Hundred Ways To Save Cannon Fodder Mom

Chapter 31: The queen mother who died of domestic violence

"Then he, can he hear us?" The cub frowned and looked distressed.

[Yes. 】

The cub's eyes lit up, and he negotiated straightforwardly, "Then, uncle strong, can you use force to give my mother? What do you want, we will find a way to help you change it."


[He does not change. 】

"Is that so?" The cub silently took the card in his mother's hand, put the bank card-sized card in the palm of his hand, opened his eyes wide, his eyelashes like crow feathers fluttered, and said aggrieved : "But mom really needs you, so please mention the conditions!"

[He wants ten strands of good fortune, I think he is extorting! ] The system looked at the card disdainfully and commented.

In its view, its half luck is not worth it. The strong who can be sealed by the lottery system are either not strong enough or greedy enough.

After all, as long as you don't agree and you don't make an exchange with it, it can't do anything to you at all.

But looking at the way the strong lion opened his mouth, it seemed that he was not greedy enough to fight against the system being sealed.

"I have half a ray of luck, and I will establish a contract to let you lend your strength to your mother." Zaizai has trust in the personal system from the soul. He said that only half a ray of luck is worth it. only worth these.

Although it is not possible to borrow from the strong, the strong are now people under the roof.

[He didn't borrow it and said he didn't like us. 】

"Okay...then I can only protect my mother! As for the strong, I can't let Qiao Yao use you, I can only...I'm sorry." Zizai folded the card with both hands, but found that force Cards cannot be broken.

[It's laughing at you, cub. 】The system ruthlessly communicates the trends of the strong.

Cubs pouting:…

[This is a time-grade material that cannot be destroyed with anything in this world. 】

Cub rubbed his head.

Time class?

I don't understand, I'll ask later.

"Can the lottery system summon the cards back?" Zaizai looked at the cards worriedly, you can't grab it once and get nothing!

"Is that so?" Cub said to himself.

Sheng Qiu watched her daughter flip over and read the card, and knew what her plan was, smiled and stroked the broken hair on her forehead, comforting: "It doesn't matter if it doesn't work, as long as Qiao Yao can't use it. "

"Mom, are you... rich?" Cub asked suddenly.

Sheng Qiu was a little startled by her sudden question, bowed his head and laughed: "Don't worry, mom is rich! Even if Tiantian keeps using it, you can spend a lifetime, don't worry."

Zizai shook his head, picked up the card in his hand, and said innocently: "I want to send it...God."

Autumn: ? ? ? ! !



"...Okay!" Sheng Qiu suddenly felt that the speed of making money in the past was still not enough. According to her daughter's usage, it may not be enough. Should she go back and inherit the family business.

But it doesn't matter, as long as my daughter likes it! She can!

Maybe I don't want to talk for a while now. 】

The cub touched the card, "I was going to give half a ray of luck..."

Seeing her daughter's silent appearance, Sheng Qiu thought that her answer was not decisive enough, and gave her an image of her unwillingness, so she picked up her mobile phone and called, "Dad! I want to launch a card into space , your granddaughter doesn't like that card, she hates it!"

The other end of the phone was silent for a long time, and after a while, "Ready, send the granddaughter over and watch the rocket send it up."


Stronger: Please…speak…speak…

"Grandpa?" The cub's speech was a little slow and jerky. The word grandpa was the first time she shouted out this body. The cub had a clear fondness for this word, and shouted it out smoothly.

She doesn't know, she has so much goodwill there.

"Hmm..." On the other end of the phone, the old man obviously suppressed his voice and replied, "Come on, watch...the rocket launch, it's beautiful."

"Okay." There was an excited look on the cub's face, and she was also looking forward to the launch of the rocket!

【Cub, are you serious? 】

The cub tilted his head and thought for a while, then nodded firmly, "The rocket sent him to the sky, so even if Qiao Yao wants to retrieve the card, he can't go to the stars and sea to fish! If he can't find it, uncle strong It's free."

[The strong man said that he only needed a wisp of luck to hire, no... He also said that only half a wisp would be fine. 】

"However, children have to keep their word, I can't refuse grandpa who has already arranged it like this, it hurts grandpa's heart so much! I don't want, I don't want to break the agreement with grandpa because of you. "Zizai refused Sanlian, she was sincere and wanted to send the strong "freedom".

[He is free and can sign a lifetime contract with Shengqiu. 】

"I promised my grandpa!" Zaizai was very stubborn and resolutely refused.

[Cub, promise! I saw that he was about to kneel, Shengqiu was still not guaranteed! 】

The corners of the cub's mouth rose, revealing neatly arranged white teeth, "Okay! Be someone to help me draw up the contract."

Stronger: ! !

Thank you, I almost suffocate.

【Good job! This grandson doesn't look like a good person. 】

Stronger: ***********

"Ah Che" Cub Cui sneezed loudly, she covered her nose with an innocent face, "I feel like I was scolded!"

[No, he appreciates the space we gave him. 】


When the cub recovers from the communication with the system, Shengqiu has already communicated with his father when he will go back and send the card to space.

The cub stood up, reached out and took the mobile phone in Sheng Qiu's hand, and called grandpa sweetly to the other end of the phone.

Then she said that she had just come up with a whim, and told her grandfather to stop working.

A cheeky and coquettish remark, the cub was gently let go by the grandfather.

Sheng Qiu looked suspiciously at her daughter who hung up the phone with her mobile phone, "Why, Tiantian, I refused, I think it would be a good idea to send it to outer space." It's still a hot potato, and if you send it, no one will find it.

Zizai blushed, she covered her face with her hands a little embarrassed, "...the card can be used."

"Huh?" It came out of the crowd in Shengqiu. As soon as her daughter said it, she realized that the card suddenly became usable, which was related to her daze and the suggestion just now.

"Mom, close your eyes." Cubzi reached out and put the card in Sheng Qiu's hand, letting her hold the black card. A ray of golden light suddenly appeared in the air, and penetrated from the temple of Shengqiu.


The golden light formed a contract in Sheng Qiu's mind. Sheng Qiu was about to read the contract when he heard the cub's voice.

A pure white quill appeared in his hand, Sheng Qiu did not hesitate to sign his name on the signature column.

The word "Long Feifeng Dance" in the contract appeared on the contract.

Sheng Qiu opened her eyes and looked at her daughter closely, trying to get a little explanation.

She has signed the contract now, so she must know the content of the contract, right?

The cub's eyes were curved into a crescent shape, and he smiled brightly, "Okay! The power of the card is contracted to the mother."

The ease on Sheng Qiu's face disappeared instantly, "You didn't pay a price that you shouldn't have to pay! I'll deduct whatever it wants, you can't be consumed by anything when you're young."

The cub's heart felt like it was soaked in honey for a moment, she threw forward, threw herself into Sheng Qiu's arms, and shook her head firmly.

"Don't lie to mom! I'm very scared." Mid-autumn conditioned reflex to catch her daughter, caressing the cub's back and said.

"Don't lie."

Sheng Qiu nodded, she believed in Sheng Tian.

The powerhouse who watched everything looked at the contract in his hand, looked at the last clause and fell into tears.

He's too greedy...

The child is still very cute.

Article 349: The bond will be released at that time until the 100th year of the autumn, and Party A will make the greatest efforts for Party B to release the contract and the lottery system to release the contract.

Qiao Yao sat in the police office, his face flushed.

In all these years, except when he was a child, he has never been so embarrassed as he is now.

"This is what we found when we obtained the monitoring of the villa. Let's see how you would explain it. You will be detained by the public security for trespassing illegally. Do you know that?" In the video, Qiao Yao He entered the villa by climbing over the wall, and then surreptitiously searched around. The policeman looked at the picture, took out a piece of paper and put it on the table, with a serious expression: "You entered the villa, and the reason for entering and leaving is to send documents, may I ask what documents are you sending? ."

The house is indeed his father-in-law's, but Qiao Yao has not obtained the consent of his father-in-law, and it belongs to the over-the-wall entry, which cannot be washed away. Besides... The matter between him and Sheng Qiu has been a lot of trouble in the past two days. It's strange that other people will let him go after domestic violence against other people's daughters.

"I don't think anyone's consent is required to enter my home." Qiao Yao snorted coldly.

Seeing that Qiao Yao didn't hit the south wall and didn't look back, the policeman sighed silently, "According to the Public Security Administration Punishment Law, you trespassed into someone else's house without their consent, fined five hundred and detained for five days. Now the other party's lawyer I have something to tell you outside."

You should be familiar with me, so I won't introduce myself.

I was entrusted by Mr. Sheng and Miss Sheng today to talk to you about divorce. This is a divorce agreement. If you have no objection, please sign it. If you sign the agreement, Mr. Sheng will not pursue you for trespassing in his house, please think about it carefully. "

Qiao Yao wanted to clench his fists to express his dissatisfaction, but both hands were injured, so he couldn't do this, he could only grit his teeth and said, "Do they think it's okay for the injury on my hand? But it's all instigated by Sheng Qiu! Wang Qin, you're not only a powerful lawyer in this circle."

"As far as I know, it's just a child's hand, so it doesn't matter? Do you want to sue? I'll introduce you to a lawyer. As for abetting, my client has surveillance evidence, do you have it?" The corners of Wang Qin's mouth rose, revealing a very kind smile.


Wang Qin pushed the documents beside him to Qiao Yao, and said without a smile: "I advise you, this version of the divorce agreement is very good for you, and you have some money to settle down after you sign it. If you don't sign, then my client, Miss Sheng, has time to spend with you, I'm afraid you won't even be able to pay the lawyer's fee."

Qiao Yao stretched out his swollen hand, trying to open the divorce agreement, but his hands were shaking, and he couldn't open it at all.

Wang Qin smiled slightly and helped Qiao Yao read and explain page by page.

After reading the divorce agreement, Qiao Yao's anger skyrocketed and shouted: "This! Do I only have this little asset? And after the divorce, I can only have a small house and millions of cash! I'm stupid, Wang Qin!"

"Well...the amount of money in Shengqiu has nothing to do with you at all. If you are really upset, you can also appeal to the court for divorce, so that you can share less property. After all, at the beginning When you made the prenuptial agreement and the postnuptial agreement, you didn't leave any intention to let Miss Sheng take advantage of it. It stipulates the ownership of the prenuptial property and the ownership of the postnuptial property. You really impress me! My client can also take care of your family. Do you want to ask for monetary compensation?"

Qiao Yao was splashed with cold water by Wang Qin, and his whole person calmed down. He remembered that he thought Sheng Qiu was a poor Cinderella, so he coaxed the signed agreement when she was pregnant and married happily, Immediately, my heart ached.

He thought he could at least point it out.

It seems that we can't let go of autumn so easily.

Divorce doesn't matter, as long as the autumn is settled, you can get as much as you want

Thinking of this, Qiao Yao calmed down, "I want Shengqiu to sign the divorce agreement with me in person, she stole a pure black card from me, and I will sign the divorce agreement when it is sent to me."

Wang Qin didn't know why he put forward this condition, but it was not too much. He nodded and said, "I will convey your request to Miss Sheng."

"I'm waiting for your news."

Wang Qin left the police station and immediately called Shengqiu.

Sheng Qiu was testing her strength in the gym, watching the overweight barbell being lifted by herself with one hand, the word surprise can no longer express her shock.

Having lived in the technological world for so many years, it is really incredible to suddenly discover that the world still has a mysterious side.

"Hello!" Sheng Qiu held the barbell in his left hand and swiped the phone with his right to connect the lawyer's call.

"Ask me to meet? Well, wait until he comes out."

Sheng Qiu hung up the phone, clenched his fists, very much wanted to see Qiao Yao's anger and vomited blood.

The cub lowered his head, turned on his mobile phone silently, and bought a pair of silk gloves and sunglasses for his mother.

The date of divorce was confirmed, and Shengqiu contacted the agent.

"Sister Shi, please send me a divorce announcement, I hope the wording is stricter." Sheng Qiu thought of Qiao Yao's recent salacious actions, and couldn't give no lessons at all, so he hesitated and said: "Qiao Yao Yao was detained for invading other people's houses, I hope everyone will know the news."

Shi Bo hesitated for a while, then asked, "With pictures? You send me a few pictures of when you were injured."

"No need, I don't need sympathy, so the public will look down on me instead."

My heart is also uncomfortable. As for Qiao Yao's detention, as long as the news is released, many people will dig it. "

"Thank you, Sister Shi." Sheng Qiu sincerely thanks Shi Bo, regardless of past and present life.

A few days pass quickly...

In a blink of an eye, it was the day when Shengqiu Qiao Yao signed the divorce agreement.

Qiao Yao walked out of the detention center and was dumbfounded by the sound of taking pictures outside. Although he had a premonition that there were reporters outside, he did not expect there to be so many.

Thinking of his own strategy, Qiao Yao smiled kindly and said hello to the many reporters in front of him.

"Excuse me, do you have anything to say about your domestic violence in the autumn?"

"I heard that you promised Shengqiu a divorce, is that true?"

"Can Mr. Qiao tell us why he was detained?"

Questions came one after another, Qiao Yao alone could not handle it, so he could only answer one by one: "Domestic violence? It's not that serious, this is a matter between me and Shengqiu, everyone. Don't worry too much. Sheng Qiu's divorce is also a matter of our relationship, and detention is my personal issue. In fact, I still love Sheng Qiu, I just hope she is well, and I am happy no matter what she does. "

When the reporters heard Qiao Yao's words, Qi Qi rolled their eyes in their hearts. If they didn't know the inside story, they would really believe it. It was obviously a domestic violence divorce, but it seemed to be Sheng Qiu's fault, that Sheng Qiu had to leave.


"Don't rush to ask, I invite you to witness our gathering and dispersal." Qiao Yao directly interrupted the reporter's question and sent an invitation, "I take the liberty to ask, who is there? Can we broadcast live at home? We were married in the presence of many netizens and fans, and now that this marriage is over, I also want them to witness, it is a beginning and an end. "

The reporter's eyes lit up, Oh Huo, do you want to do something? !

As long as he controls Shengqiu in the live broadcast, then everything will be dominated by him Qiao Yao.

The reporter excitedly sent a car to pick up Qiao Yao and went to the place where the divorce agreement was signed in mid-autumn.

After experiencing two small car accidents and one touch of porcelain, the physically and mentally exhausted reporters entered the private club where they were booked.

The private clubhouse under the autumn package is very decorated in a Chinese style, with exquisitely carved beams and paintings. After passing through the promenade, the group was led to a courtyard with a small bridge and flowing water.

Looking at the fresh and elegant, precious flowers, bamboo and wood can be seen everywhere, and every place is like a landscape. Some remembered that they couldn't hold back their occupational disease, picked up the camera and started shooting, almost forgetting the purpose of today.

Qiao Yao suppressed his anger and coughed twice to remind them of the purpose of their trip.

Crossing the ding ding dong dong Qingshi bridge, everyone finally saw the protagonist of today.


Sheng Qiu was wearing a simple white dress, sitting in the pavilion, holding a crystal clear and small white jade teacup, seeing so many people, Sheng Qiu was not surprised: "Let's talk in another place. "

Everyone can only nod and change to a Chinese-style conference room in the clubhouse.

The clubhouse heard about the mid-autumn event and immediately changed the conference room to a press conference layout.

The media capable of live broadcast has already set up the equipment and is ready to live broadcast.

"Friends from reporters, come here as guests, have something to eat and then go! I didn't want to be so flamboyant, but unfortunately you are not allowed." Sheng Qiu changed into a neat black and white suit , sitting on the main road.

"Everyone, the two of us have a good time together. I hope you don't ask too sharp questions." Qiao Yao didn't want to focus on beauty in the autumn, so he hurried forward and said.

The title of divorce in mid-autumn was hung in the live broadcast room, which quickly attracted many people to watch, and the barrage system became lively.

"Divorce in autumn? Still live?"

"I thought it was a headline party, but I believed it when I saw the autumn."

"Qiuqiu, Qiuqiu, we will be your strong backing!"

"I'm sitting here, maybe I want to hear some inside information, but I'm sorry to disappoint you." Sheng Qiu took over the divorce agreement from lawyer Wang Qin and signed himself without hesitation name.

The divorce agreement was signed and sent to Qiao Yao. His purpose was not to divorce at all, so he directly ignored the divorce agreement.

Facing the live broadcast, Qiao Yao started his own performance, "Shengqiu, is it impossible for us any more?"

"No, why don't you regret it when your fist fell on me?" Sheng Qiu said with a sneer without any stage fright.

Qiao Yao heard Sheng Qiu's words and knew that the opportunity was coming, he quickly looked at Sheng Qiu who was not looking sideways with affectionate eyes, and sighed: "I regret it! Sheng Qiu! I regret, you forgive me OK!"

While talking, Qiao Yao walked to Shengqiu's seat, but someone responded faster and directly blocked Qiao Yao's sight.

Seeing this, the cub jumped off the seat, and in front of everyone, said in a milky voice, "Mom, wear gloves and sunglasses."

Seeing such an exciting scene, the barrage began to speak.

"Wow, the amount of information is so great, does the daughter of the goddess want her mother not to be polluted by her eyes? It's so warm!"

"Only I think, shouldn't it be divorced?"

"Only you plus one."

"It's really only you, open your eyes and see the world!"

Qiao Yao didn't see the cub's movements, in order to achieve his goal, he excitedly said: "Look at me in Shengqiu, I only need you to look at me and tell me that we are really finished, then I will Sign the divorce agreement!"

Wang Qin looked at Qiao Yao's waving hand, silently stretched out his hand and pressed him firmly on the chair, "Sign, Mr. Qiao."

Seeing that Qiao Yao was still alive, the cub jumped off the seat, walked to Qiao Yao's side a few steps, picked up the pen and put it in Qiao Yao's hand.


The scene was silent, they had never seen a three-year-old child so sturdy that his father signed and divorced his mother.

Children won't lie about this kind of thing, it seems that Qiao Yao's affection is worth thinking about!

The barrage in the live broadcast room was also silent, and everyone shouted in their hearts.

Qiao Yao's eyes suddenly lit up when he saw the cub.

He can directly puppet her! At that time, I am afraid that Shengqiu will not give in!

[Ding, the talent is too high to contract. 】The system was shocked and came with a regretful voice.

As soon as Qiao Yao used the puppet, he heard the system prompt. Repeatedly frustrated, Qiao Yao went crazy, he suddenly stood up and rushed towards Shengqiu regardless.

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