Hundred Ways To Save Cannon Fodder Mom

Chapter 98: "Ghost" Mom Twelve

Don't say you don't know, becoming a ghost won't make everyone here lose their memories."

[Do you think I will lose to you? Don't forget that I still have ghosts to drive. ]

"Oh?" Tu Yan raised his brows lightly, not afraid of the rules.

[Then let me see what you can do. ]

The words fell, the space seemed to melt, and darkness came.

In the darkness, all kinds of strange creatures made strange chatter, and the rancid breath accompanied the sound.

Soon, Tu Yanzaizai Linyuan saw the true appearance of creatures in the dark.

A creature more terrifying than a beast - a ghost.

Horribly, they dispatched collectively and attacked Tu Yan.

Tu Yanrao is well-informed over the years, and was shocked by the scene in front of him for a second, and then said loudly: "Baby, little meaning, I can solve it soon, you go farther."

Zaizai was about to go far, but an embarrassing thing happened, her golden finger showed that Tu Yan's power had increased, which means Tu Yan lied.

This trip is not trivial, but a continuous battle.

The cub knows that this battle is not so easy to fight, she chooses to be obedient and find a safe place to hide and strengthen her mother.

"Mom..." Cub reminded her not to forget to talk to herself.

Tu Yan picked up the cub with one hand and threw it into Lin Yuan's arms: "I see! A Yuan takes his sister away and protects her."

Lin Yuan was ready to advance and retreat together with Tu Yan, but he did not expect that Tu Yan immediately arranged a task for him that he could not refuse. He was stunned for two seconds, then walked back with the cub run.

Li Gui moved quickly, and soon came to Tu Yan. With a thought, the knife in Tu Yan's hand appeared again, and quickly slashed at Li Gui.


The knife formed by soul power is the best weapon to deal with the ghost, the moment it touches the ghost's body, the arm that the ghost touches is cut open like cutting tofu, and the ghost roars up to the sky, exuding Corrosive mist hit Tu Yan.

Tu Yan took two steps back, the knife in his hand turned into a giant net, and the corrosive mist was instantly eroded away like sulfuric acid.

Special ghosts are a species that has completely lost their memory and even.

Ten minutes later, behind the giant net, Li Gui continued to attack, and Tu Yan's soul power was exhausted.

Behind Tu Yan, many ghosts were anxious, they began to input soul power as early as the formation of the giant net to maintain the aggressiveness of the giant net, and now they will be exhausted, what should they do? ?



Seeing the dawn of victory, Li Gui's attack became even more frantic.

Consumption, and now that the personal system suddenly jumped out, she suddenly realized.

Please lie to me, this golden finger itself is used by the **** of lies to fool whoever has this golden finger, of course, the more true the lie, the bigger the lie, and she believed, the **** of lies reached to fool her The purpose of the mother will be the greater the strength.

"Mom, please lie to me!"

The cub shouted loudly, she was always guiding her mother to lie, and now she wants her mother to lie to her on purpose.

Tu Yan turned his head to look at his daughter, and suddenly there was a flash of enlightenment in his heart, so it was.

She has always wondered why the cub is so weird every time she speaks. It turned out to be deliberately leading her to lie, but... But what lie is she going to say? She would be very childish to tell lies.

At the critical moment, Tu Yan didn't know what to say, how to say a lie.

"You picked it up by me?" Tu Yan probed.

The cub shook his head desperately, such a lie is unbelievable!

At this moment, Lin Yuan suddenly said: "There should be more than one person lying! Can I?"

Cub nodded quickly and firmly.

At this moment, the giant net was torn apart by a greedy ghost, and the other ghosts swarmed up and engulfed Tu Yan who was standing in front of the ghost.

The air is filled with despair.

"Your mother will die soon!" Lin Yuan's mind was blank, but his intuition had already told him the lie he wanted to tell.

Run forward: "No! You lied to me, she won't die!"


Cubzi heard the system prompt, but she knew that it was too late.

The corrosive mist of the Specter was too powerful, and the mother who was swallowed was unable to recover.

Behind the cubs, the ghost of the amusement park cried and looked desperately at the cubs running into the Li Guidui. This action was tantamount to sending death.

Lin Yuan stopped Zizai's small body and prevented her from moving forward.

At the moment when everyone was desperate, the screams of the ghosts shocked the ghosts, and they all looked at the place where Tu Yan was swallowed by the ghosts.

Tu Yan also thought she was going to die. She underestimated the rules too much, and there were too many ghosts in her hands, as if they could never be killed.

The moment she was enveloped by the corrosive mist, the intense pain made her feel as if she was being roasted by magma, she was really going to die, she was thinking, there is no way out, the next one In seconds, all her soul power was fully recovered.

Tu Yan endured the pain and condensed his soul knife.

Then, raise the butcher knife and kill! !

No matter how many ghosts there are, they can't compare to Tu Yan in his heyday. Five minutes later, Tu Yan was standing on the mountain where the ghosts' corpses were piled up, and the tip of his knife was aimed at the current white object in front of him - the rule.

"Mom did it," Tu Yan said proudly, looking at the scarlet blood dripping from his clothes.

Cub appeared beside her mother, and hugged her tightly despite her blood-stinking body.

"Yeah! Mom is the best!" Cub shed tears, but said with a smile.

[Tu Yan’s happiness value is 88%! 】

Tu Yan held the cub in his arms with one hand, and pointed the tip of the knife to the rule: "Now, return the memory to us, otherwise, die!"

In the castle, the expressions of all the crying ghosts froze.

Memory, the precious memory of their time as human beings, is coming back.

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