Hundred Ways To Save Cannon Fodder Mom

Chapter 93: "Evil Ghost" Mom Seven

The snow-white space is silent and silent.

She remembered, didn't she fall asleep in Lin Yuan's arms? Why are you here when you wake up?

, the rules are set up to deliberately frame the mother, and then take the opportunity to let the mother die again.

Cubzai carefully looked around and reached out to try to see if this white space had walls.

The first time she was trapped in such an environment, the cub was full of fear and fear, but her worries about her mother made her temporarily suppress this emotion and try to keep herself calm.

It disappeared suddenly, and my heart was full of security.

Cubzi listened for a long time, and felt the sound of her heartbeat for a long time, she was a little reluctant to let go.

Where is this place? Why is there a beating heart sound? Why was she trapped here, why was this heartbeat so familiar.

He looked at it, the little ghost body is in a sufficient state, and generally it will not be sleepy.

Unless, someone plots!

Lin Yuan looked at the house, only a dead man and a frightened woman.

Just when Lin Yuan's eyes were flustered and at a loss, the people watching the fun outside didn't think it was a big deal, and rushed into the canteen.

Looking at the man lying on the chair, the timid men and women were already trembling with fright.

Just as everyone was talking about men, the woman who was hiding under the table suddenly stood up, pointed at the cub in Lin Yuan's arms and said sharply: "That is the murderer's daughter! Watching her mother kill that man!"

Everyone was in an uproar and took a few steps back.

Lin Yuan was about to explain that what you saw was not necessarily true. As soon as he opened his mouth, he saw the person opposite him staring at him in horror.

Lin Yuan was furious, bowed his head, and his face became extremely ugly.

At this moment, Lin Yuan's hands were full of ash-like shards, and the kid who was lying on his arm just now disappeared without a trace.

Lin Yuan took out the magic weapon, read the magic formula of coagulation and gathering soul, trying to save the cub.

If it doesn't work, Lin Yuan gritted his teeth and recited it again, if it doesn't work, recite it again!

After more than ten minutes, Lin Yuan looked at the magic weapon that he had not obtained, and his face was undisguised.

People originally wanted to ask Lin Yuan why he brought a ghost. As a person who can catch ghosts, he actually brought a female ghost by his side, but when he saw Lin Yuan, it was difficult to see the extreme eyes. dare not ask the exit.

Lin Yuan stood there dejectedly, he didn't understand why the little ghost would disappear under his eyes in such a short time.

The person who died in the living room, Lin Yuan raised his head suddenly, he still has someone to ask.


Lin Yuan rushed out of the canteen, he wanted to call the cub's mother's name, but he was shocked when he said it, he didn't know the other party's name at all, he didn't know anything about them, but... He just subconsciously said a name.

What is the next word? Lin Yuan asked himself.

"Tu...Tu...Tu Yan!" Lin Yuan whispered, he knew the other party's name.

Knowing the name, Lin Yuan began to call out loudly.

While shouting, Lin Yuanbian recalled the bits and pieces of getting along with the cub, and the sentence: I seem to have seen you, Lin Yuan suddenly remembered that the first time he saw each other, his mouth was the words said.

What is the relationship between the other party and him? Why did he meet the other party, or even know the other party so well? When the woman at the murder scene just now identified her, why was his first reaction not the other party doing it.

His deep belief, familiarity, and subconscious closeness, these things will not appear for no reason, nor are they formed overnight.

But there was no such person around him, and no such person died.

Suddenly, a black figure appeared in front of Lin Yuan: "What's the matter."

The female voice is gentle and delicate, like the sound of a trickle in the mountains. How could such a voice be the devil who brutally murdered in the mouth of a woman.

Lin Yuan admitted that he was biased, but his intuition also told him that Tu Yan would not be such a person. In the past, this intuition saved him several times.

Lin Yuan pondered on the spot, Tu Yan was not in a hurry, of course she knew what the other party was worried about, but the look of Lin Yuan's thinking made Tu Yan very familiar, exactly like her daughter.

She's seen him, that's for sure.

But it's true that she didn't know each other. She has no memory of when she was a human, so there is no contradiction between seeing and not knowing.

"Don't look for it, she's still a child, she'll be sleepy after being a ghost for a few years."

"What?" Lin Yuan's heart skipped a beat, knowing that he had an oolong and his ears were red.

For some reason, in front of Tu Yan, he was unconsciously shy, as if he was facing his elders, for fear that the other party would think he was stupid.

Tu Yan stretched out his hand, rubbed Lin Yuan, and spread out his other hand for Lin Yuan to see.

There is a little man sleeping soundly.

"Sorry, I'm too excited," Lin Yuan lowered his head and apologized in a low voice.

"It's all right," Tu Yan squinted his eyes, the corners of his mouth raised, and a smile appeared.

Tu Yan subconsciously looked at the transparent space in his hand, and the next second, his face suddenly changed.

No! This is not her daughter.

Tu Yan looked up at the task panel, only the rules can do this kind of thing!

At this moment, the voice of discussion came.

Tu Yan also received a task from the rule system once again: kill three or more people, unlimited characters, release Tu Tian.

The threat is full of meaning.

Tu Yan has always been the strongest ghost in the amusement park since she died and turned into a ghost. The original rules could suppress her, and slowly tortured Tu Yan into a ghost and turned it into a Chinese meal. Zuo on the meat.

But when the killing mission was released to Tu Yan, unexpected and unexpected resistance occurred, and the rules were also at that time, and I found that I had never caused Tu Yan to have too much negativity. mood.

Only that time, it controlled her daughter to commit suicide.

It only knew that it had been using the wrong method all along.

"She...she is the ghost who killed Lin Shi! It's terrible, should we run away!"

"Lin Shi died so tragically, I really feel sorry for him!"

"That Lin Yuan seems to know the female ghost! It's not that he doesn't like Lin when he sees it, so..."

Everyone huddled in a small corner and whispered to the people around them.

The amusement park is full of gray fog, and there are ghosts around, and Lin Yuan who gets along with ghosts, this is simply a test of their endurance.

At this time, Lin Lan arrived late and slowly walked out of the gray fog.

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