Lina sat alone on the sofa in the living room for a while, then slowly stood up and walked towards the second bedroom.

Although An An took Zhang Zhe away directly without discussing it with her, Lina didn’t think it was a big deal.

On the contrary, she was very grateful to An An for letting her live in the suite.

Lina knew very well that her position in Zhe Ge’s heart was definitely not as good as An An’s, so she never thought of competing with An An.

She was already very satisfied to be recognized by Zhe Ge and not rejected by An An.

Although the area of ​​this suite was not very large, the configuration was OK. The master bedroom and the second bedroom were equipped with separate bathrooms.

After entering the room, Lina went directly to the bathroom and took a careful bath.

More than half an hour later, Lina, who was fragrant all over, walked out of the bathroom with a bath towel around her, came to the table and took out a plastic clothing bag from her bag.

After taking out the black mesh clothes and dark blue split skirt inside and putting them on, Lina walked to the floor-length mirror in the room.

Looking at her sexy and charming appearance in the mirror, Lina’s face gradually became rosy.

“Brother Zhe will definitely like it…”

I don’t know if it’s because the air conditioner is not turned on, or for some other reason, Lina felt a little hot on her face, and she went straight into the bed.

Only her head was exposed, looking at the door and waiting quietly.

It felt like a long time had passed, and Lina couldn’t help but get out of the bed, walked to the table and picked up her mobile phone.

I looked at the time, it was already one o’clock in the morning, but there was still no movement.

I opened WeChat, but I didn’t receive any message from Brother Zhe.

Lina went back to the bed and wanted to continue waiting, but she couldn’t help but start to think wildly in her heart.

“Is Brother Zhe asleep, or did An An not let him come?”

The unspeakable anxiety and uneasiness made Lina unable to calm down, and finally couldn’t help thinking:

“Or… I go out and take a look?”

After hesitating again and again, Lina decided to go out and observe the situation.

If Brother Zhe hasn’t rested yet, I will come back and continue to wait. If I’m not sure, I will send a WeChat reminder.

After all, I have carefully prepared the program…

Lina gently opened the door and slowly walked towards the master bedroom at the other end of the house.

When she was still several meters away from the door, Lina vaguely heard some movement inside, and subconsciously wanted to run back to the room to continue waiting, but her legs didn’t obey.

When she came to the door of the master bedroom, Lina immediately heard someone say:

“I’m coming…”

Lina was frightened and didn’t dare to move.

Because she was afraid of being discovered, she didn’t even dare to wear slippers. Without making any sound, how did An An know that she was here?

After appreciating An An’s dance, Zhang Zhe was satisfied.

After dancing for an hour, An An was really tired. She hugged Zhang Zhe’s neck and asked:

“Brother, do you like it?”

“Yes, my little An An dances so beautifully.”

Zhang Zhe rubbed her hair and said lovingly:

“Are you tired? Rest quickly and have a good sleep.”


An An nodded, kissed Zhang Zhe and then said:

“I’ve been sweating from dancing. I have to take a shower first. Brother, go see Nana. I’m worried about her being alone.”

Zhang Zhe wanted to wait until she fell asleep before going over, but An An took the initiative to bring it up. He couldn’t help but ask curiously:

“When did you find out?”

“When we were preparing to go to Disneyland at the hotel.”

An An smiled mischievously and explained:

“Brother, you sent a driver to pick us up in the afternoon. When we were about to arrive at the hotel, Nana put on makeup. I remember she put on lip gloss, but when I came out of the bathroom, her lip gloss suddenly That’s all.”

“When we were having dinner, Nana acted a little strange. Brother, we looked at each other in the same way, so I noticed it…”

“I didn’t expect you to be a little detective.”

Zhang Zhe pinched An An’s smooth face and asked:

“Then you’re not angry?”

“What’s there to be angry about? In fact, you were the most interested in Nana at the bar that night.”

An An said as a matter of course:

“If it weren’t for me…you wouldn’t have taken me away at all. I snatched you away from her…”

“And I’ve known Nana for more than half a year, and we often sleep together at night. I know what kind of person she is. She doesn’t have bad intentions, but she has a strong desire to compete. I thought there would be such a day, but I didn’t expect it to be so soon…”

Zhang Zhe used to think that An An was just an ignorant and simple little white rabbit.

I didn’t expect that she looked cute and well-behaved, but she actually knew everything in her heart.

Seeing that she was so sensible, Zhang Zhe couldn’t help but kiss her:”Xiao An’an, I really like you more and more!”


After receiving Zhang Zhe’s praise, An’an laughed foolishly, and after lying on Zhang Zhe’s chest for a while, she stood up and said:

“Brother, I’m going to take a shower. Don’t come back at night. I want to sleep in this big bed by myself!”


Zhang Zhe rubbed her hair and said softly:

“Then go to bed early. I’ll accompany you wherever you want to go tomorrow.”


An’an nodded and watched Zhang Zhe walk out of the bedroom with a complicated look in her eyes.

She said it was free and easy, but how could she not mind at all in her heart?

But today, her brother asked her to come with Nana, which actually showed his feelings. Otherwise, he could let Nana contact him alone, and she would not know at all.

I used to hear those senior sisters say that many high-looking and good-looking senior sisters in the school have been in love with rich second-generations, but they basically broke up in the end.

Girls from ordinary families, no matter how good their external conditions are, it is difficult for them to marry into a wealthy family.

Didn’t I choose to go with my brother because I wanted a better life?

That night in the bar, An An knew that her brother was a bit fickle. He was so close to Nana first, and then took her away.

But at least, her brother’s love for her has not diminished, and she has even got things that many girls can’t have in their lifetime.

And if Nana cooperates with her, it might be a good thing…


As soon as Zhang Zhe walked out of the door, he felt something tripped him and almost fell.

Turning his head, he saw Lina sitting with her back against the wall next to the master bedroom door, with a pair of long legs wrapped in black mesh lying on the ground, which was the culprit who almost tripped him.

“Why are you sitting here?”

Zhang Zhe asked, and then he found that something was wrong with her.

Lina closed her eyes as if she was asleep, her lips slightly open, her pretty face blushing as she sat there, and did not respond to Zhang Zhe’s words.

The living room didn’t have air conditioning on, the room temperature was very low and she was wearing very little, so she didn’t know how long she had been sitting here.

“You don’t have a fever, do you?”

Zhang Zhe reached out and touched her forehead, and instantly felt the burning heat.

“It’s so hot, you didn’t even shout if you had a fever.”

Zhang Zhe bent down and picked up Lina, put her in the second bedroom, and began to look for medicine in the room.

After finding the medicine box in the room, he took out the thermometer and measured Lina’s temperature.

My goodness, 38.5 degrees.

“Brother Zhe, I feel so uncomfortable…” Lina shouted in a daze.

Zhang Zhe picked up a bottle of ibuprofen, poured out some and said:

“You have a fever, drink the medicine and it will be fine.”

Zhang Zhe carefully supported Lina’s head, let her rise a little to avoid choking, and handed the medicine to her mouth.


Although Lina didn’t open her eyes, she still drank the medicine obediently after hearing Zhang Zhe’s voice.

After Lina took the medicine, Zhang Zhe was afraid that her fever would not go down, so he stayed by her side and took her temperature from time to time.

After more than an hour of tossing and turning, Lina’s temperature finally went down.

He took it again, 36.8 degrees, basically no problem.

Zhang Zhe breathed a sigh of relief, and could no longer resist the sleepiness, so he fell asleep.

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