As for Gu Qinghan that girl's five million yuan, why should I pay it back? What's more, she said that it was the "pocket money" that she had saved over the years, and she would just give it to her when the electricity supply at the Pingdu Cement Plant had settled for a full month.

Back at the factory, Qi Zhe directly asked the financial arrangement to pay everyone's wages in advance this month.

Next, there will be a lot of work on laying circuits, etc. Qi Zhe chooses to pay wages a few days in advance, in order to motivate everyone.

According to the previous standard salary in the factory, the monthly salary for a circuit laying class is 3,800. The normal overtime pay for these two days adds up to a monthly salary that fluctuates between 4,500 and 4,780.

In addition to the new employees who cannot be paid in full according to the full monthly salary, other old employees Qi Zhe decided to pay three times the overtime pay directly, and then said that the bonus is absolutely unambiguous. Everyone in the rest of the factory, including the old man of the guard, who worked hard for the circuit laying class, all paid a bonus of 1,000 yuan on the basis of this month's salary.

And not only these, Qi Zhe also decided that starting from next month, everyone's base salary will be raised by 1,500.

To be honest, the sum of these money is just over 200,000 yuan. It is really small money for Qi Zhe, but it has a different meaning to the entire Zhongzhe Group. At least this move will become a signboard when the Zhongzhe Group needs talents in the future.

When Qi Zhe confirmed this, he directly asked the finance department to post the announcement on the bulletin board in the factory, and the sales department in the urban area communicated it orally.


So when I got off work today, almost everyone gathered around the bulletin board and looked at the announcement that was stamped with the corporate seal of Zhongzhe Power Group and the official seal of the financial office.

This month’s wages will be paid in advance, and all overtime workers will be paid three times the original overtime pay. In addition, all employees of the group will have an additional bonus of 1,000 yuan this month. Starting from next month, the basic wages of all employees in the factory will be raised uniformly from top to bottom. One thousand five hundred dollars.

"Mr. Qi's Niubi! I'm fucked!"

"I don't have much culture, so I can work as an electrician, but Mr. Qi can handle it! It's not worth the hard work of our brothers in the circuit class."

"You deserve an extra 1,000 bonuses. That telephone pole is so tall that I'm getting dizzy looking at it, let alone climb up to put up the wires."

"Hahahaha, my salary should not exceed 10,000 yuan this month? My dear, I can tell you when I get home."

"What's this, Mr. Qi said that everyone's wages will be raised by 1,500 yuan from next month, even Liu Tou in the transfer room. The treatment of our Zhongzhe Power Group is really good."

"Do well, President Qi will not treat us badly."

"Those who previously launched our Zhongzhe Power Group probably have regrets in their intestines."

"Damn, what are you doing for those white-eyed wolves?"

"They deserve it."

"Let's go, bro, go to the restaurant to order something delicious and drink two cups to celebrate."


He Lianyuan is an ordinary employee of Zhongzhe Power Group. Today, he went to the vegetable market before going home. When he opened the door, his wife greeted him.

Seeing what he was holding in his hand, he couldn't help but complain.

"Old Hao, what are you crazy about, you actually sell fish and buy ducks? And braised pork? How much does it cost, I can't get through it? In the future, the child's tuition can't be spent on food and drink, right?"

Although the two are very affectionate, his wife can't help but feel distressed about this.

He Lianyuan has worked as an electrician for most of his life. Basically, he came in at the beginning of the power plant.

With a pair of rough palms, he confessed that he was a college student, and his younger daughter was also in the second year of high school this year. Her academic performance was also good, and she was among the best in her class.

This pair of sons and daughters is what he is most proud of, but there are also difficulties, that is, his wife has no education and can only set up a small stall to earn some hard money at night. His son is a freshman this year, and his daughter will be a freshman after the college entrance examination next year.

Both of them have to use money, so their family has a very hard life, but no matter how hard it is, they can't be hard to educate. Their family eats and wears average clothes, so that the money can be saved for the children's tuition, even He Lianyuan. Sometimes I feel a little overwhelmed.

But some time ago, Qi Zhe changed the power plant to Zhongzhe Power Group, which gave him hope again.

If you keep working hard, maybe you can get five or six hundred more wages a month in the future, and a few hundred yuan is enough for his family to improve the food.

But from today, He Lianyuan feels that he is not only proud of his family, but also the work uniform of the Zhongzhe Power Group on himself. The group has given him hope.

Originally working overtime and working hard, he expected his salary to break 5,000 this month, but as soon as Mr. Qi spoke up, his salary as a circuit laying class this month directly exceeded 10,000, and the deduction of social security in the card was all there. More than ten thousand eight hundred.

Moreover, the basic salary will increase by 1500 yuan next month, which makes him unhappy. He has to buy some meat to go home after he has been greedy for a long time, and he has to drink some food.

After listening to He Lianyuan's words, his wife couldn't help but wipe her tears. Only they knew how hard the two of them had suffered over the years.

"Then you have to work hard. Boss Qi is so good, so you can't be sorry for them."

Speaking of which, Helianyuan's wife walked into the kitchen with the dishes. Today, she has to cook a good meal to make the head of the house happy.


Just because of Qi Zhe's decision to give benefits to employees, this kind of thing is happening in many families of the employees of Zhongzhe Power Group.

But some people are happy and some people are sad.

Pharaoh has been conscientious and conscientious as the power plant in charge of personnel affairs for more than ten years without any mistakes.

Today, Mr. Qi said that there is a bonus this month and a salary increase next month. He is also very happy. When he gets home, he plans to warm up some small wine and drink two cups. As a result, he was interrupted by a knock on the door as soon as the wine glass was served. .

"Come here, I don't know how to bring a key when I go out."

Pharaoh, who originally thought he was a family member, suddenly lost his face when he saw the people standing outside the door. The two former colleagues stood outside the door.

At this moment, the two of them came to his house with gifts in their hands with flattering smiles.

"Director Wang, this is a good wine. I'll bring it to you and you have to accept it."

"That's right, Pharaoh, we have a good relationship. I'll bring you some local products. When the time comes, let your sister-in-law stew and taste it. It's absolutely delicious."

Looking at the two smiling faces in front of them, Old Wang felt like Ding Jing'er. They didn't come for anything else. Mr. Qi said before that they wanted to change. They left the factory and took three months' salary to leave. Seeing that the factory is doing well, I want to come back with a conscience.


ps: A new day has come, and the flowers and evaluation tickets in your hands are still reading, please support me, thank you in advance.

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