The legal person of Zhongzhe Power Group - Qi Zhe.

Looking at the newly printed license plate, Qi Zhe was in a good mood.

Not only the name, since it is a power group, it must be changed to a taller logo.

Looking at the Fortune 500 and car logos, most of them follow a simple route. Being able to achieve simplicity while highlighting the brand value is a high-end feeling.

Design fees can be said to be more or less, and there is a lot of room for manoeuvre.

Just like there was a certain rice company in the past, the price of one million people was invited to design, and the design of the finished product was basically unchanged from the previous product.

Therefore, Qi Zhe naturally does not intend to take advantage of himself. The cost of 10,000 yuan is more than enough to design a simple and generous logo.

Not long after he took out his phone, Qi Zhe posted his request on a professional design platform.

The corporate logo design requires a simple and generous amount of 10,000 yuan.

After getting this done, Qi Zhe looked at the time, it was almost time, it was time to go to the place to eat.

Although Pingyang is close to a big first-tier city like Binhai, the local consumption level is not very high, and 1,800 yuan is enough for a very high-end meal. If it is not for talking, Qi Zhe usually chooses ten Five pieces of rice bowls are solved.

After a meal, a few people enjoyed the guests and the host. They drank what they should drink, and ate what they should eat, and the next business affairs went smoothly.

Qi Zhe is responsible for giving some money. Each sanitation truck collects a car of pure leaves and pays 20 yuan to subsidize the sanitation workers.

Although this price is not high, the sanitation workers can definitely accept it. Cleaning leaves is what they want to do. Now they can exchange money after collecting pure leaves. It is estimated that their enthusiasm for work will increase a lot.

Sweeping a few streets can change a few carts of leaves for money, which is better.


Three days later, the new sign for the power plant has been hung outside.

Pingyang Power Plant, a subsidiary of Zhongzhe Power Group.

Although I don't understand why this is, everyone in the factory knows that Xiao Qi must have a career.

Otherwise, the name of a power group will be pulled out by their third power supply factory in Pingyang City.

Since there is hope to become bigger and stronger, the recent work mood in the factory is also hot, and the coal that was originally stored has been officially consumed today.

So far, except for the "battery" that has stored more than six million kilowatt-hours of electricity, all the things in the factory that can generate electricity are temporarily out of fuel and unable to generate electricity.

Therefore, Qi Zhe immediately made the next plan, directly arranging for people to remove all internal combustion engines and motors in the workshop, etc.

Several large semi-trailers drove into the factory, and those people removed all the equipment one by one, put them all into the cars, and transported them to the steel factory for sale.

Seeing this hot scene, the employees of the power plant couldn't help discussing it.

"I said what the hell is Mr. Qi doing? The motors have been dismantled and sold. Is the factory going to be sold?"

"Tsk tsk, I'm a little worried, isn't this power plant going to continue?"

"How is it possible, don't talk nonsense, why don't Mr. Qi sign up the Zhongzhe Power Group? In my opinion, it is to develop and expand the power plant."

"That is, it is estimated that these old ones are dismantled and sold and replaced with new motors, which have a higher and stronger conversion rate."

"Hey, I think this little Mr. Qi is just messing around. It's not like you don't know how expensive the new power unit is. I don't think it will take long for this power plant to be smashed by him. It's better to follow the original one. ah."

"Old Huang, your thinking needs to be changed. As President Qi becomes bigger and stronger, can't our welfare benefits also go up."

"You don't know what kind of electromagnetic collection boards that came just yesterday? Mr. Qi estimates that the industry needs to be upgraded."


Qi Zhe couldn't hear the conversations of these workers. After arranging for people from the steel plant to come over and collect all the steel that could be removed, they directly let the temporarily idle power plant workers do the cement work.

Originally, there was a huge power transmission line between the workshop and the "power storage department" and "transformer", and that was the only thing that survived.

Qi Zhe asked them to build a one-meter-two-high concrete wall around the workshop, and then directly asked everyone to install electromagnetic collection boards.

After the cement wall was built and all the electromagnetic collector plates were laid, Qi Zhe got a few truckloads of soil from nowhere, and then buried all the electromagnetic collector plates with soil according to his arrangement.

The thickness of the soil is about fifty centimeters, so the dirt trucks have never stopped.

Qi Zhe called all the staff to hold a meeting after all the electromagnetic collection boards that had been laid were buried with soil.

The purpose of this meeting is to briefly introduce the future development direction to everyone.

At the meeting, Qi Zhe directly proposed that the power plant will change its thinking in the future, take the environmentally friendly route of biological power generation, and strive for the cheapest price and stable power supply to allow Zhongzhe Power to enter thousands of households.

After the statement was made, the hundreds of employees below looked at each other in dismay, and even Uncle Liu looked worried.

"Damn it, I didn't expect Mr. Qi to really use bioelectricity. I think he went abroad to study and read his mind."

"Hey, he's really a nerd. He only knows what's written, not the actual situation. A few years ago, Liu Da's head didn't have a power plant. He listened to some foreign doctor's words and started biopower generation. ."

"I think in two months, our power plant will probably come to an end."

"Prodigal, he's going to go bankrupt and leave. The family has money, what about us? It's so hard to find a job again."

Basically everyone maintains a view that they are not optimistic about Qi Zhe's talk of going "biopower".

Uncle Liu was also sighing in his heart, but he also knew that since Mr. Qi had torn down and sold the original machines, there was no chance of turning back on this road. Don't lose too much power.

The people below looked at each other with dismayed eyes and whispered discussions. Qi Zhe naturally noticed it. After taking a deep breath, he opened his mouth.

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