Hundred Ways To Save Cannon Fodder Mom

Chapter 90: "Ghost" Mom Four

The scene was chaotic, the actor staring at the camera was stunned and stood blankly on the spot with his mouth open.

Only the cameraman didn't dare to move, his body was stiff, and cold sweat poured down his dark face.

"Real people! Don't run!"

The cub pulled away the female ghost's hair, pointed to her face and said loudly.

Many people who had already run to the entrance of the amusement park stopped instantly and looked at the cub and the ghost beside her in disbelief.

Please don't open your eyes and talk nonsense, here and there like a person? His face is as white as paper, and his movements are much faster than ordinary people, right?

Just as everyone wanted to run, the cub suddenly said: "I'm not lying to you? Come and touch, the face is still warm!"

Of course, this is what the cubs fooled them. In this amusement park, as long as the ghosts want to play the role of human beings, the temperature and blood color and eye camouflage can be achieved.


The female ghost was about eleven or twelve years old when she died. She was in the developmental period and looked extremely sunny. When she heard the praise of the cub, her face turned a little red.

Seeing the behavior of the cubs, everyone felt relieved and gathered around to ask about the situation of the female ghost.

The female ghost made up a story about playing with a little friend, preparing to scare the little friend to scare the wrong person, and successfully escaped. Her intimidation task has been completed, and it is nothing to cooperate with the cub.

The cub stood aside, seeing that the matter was finally resolved, he took a deep breath and sighed that this task was a bit unnecessary.

The rules are so powerful, just close the gate of the amusement park!

"That's not human at all!"

Just when the cub thought the dust had settled, a voice suddenly appeared beside her and questioned.

Zizai turned her head and glanced at the person who was talking, it was a boy in a shirt, she turned back with a cold expression: "Why do you say that."

The boy and the cub stood in a corner that no one could see: "I am the player."

"Player? So what!" Zaizai pouted, not convinced that the young man didn't explain a word, so he concluded that the one just now was a ghost.

"The player is really nothing special, but the special thing is that we may have some means that you don't want to see, for example, you can see some "things" that others can't see. The ghost just now, even a little No one with any brains will think she is a person,"

The shirt boy explained.

The cub tilted his head: "You mean that so many people present are mindless?"

Shirt Boy:…

"Perhaps, someone knows but doesn't say it?" Cub stood beside the boy and whispered.

Everyone is anxious to comfort the frightened actor and actress, today's filming has just started, but you can't go home just because of this mess.

After a while, a competent actor said that they could re-shoot, and the makeup artist and props team hurried on stage and performed their duties.

Cubzi watched for a while, then turned her head to look at Lin Yuan.

"Are you here to make soy sauce?"

Lin Yuan sighed, squatted down and put his arms around Cub's shoulders, sneered: "Little devil, you talk too much!"

"I don't talk much! I am the cutest child in my mother's heart! I have always been with my mother, and she never thinks I talk too much!" After a few words, the cub couldn't bear it. Live and start dazzling mom.

"Really? I can't even compare to a kid now?"

Lin Yuan squatted down, just in time to see the little face full of confidence and happiness, listening to her proud praise, her expression was startled, as if she was muttering to herself.

The cub looked at the many ghosts flashing in the distance, and felt that the task was a bit tricky, and did not notice the expressions of the people around him.

At this moment, a blood-red figure quickly approached in a place that no one could see.

The cub frowned and stepped forward to stop the opponent from attacking the crowd. Before he took two steps, he was dragged back by the collar.

Zizai was about to ask, when Lin Yuan reached out and took out a palm-sized bell and shook it quickly.

In the sight of the cub, the bell sent ripples like ripples, and quickly met the blood shadow, the two sides collided, and the blood shadow disappeared.

"Excellent!" Cub opened his mouth halfway, swallowed and sighed.

"Little devil, you..." Lin Yuan loosened Cub's collar and asked in confusion, "Are you feeling any discomfort?"

Cub shook his head.

Does she need to be uncomfortable?

Lin Yuan looked at the magic weapon in his hand, his eyelids were slightly restrained, and he whispered: "Nothing..."

"Thank you!" Cub whispered.

She felt that Lin Yuan was not as cold as the outside, he was a bit like cotton candy inside, soft and sweet.

Although the blood shadow attack happened, it all happened in a dimension that no one could see, so no one was affected at the scene.

Soon, the scene was filmed to the dilapidated little train.

According to the script she just got, she is going to put on makeup, dress up as a murderous little ghost, and then stand on the train track, smiling and watching the men and women screaming on the little train.

Then there is a flash of the little girl ghost, standing in the toy train, attacking the male and female protagonists with her teeth and claws.

The makeup artist pulled the cub over, and then put various brushes and powders on the Internet. After a while of operation, the cub successfully made up into a ghost.

Lin Yuan has been standing beside Cub like a piece of wood, watching her finish putting on make-up, the corner of her mouth evoked an imperceptible smile.

Cubs are still worrying about why their tasks are so troublesome, unlike others who are frightened and finished, seeing Lin Yuan through the mirror and looking at her without smiling.

Cubs can't stand being shriveled a few times in a person's place, their eyes rolled, and they stared at him deliberately to intimidate him.

Unfortunately, it didn't frighten Lin Yuan, but made the other party laugh out loud.

"...Humph!" Zaizai glared at Lin Yuan, turned and ran quickly.

Lin Yuan looked at the cub who had run under the toy train track, reached out and touched the corner of his mouth.

The little devil is so amazing that it actually made him laugh. Since six years ago... He thought that he would never laugh in his life, what amazing secret was hidden in Sunflower Amusement Park.

Is she really just an ordinary ghost? Why is she immune to the magic weapon bound by her blood pact?

Lin Yuan looked at the tasks on his player interface and thought for the first time, is this really necessary?

Cub was still very happy about the shooting, got up and stood on the small train track, looked at the steel wire tied around his waist, and made an OK gesture towards the bottom.

When the male and female protagonists were ready, the cub lowered his head halfway, smiled, and looked at the male and female protagonists in the carriage with a sullen expression.

"Crack...the expression is not frightened enough, you are being frightened! The expression is frightened and even tears are flowing, is it a little layered? People do a good job with children, and there is an ethereal sense of danger like a ghost!"

The director sat below and looked at the monitor, pointed to the male and female lead Dun Dun to teach, and finally commented on the acting skills of the cub.

Unfortunately, the male and female protagonists did not receive the director's idea, so they still could not enter the play, and they were shouted one after another.

Cubs are not tired as ghosts, just stay with them.

As long as you can stay for the task time, the countdown is ten hours.

Zizai can persevere, but some people think that Zizai can't persevere for so long as a child, that is Tu Yan.

Tu Yan has been standing in the distance watching Zaizai perform the mission for the first time, looking at the hero and heroine who are dragging his legs, thinking that his daughter has been standing there, and he has to keep that smile.

Tu Yan couldn't bear it any longer, and the ghost disappeared in place.

It started again, and the male and female protagonists began to brew their emotions.

Tu Yan silently stood three meters behind the cub, showing a bloodthirsty terrifying smile. His head was slanted on his shoulders at a 90-degree angle, his pure white pupils stared straight ahead, his hands and feet moved forward step by step in a twisted posture.



The two sharp voices are so loud that they seem to have installed large-scale influences, and there is no need to perform them. The fear of the male and female protagonists has reached the highest point.

The director in front of the screen watched this scene with a satisfied smile on his face.


The cub heard the voice of the male and female masters, turned his head subconsciously, and happened to see his mother who had returned to normal.

She silently called her mother, and then the cub got off the toy train track under the guidance of the staff.

Tu Yan has a smile on his face, his eyes have been focused on the cub.

She just appeared ghosted for a few seconds, and now most people can't see her.

Cub cub ran to Lin Yuan with satisfaction, with a smile that the prank was about to succeed.

Tu Yan's eyes have been on Zizai, watching her run towards a strange boy, Tu Yan's eyes have been following her.

Watching Zaizai fluttering, Tu Yan's eyes fell on the boy.

Lin Yuan also happened to look up at Tu Yan.

Looking at each other, both of them were startled.

"I think I saw you there."

"I met you."

The two muttered to themselves.

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