Mom always moved his heart like this and made sand get into her eyes.

It was cold in the early autumn night, Jiang Yun did not dare to be careless, she resisted the pain and got up, lifted the quilt and wrapped the cub in the quilt, the corners of her mouth twitched involuntarily and said, "Sleep! You too tired."

Cubs know that their mother doesn't want to worry about herself, so she pursed her mouth and huddled obediently beside her.

The room was quiet, the cub was next to his mother's warm arms, listening to the insects and frogs outside the window, his eyelids soon couldn't hold it any longer and began to fight. When he was about to fall asleep, Cub Cub suddenly thought that he still had something to ask his mother, and he opened his eyes, and his eyes became clear.

How can she sleep now? In a few days, when her mother runs away, she will meet the heroine and then a tragedy will happen. Now you should find a way, you should find a way!

So what? The cub frowned, and his small mouth pouted and thought carefully.

In her original memory, after five days, her mother and her would get a chance to escape. Jiang Yun broke the bedpost with a hammer while Zhao Shan and her mother were out shopping and went to the market to escape. After escaping, she was caught and beaten to death , can you not meet the heroine?

However, avoiding this point of time and finding no other point to escape, Zhao Shan and his mother are not at home together too few days.

Deliberately avoid the time period of the encounter? Zaizai thought about it for a while, and felt that the chance of encountering a cheating heroine was too high! As soon as the protagonist's halo is affected, they all have to be taken back to the village.

Thinking about countermeasures in my mind, the cub's body turns over and over unconsciously.

The scary thing is that after this time, she is afraid that her mother will be beaten to death by Zhao Shan soon, which is a dilemma.

"Sleep! Don't worry." Jiang Yun turned around and embraced the little one, gently stroking her soft hair, soothing the child who was in a hurry.

The corner of the cub's mouth showed a smile, the mother is so good, such a good mother must let her get out of the mountain and out of this demon village as soon as possible.

Suddenly, the cub's eyes lit up.

Did she ignore a problem, that is, logically, it is OK to call the police, right? Mom is trapped, but she is not a normal child! She is the strongest intelligent life close to human life! She can call the police and let the police rescue her mother, right? This can not only avoid the heroine, but also get them out of here as soon as possible.

In addition, you can also use the police uncle's mobile phone to contact the mother's parents, they will definitely come to pick up the mother, double insurance!

Do what you want, and now the first step is to ask mother to give out the phone number at home, preferably more than one.

"Mom, you say, where are grandparents? How can I see them?"

The tender voice appeared in Jiang Yun's ear, which made Jiang Yun's expression shake, Jiang Yun did not teach the cub what abduction was, she couldn't see her grandparents, and she didn't even say it Her family relationship is not normal. Now that the baby asks, how will she answer?

Jiang Yun raised the corner of her mouth, revealing a silent bitter smile, "Grandpa and grandmother also want to see you, but they can't contact us, but one day they will find us." With cub cub's floppy hair and firm eyes, she will escape from this mountain, and they will escape from here.

The cub thought of my mother's apologies in his heart, but continued to say: "Mom, the elder brother of the village chief told me yesterday that he has a small box and can contact people far and far away. Just a few numbers my mom taught me! Is that true?"

"Really, but Bao Bao can't ask the village chief's elder brother for the little box to contact his grandparents?" Jiang Yun knew very well that in this village, except for those women and children who were abducted and trafficked like her, all It's a cowardly thing, and you can't let the baby ask. They know that means Zhao Shan knows that in case of retaliation and beating, she can't bear it.

"Oh..." The cub buried his head in disappointment. His tone couldn't hide his disappointment: "Baby listens to mother's words, and mother is right! But I want to know one more thing! Can mother promise me?"


Jiang Yun looked down at the cub in the dark, with sadness and guilt flashing in her eyes.

Cubs plan! His voice was full of excitement: "I want to know the numbers of my grandparents! The elder brother of the village chief said. Outsiders, everyone has their own number! I want my grandparents! And I will also have my number in the future. , grandpa and grandma can contact me directly!"

Jiang Yun does not like to deceive people by nature, even a three-year-old girl reluctantly recites the number that she has firmly remembered in her heart over the past few years, and also tempers some parents The character told the cub.

Cubzi silently memorized these two numbers in his heart. After remembering, he put his face to Jiang Yun's heart and whispered sorry.

Jiang Yun didn't hear the cubs talking to herself, because Zhao Shan and his mother were scolding from the window.

"Are you stupid? Your mother-in-law is locked! Why did she close the door? It was the one who lost money. She saw some unclean things. In case...cough...I'm wrong, Immortals don’t blame them.” Zhao Shan’s mother closed the pigsty door with trembling hands, and realized that she had said the wrong thing, so anxiously folded her hands and bowed in four directions, east, west, north, south, and said, “You sleep in another room these few days, Stop next to those two."

Zhao Shan listened to the old lady the most, and said bitterly: "Damn, it's really unfortunate. Mom! Just in time, I have something I want to discuss with you."

Jiang Yun heaved a sigh of relief, this old goddess has done a good deed, it is a good thing that she does not need to face this beast for a few days.

With a plan, the cub got up with enthusiasm the next day.

After a while, the cub carefully lifted the quilt and got out of bed, and went to the kitchen to make a fire.

In the next few days, Zaizai worked hard to do all the farm work that he could, and won the trust of Zhao Shan's mother in just a few days. At the same time, Zaizai also got a huge payment!

Three dollars! This is what she uses to deal with emergencies.

This was obtained by her helping others make several toys, which she carefully hid in the sole of her shoe.

In case the police uncle doesn't trust her small child to call the police, she can also use a pay phone to make calls.

She is such a witty child! Mom's sweet little padded jacket!

Zhao Shan's mother is very happy recently. She will have a well-behaved daughter-in-law soon. She has long wanted to replace this one in the house. Can't enjoy it. Zhao Shan told her that he was inexperienced the first time, and next time he would definitely buy a well-behaved and obedient one to let her enjoy the happiness.

In addition, the loser has been quite diligent recently. This good thing really comes one by one.

The night before the market.

The little kite took out the small kite, wooden gun, top and other toys that she had saved in the past few days, and walked into Zhao Shan's mother's room. She thought about it, if she only relied on the hospitality these days, She couldn't let the other party take her to the market at all. As long as she had these carefully polished toys in her hand, Zhao Shan's mother would definitely be moved and take her to the market.

The room was dark, the old lady looked at the cub who came in, narrowed her wrinkled eyes and asked, "What are you doing?"

Zizai lowered his head and whispered: "Daddy, I want to go to town with you tomorrow, I want to sell these things to my family."

The old lady looked up and down the cub and snorted coldly: "How much money can you buy these **** things? Children, don't be so crooked, I won't take you there of."

Zi Zai clenched her hands tightly and added chips silently, "The elder brother of the village chief and the sister next door bought my spinning top and kite! They can make money!"

The old lady stopped talking, just squinted her eyes and continued to sew the clothes patch in her hand.

The atmosphere was silent, and the cub knew that the person in front of her couldn't trust her at all. She had heard a sentence that Jiang was still old and hot, and the old man was difficult to deal with.

But, there is another word, that is! Don't mess with kids!

, I promise I won't buy anything!"

The old-fashioned old man pulled it and snorted: "You are as dishonest as your mother, and you still want to hide money? I'll sell these toys tomorrow! Don't go."

Zi Zai's heart fell from the height of 10,000 meters, and her efforts were rejected!

It seems that she is still too tender and too small!

It was the first time that the cub had resentment about why she was only three years old. The original body and her have never been to the town, and the road is not known. old way?

[Trigger Auxiliary Gold Finger: King of the Strong Mouth! Please sign for it. 】

The cub was frightened by the system, and quickly turned around and left the room silently.

Out of the room, the cub couldn't help but ask in his heart: "If you have any questions, ask! What is a trigger gold finger, what is a strong mouth king! Don't bully a three-year-old child!"

As long as I will say, you will suffer the bad luck buff. 】

"This golden finger is useless! Can scolding people solve the problem? No." Zaizai said angrily.

[Be careful! Can anyone be called a king? The best in the spray can make people's blood rise! produce various diseases! can make…]

[Positive solution. 】

"..." The two sides were awkward and silent...

Zizai was speechless for a while, then pouted and asked, "As a personal system, I'm very curious, no matter who gave you the name, I feel a little malicious. Also, this golden finger directly Can you just speak up?"

, please use with caution! There will be a pop-up window prompting the specific points. 】

"Okay." Cub nodded excitedly.

It's safe!

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