. If he wanted to get close to his rich father, he had to compete with other girls first!

He was unwilling to go with Lina, not because Zhang Zhe was not interested in her, but because he had not been to bars much and was not familiar with these things.

It was nice to watch girls dancing, especially those who were good-looking, rich and generous. Just twisting around was a visual enjoyment.

But if it were me, Zhang Zhe would feel embarrassed just thinking about it.

Seeing that Zhang Zhe was unwilling to go, Lina immediately gave up the idea of ​​going down to play.

She liked to dance, but she could still distinguish between the important and the unimportant. If she went down to play, wouldn’t it be a bargain for Siqi, who was the fireman, and she got what she wanted?

“Then I won’t go either, brother. How about I dance for you?” Lina suddenly suggested.

This suggestion is not bad. Although Zhang Zhe is not interested in disco, he is still very interested in girls dancing.

He raised his hand and patted Siqi’s arm, winked at her, and Siqi pulled her hand out sensibly.

Zhang Zhe clapped his hands and said to the girls:

“How about this, you guys dance together for me, whoever dances the best will get a reward!”

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