Qi Zhe's move directly rubbed Diao Yi's temper.

If nothing else, he arranged for someone to destroy the power supply users of Zhongzhe Power Group just to see Qi Zhe's reaction. Can't he pay for it? Claiming to pay ten times, then continue to find someone to do this, there will always be times when he can't pay.

It would be better if you don't lose money. Although Zhongzhe Power can not pay for the man-made losses according to the contract, you can manipulate public opinion to smear Zhongzhe Power yourself.

The public doesn't have time to test the authenticity of a thing, that's why rumors are made to refute rumors and run away.

As long as he doesn't accompany him, he can smear the Zhongzhe Group's claim to pay ten times but not pay, which can directly pull the corporate credit of an enterprise to the end.

But Diao Yi never expected Qi Zhe to come up with such a bad move.

The announcement was made directly to tell the public that this was a man-made destruction of circuit time due to malicious competition among peers. Originally, they could not pay, but they chose to pay for their reputation.

Moreover, the direct publicity and official cooperation must bring the perpetrators to justice.

This made Diao Yi not dare to take any action next, and the masses not only did not feel dissatisfied with Zhongzhe Electric Power because of this incident, but instead increased their favorability to the highest level.

Diao Yi now understands that the power plant itself is completely unable to do it in Pingyang, and must arrange to go out to avoid the limelight, and I don't know whether the people sent out last night are strict.

If you are not strict, you will be offended. Thinking of this, Diao Yi is going to secretly sell some valuable items. As for the power supply, there is still a lot of coal. We will supply it as usual in the past two days. The rumors of management will inevitably appear to be a little "guilty of being a thief".


On the other side, Qi Zhe was not idle, he directly paid for the advertisement to make a huge banner, and then stood directly outside the largest business department of Zhongzhe Electric Power in the urban area.

"Zhongzhe Power Group paid ten times the site."

Although I lost the money myself, the scene had to be bigger, and everyone in Pingyang had to know, so that I would not pay in vain.

So at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, Qi Zhe said that at a good time, the owners of several KTVs and bars affected by the power outage, as well as the property manager of the building, all came to the scene.

Since the scene was so big, Qi Zhe naturally chose to pay the compensation in a more "eye-catching" way.

A few bosses and a building have only used Zhongzhe Electric for half a month, and the electricity bill is just over 60,000. Ten times the compensation is only 600,000, which is such a sum of money for Qi Zhe. It is completely worthwhile to directly push Zhongzhe Power to the highest point in Binh Duong.

More than 600,000 yuan in cash was divided into several pieces and placed in piles on the table. Qi Zhe also gave money to everyone with a smile on his face.

This scene attracted a lot of people watching the excitement. The entire business department was surrounded by water, and the reporters who had spent money on Qi Zhe before were also eagerly pressing the shutter to take pictures at this time.

Then the manuscripts were sent to various forums and traditional newspapers in Binh Duong as if they wanted no money.

It should be said that Qi Zhe paid them to publish the announcement of Zhongzhe Power, but now such a hot event with gimmicks, Qi Zhe will scramble to report it without paying any money.

After all, Pingyang is such a big place, and there is usually nothing to report.

"Zhongzhe Power Group keeps its promise and pays ten times! 》

"Zhongzhe Electric spends a lot of money to pay on the spot! 》

"Cash payment, a better choice for electricity consumption for Pingyang people"


In the office of the strange building, several people were chatting during the lunch break.

"Damn it, have you read the news? Tsk tsk, if you say you'll pay in cash, you'll pay for it. It's really cool to watch."

"If you want to say that Zhongzhe Electric Power is still a cow, it's really good. Don't you mean that the peers have maliciously destroyed it?"

"Everyone has said that even though it was a man-made sabotage, it is still compensated."

"I seem to have found a business opportunity. Our community is now powered by Zhongzhe Power. If I cut off the electricity, would I be able to make a lot of money."

"Hehe, I don't know if you make a lot of money, but you will definitely get into the game. The advertisements are still hanging up. Although the money is lost, the few who committed the crime are resolutely pursued legal responsibility, and now the police are still investigating. "

"Yes, but then again, Zhongzhe Electric Power is really good. If you keep calling and trusting, it's time for our building to be replaced."

It's just this place, and many people in Pingyang are discussing this matter.

From the moment when Zhongzhe Electric Power announced that it would pay ten times the compensation without power failure, people around me have never heard of Zhongzhe Electric Power’s power outage, and this time they are trustworthy, so many people are thinking about switching to Zhongzhe Electric Power. power supply thing.

In fact, there is no need for them to hesitate. In two days, whether they want it or not, there will only be one power supplier in Binh Duong, namely Zhongzhe Power Group.


Qi Zhe was naturally aware of this incident. After these two incidents, Jia Zhen fell down, and the Gongyang Power Plant is estimated to have only happened in the past two days.

Next, in order to deal with the large-scale circuit laying work, I have to recruit people to expand the group. After all, I will be responsible for the entire power supply market in Binh Duong.

And now the power generation of 2 million kWh is really not enough. Fortunately, after so many new users, their own power value has also accumulated a lot.

That night Qi Zhe exchanged 300 million volts of ants directly from the system.

In this way, the power generation capacity of the entire power plant can reach 5 million kWh per day, which can fully satisfy the entire Binh Duong market.

Moreover, Qi Zhe also added a small department, the Feed Supply Department. They have very few people, only three people, but they are responsible for purchasing various vegetables that are cheap in the market, and then drive them into the factory to raise ants.

Now that there are so many ants, the leaves collected by the sanitation department are naturally not enough.

So Qi Zhe intends to directly purchase some cheap vegetables such as cabbage, which can be used as a supplement.

As for the circuit laying department, we have to continue to add people, but this car is not enough. Qi Zhe plans to purchase a batch of professional vehicles as company vehicles.

When I thought of this, Qi Zhe glanced at the account balance, and the money was not enough. During this time, the various expenses were indeed a bit harsh, but fortunately, Pingdu Cement will soon be full for a month. when electricity bills.

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