The cub turned around and gave the grandma a grateful smile, then turned around and did not enter the crowd.

Will the other party do something about stealing toys so that she can't explain it to Zhao Shan? The cub looked at the other party's sincere eyes, and thought it was better not to think everyone so bad.

It is a matter of prudence to call the police. Cubs do not dare to ask for help from anyone around, and ask the system to spend a happiness value to get the location of the police station in the town, plus the exact location of Zhao Shan’s house.

Looking at the solemn and solemn national emblem in front of him, the cub smiled, and victory was in sight.

Cub did not hesitate in front of the door, climbed the steps with short legs and entered the police station.

The town police station is not very busy, and the residents of the town will not alert the police unless necessary.

The cub walked into the police station and looked around to observe the specific department. At this time, a policeman in his twenties saw her and crouched down to ask whether he was lost.

Zi Zai looked at the police uncle without speaking, and was silent for a while.

The police are not married and do not have much contact with children. It is the first time that the police station has received such a small child. When I saw the cub crying, I panicked and took out the tissue in the pants to wipe the tears. , "What's the matter, kid, can't you find your parents if you're lost? I'll find it for you. Don't cry, okay?"

After the policeman finished speaking, other policemen who heard the movement in the police station also heard the sound and walked into the hall.

For a while, four or five police officers in short-sleeved blue uniforms appeared in the lobby of the police station.

Attracted the attention of the entire police station, the cub looked at them, and his sense of security was instantly bursting, and he calmed down under the comfort of the police. It's not that she wants to cry, it's that the cub has always been here and has been forced to accept all the negative energy, to be obedient and normal around Zhao Shan's mother and son, and she can't control her emotions. It will pour down like a waterfall.

The police are the shining straws in the little spiritual world of the cubs.

The police who received the cub looked at the cub with tears in his eyes and his nose was red from crying, and said softly, "Can you tell uncle what happened? Little sister."

Zi Zai calmed down his emotions, felt that he was a little lost to the face of intelligent life, and lowered his head and said clearly: "Uncle police, I want to call the police."

When the police heard the words, they looked at the colleagues around them in doubt and surprise.

A three-year-old girl came to the police station?

But the cub was crying too sadly just now. The police felt something was wrong and asked, "Little sister, if you really want to call the police, can you tell your uncle what happened?"

The cub didn't know that he was blessed to cry, so the uncle in front of him paid attention to what he said, and when he heard the police uncle ask himself, he said in a crying voice: "I want to call the police. , My mother was locked, locked in the house, and my father kept beating her! Saying that my mother bought it, he should not run away if he spent the money!

I don't want my mother to be beaten again, can I let her go? Uncle police. "

The police frowned, thinking about the credibility of this statement.

Cub is too young, he didn't know whether to believe what she said or not.

situation that will arise. Just follow this reason to go to the door, the little girl and her mother may be in a more difficult situation after they leave, and it will be more difficult to end in the event of a fatal accident.

As for the sale? If it is an older child or an adult, they will believe it when it is said.

Seeing that they didn't believe what they said, Cub's heart sank and his face became serious.

"I said it was true! My mother told me that she is from city B, from a far away place, and she also told me the contact information of my grandparents, uncle Can you help me get in touch with my grandfather and grandma?" Zaizai changed her strategy and asked the police to call her grandfather and grandma for her, she is too young to talk, an adult should do it!

What the cub said made the policemen who received her nervous, could it really be abducting women and children! In addition, what Zizai said could be called, the police immediately believed most of Zizai's words.

The next step is to verify the words of the cub.

Other police officers brought candy and hot water to Cubs out of curiosity.

Cubs refused.

What if Zhao Shan’s mother and son noticed it?

The police took out his mobile phone and asked, "Do you remember the number? Tell your uncle if it's okay."

The expression on the cub's face was much more relaxed, and the voice clearly read out the phone number that his mother gave him.

The police entered the phone number, it showed that the number belonged to city b, and the expression on his face was instantly serious.

It seems that they misunderstood?

The little girl really came to call the police for her mother.

"Beep...beep...beep..." The call is waiting to be connected.

The cub looked nervously at the candy bar in the policeman's hand, his fingernails involuntarily pinched into his palm, he must answer the phone! Be sure to answer the phone.

Time passed by second by second, and the police seemed to be infected by the cub's emotions, and became nervous, and their eyes were fixed on the screen.

"The call you are calling is active..."

The phone couldn't get through, the cub's face turned pale instantly, and he looked at the uncle of the policeman nervously, for fear that the uncle of the policeman would give up, he cautiously said: "Uncle, I have money, how about playing another number? Like?" He took out the three dollars he had prepared from his pocket and handed it to the police.

The policeman lowered his head, covered his red eyes, and pushed the cub's hand away.

Since this number was broadcast just now, he has made up his mind that no matter whether the call can be connected or not, he will try to let the person on the other end say that he made a mistake, not to mention only It's such a little thing on the phone. But Zaizai's actions still deeply affected the hearts of the police officers present. The little girl was only three years old, and she had already learned these things. It was hard to exaggerate her efforts to help her mother escape. .

Seeing the disappointment in Zaizai's eyes, the police comforted her, patted her head and said, "Don't be discouraged, let's broadcast another phone number, okay? We will definitely contact grandparents. come to pick up mom."

The cub heard the words, the dim light in his eyes brightened because of disappointment, and nodded firmly: "Thank you uncle!"

None of the other police officers said anything to stop them. Although they didn't quite believe it, it was unbearable to reject a well-behaved and lovely child.

The cub read out another number, and the police broadcast the call.

"Beep..." The phone only rang once, and was picked up.

"Hello, do you have any clues to provide?" On the other end of the phone, a slightly hoarse and steady male voice said, mixed with heartache and numbness and a trace of indescribable... hope .

Like a lost traveler in the desert, begging God to let him meet an oasis and give him hope.

The policeman was shocked. Unlike other policemen, he was a policeman from the town. He had studied in the police university and knew what this sentence meant.

It means that someone is indeed missing and trafficked, and the family members of the other party are still looking for her. This number has been kept, waiting for someone to call in and tell him her clues.

Seeing that the police did not speak, the cub was a little flustered, and quickly said: "There is something, don't hang up!"

The police didn't notice the cub's reaction, and hurriedly said to the man on the other end of the phone: "We received a report here that a woman was abducted and sold, and now I want to check with you, is there any such thing? ?"

The other side was unexpectedly silent for a while, until the sound of glass shattering on the ground came on the other end of the phone, the other side seemed to wake up from the policeman's words, and hurriedly said with a trembling voice: "Yes! daughter disappeared in Jiangdong District, City B six years ago, may I ask...where are you?

The police checked his address here, then took out a pen and paper and began to ask the other party's daughter's name, appearance, height, and characteristics.

The cub opened his mouth and did not dare to call each other, but he still cooperated with the police to tell all the information of his mother.

The plan was completed, the cub smiled and rolled his eyes

The police brought the address of Zhao Shan's house and wanted to leave the cub in the police station, but was rejected.

The cub is not ready to let Zhao Shan know about her report to the police right now. If he goes back and does something dangerous to his mother, it will be bad.

Besides, Zaizai looked around, there were only a few policemen in the police station, and they couldn't resist those people in the village at all.

It is impossible for the other party to let the police easily take Jiang Yun away.

The cub hesitated for a moment, then whispered: "Mom said, I can't let me borrow the phone number of the village chief's brother to call my grandparents, I will be called." The last sentence is the cub himself Plus, in this way, the uncle of the police can know that the people in the village are miserable and untrustworthy.

When I heard the words of the cub, the police finally knew who called the cub to call the police, and the doubts in my heart were solved.

Send the cubs back, as long as they are not known by Zhao Shan, there will be no danger.

Moreover, the tiger's poison does not eat its cubs.

Several police officers quickly made plans, and the crowd worked together.

Cubs heard that they would pretend to be government personnel who would come to the door to conduct a census tomorrow, tried to connect with Jiang Yun, nodded to indicate that they heard, and walked out of the police station.

It's not that they don't trust the cub, or that sentence, the cub is only three years old.

Too little can be done.

The police couldn't watch their waist-high children leave, and took out the topographic map for research with a serious look.

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