Small airports also have the advantages of small airports. There are not many flights and there is not much space. There is only one terminal building, which is very convenient for boarding or picking up people.

After parking the car in the parking lot outside, Qi Zhe lit a cigarette and came to the airport.

After a while, a radio notification sounded.

"The TS 1218 flight from Binhai to Binh Duong has landed..."

After a while, as the crowd rushed out, Qi Zhe saw Gu Qinghan at a glance.

It's not because of Qi Zhe's concentration, but because Gu Qinghan really stands out from the crowd, it's not an exaggeration at all.

The tall figure and cold temperament directly and automatically isolate others, and the eyes are cold as if there are no emotional fluctuations.

Just when Qi Zhe was looking at her, Gu Qinghan also raised his swan-like neck slightly to see Qi Zhe. At this moment, her beautiful pearl-like eyes exuded a charming brilliance, and the corners of her mouth rose slightly unconsciously.

Taking over Gu Qinghan's bag with a smile, Qi Zhe couldn't change his habit of being pompous in front of her.

"What's the matter, Miss Gu is here in Pingyang to collect debts?"

A beautiful woman is a beautiful woman, even if she rolls her eyes, she looks so charming to others, and the men next to her can't even walk.

After rolling his eyes, Gu Qinghan responded with a smile:

"Yeah, let me see if you have run away. If you run away, who will I ask for debts?"

As he walked forward, Qi Zhe said with a smile to the few men who couldn't walk beside him:

"Brothers, don't look at it, come to me, I'm so annoying, you can't get rid of it."

Hearing this, several men also reacted, and hurriedly walked out of the airport with their suitcases in embarrassment. Everyone has a love for beauty, they were just amazed, and had no obscene thoughts.


Gu Qinghan opened the car window angrily after walking out the door and getting into the car.

"Can you smoke a little less? It smells so good. What's the benefit of smoking so much?"

"By the way, you are really shameful enough, and you can't get rid of me even if I look for you, can you have any more shame?"

"And I have a few cans of your favorite candied fruit in my bag. They are all from the Seventh Master Binhai. I know you like to eat and brought them here for you."

"This time I came to Aunt and they didn't know. Do you want to tell them? Usually, Aunt often chats with me, complaining that you don't know how to call home."

Hearing Gu Qinghan's broken thoughts in his ears, Qi Zhe felt a warm feeling in his heart.

Gu Qinghan, as his name suggests, is basically like an iceberg when he treats all the opposite sex from outsiders, but he always likes to chat when he is in front of him. This may be his childhood sweetheart.

"What do you want to eat? I'll take you to eat. It's past eight o'clock. You must be starving. Do you want to eat your favorite hot pot? There is a Shudu hot pot in Pingyang. It's delicious, and it tastes like Rongcheng."

After thinking about it for a while with his hands out of the window, Gu Qinghan decided not to go out to eat.

"Where are you going? It's so late. Isn't it delicious when you cook noodles. Let's cook a bowl of noodles."

"Ah? Are you in such a hurry? Just come to my house?"

"I'm going to die, Qi Zhe, my head is full of things I shouldn't think about, I'll report to Aunt later."

"Don't, don't, I'm just poor, but it's not that you don't know, my mother has to tell me if she wants to know."

"Is it okay to add an egg?"

"No problem, you can have both eggs if you want."

"Qi Zhe!"


This is really not Gu Qinghan's nonsense. Qi Zhe's cooking skills are not very good, but the only cooking is delicious. It should be that he was not used to eating outside when he was studying abroad, and he could only practice it by cooking noodles.

Qi Zhe rented a high-end apartment with two bedrooms and one living room in Binh Duong. He didn't buy a house because he didn't plan to stay in Binh Duong for a long time. Such a high-end apartment meets Qi Zhe's needs.

After all, even if there was no system before, the power plant could make a profit of more than one million yuan a year, and you must not treat yourself badly in terms of food and lodging.

"You rest on the sofa first, and I'll cook the noodles."

Saying that, Qi Zhe directly rolled up his sleeves and went to the kitchen, while Gu Qinghan sighed after looking at the messy living room.

This guy, his short sleeves and pajamas are thrown on the sofa carelessly, and there is a laptop on the dining table. He doesn't know how to throw the beer bottle in the trash can. Really, it hasn't changed since he was a child.

Taking off his coat, Gu Qinghan stretched out his fair and slender fingers to gather up the broken hair around his ears, and then started to clean up for Qi Zhe.

Qi Zhe was cooking noodles with an apron in the kitchen, while Gu Qinghan was cleaning up the house outside. For a while, the scene was a little inexplicably harmonious.


"It's cold, it's time to eat, tomato, egg and shrimp noodles."

Saying that, Qi Zhe came to the living room with tableware and chopsticks and saw Gu Qinghan who was cleaning up the house for him.

"Don't pack up, let's eat first."


Qi Zhe's craftsmanship is still there. Although Gu Qinghan, who always eats fat, has a very small appetite, she still ate this bowl of noodles, and she patted the non-existent belly with satisfaction.

"Qi Zhe, it's all your fault for making me eat so much by accident. What should I do if I gain weight?"

Qi Zhe took out the cigarette case and planned to go to the balcony to have a "after-dinner cigarette". Hearing this, Qi Zhe gave Gu Qinghan a blank look, and then walked out and said:

"That's easy. Look back to my mother. My mother would like you to be her daughter and raise you."

After a cigarette, when Qi Zhe came to the living room, Gu Qinghan had already gone to the kitchen to wash the dishes. She had never done such a thing at home.

The guest room had already been put on a clean list by Qi Zhe. In addition, I was a little tired on the plane today, so Gu Qinghan planned to take a shower and rest, but she didn't take the pajamas, and went directly to the balcony to get a short piece of Qi Zhe. Sleeve went into the bathroom.

From childhood to adulthood, the two families were facing each other, so in Gu Qinghan's opinion, wearing Qi Zhe clothes was nothing at all, and the smell of the soap on his clothes was very clean.


ps: Thank you for the monthly pass of "Old Bookworm". I don't want to thank the other flowers alone, but I can't see them in the background. During this time, I will do my best to update them. The guarantee of 10,000 words is a must.

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