That night Qi Zhe thought about this question and went straight to the dream.

After a night of silence, Qi Zhe stretched and washed briefly the next morning. Then he went downstairs and went downstairs to the third child, a cup of soy milk, two fried dough sticks and a marinated egg.

After eating breakfast, I drove to the factory, and the next few days passed smoothly.

The Gongyang Power Plant in the urban area of ​​Pingyang also completely stopped power supply yesterday. So far, the entire urban area of ​​Pingyang is powered by Zhongzhe Power Group.

At present, the only power plant and sales department of Zhongzhe Power have combined employees from more than 100 people at the beginning to 362 employees now.

For this, Qi Zhe thought about it honestly.

Zhongzhe Power Group seems to be alone at present, and the rest are in the factory.

Qi Zhe thought about it and thought that the headquarters must be located in the headquarters, and the land must be bought and a building, Zhongzhe Power Building, must be built in the urban area of ​​Binhai.

But this is still a long way to go, just like I was planning to replace all the pickup trucks in the factory with Mercedes-Benz.

The next task is to build the second power plant in the Pingyang Industrial Park. The first power plant is responsible for the power supply of the whole city of Pingyang, while the second power plant is used as a reserve power, like the next city and county reaching out its tentacles.

After confirming this, Qi Zhe did not sit idle and checked the company's account.

With the influx of a large number of users at different times, almost every day there is a full month of electricity bill payment, so the group's cash flow is very sufficient, and if it starts construction, it can start at any time.

But you have to choose a better construction team.

After thinking about it, Qi Zhe decided that it would be better to go to Zhou Qitong for ventilation. After all, he has a lot more connections in Pingyang than himself.


After driving to the industrial park, Qi Zhe came to Zhou Qi's office.

Different from the last time he came here, this time Zhou Qi completely regarded Qi Zhe as his "person". After hearing the news of Qi Zhe's arrival from the front desk, he brewed tea in the office himself.

"You came just in time. I just arrived at the Wuyi Mountain Dahongpao. I don't want to take it out when others come. You came just in time for us to taste it."

I took a cup of tea, and the aroma came upon me before I even got close to the tip of my nose. It was indeed a good tea.

But Qi Zhe didn't quite understand it either. After taking a sip, he looked at Zhou Qi who was enjoying his expression and said:

"Director Zhou, the construction of the second power plant of our Zhongzhe Power Group in the industrial park has to be upgraded."

Hearing this, Zhou Qi, who was still enjoying with his eyes closed, opened his eyes instantly, and even radiated light.

He had been waiting for this day, and now it is finally here.

After taking a deep breath, Zhou Qi put the teacup aside. The Wuyi Mountain Dahongpao, who was a treasure just now, didn't seem to be worth mentioning at this time.

"Mr. Qi, are you sure? As far as I know, the cost of a power plant with a daily power generation capacity of 5 million kWh is not low, and it is safe to maintain sufficient cash flow on hand."

For this, Qi Zhe knew very well that he actually didn't spend much, just the construction cost.

But it was impossible for Zhou Qi to know about this, so he just said it briefly.

"Director Zhou, I am an environmentally friendly bio-power generation. The technology has improved, and the cost has naturally dropped a lot, and my capital flow is sufficient, so the purpose of this visit is to introduce a reliable builder to Director Zhou."

If someone else came to Zhou Qi and asked to introduce a builder, he might even sell it to some familiar builder to introduce him. As for what happened, he didn't care.

But Qi Zhe's Zhongzhe Electric Power is different. This is his capital to rise, and a key step must be treated with 100% energy.

"Mr. Qi, give me some time, my contact will definitely find the most secure builder to do this."

After smiling, Qi Zhe nodded.

"I'm relieved to hear Director Zhou's words."

After a few more chats, Qi Zhe left Binh Duong Industrial Park.

Qi Zhe can rest assured that Zhou Qi is doing business. After all, Qi Zhe also knows that for himself, this is just building a power plant, but for Zhou Qi, it is the capital of promotion. He may be more right than himself. Mind you.


After returning to the office, Qi Zhe started typing again in front of the computer. The electricity bill was reduced to 40 cents once during the price war. Now it is time to mention it. This is because Qi Zhe is not willing to let people enjoy low profits. price electricity.

But in the current situation, if he continues to supply low-cost electricity, it will inevitably be noticed by some people who are interested. When the size is not large enough, Qi Zhe should pretend to be poor or to pretend to be poor.

After thinking about it, Qi Zhe flipped his fingers up and down on the keyboard, and after a while, an announcement came out.

Zhongzhe Power Group's announcement for all Binh Duong users.

"Apologize again for the inconvenience caused by the "price war" caused during the period of bad and unfair corporate competition. In addition, the cost of power generation is high, and it is unacceptable for the group to make ends meet in the long run. Therefore, it has decided to increase the electricity bill to the normal level after a week. ."

Before, Qi Zhe gave users a "vaccination" in advance, telling everyone that there was no way to reduce the price, and it would return to normal later, so there would be basically no resistance.

Now Qi Zhe has added another one, and the power supply will be restored to the original price after a week, which means that there is still a week left for everyone to have cheap electricity of 40 cents once.

This time it is different. For people's psychological effects, if they suddenly return to the original price, they will feel that they have suffered a loss. After all, they have enjoyed low-cost electricity, and suddenly it becomes normal, and it is inevitable that they will not be able to take over.

But now that there is a week of "buffer time", users will feel that this week is the same as before, and they will be accepted after the original price of electricity is restored a week later.

After reading the announcement with satisfaction, Qi Zhe directly arranged for the office staff to publish the announcement on the official website of Zhongzhe Power Group, and contacted the telecommunications company to send a text message to all registered users of Zhongzhe Power Group. .

The content of the text message is this announcement.

After doing this, Qi Zhe lit a cigarette, and then planned to open his mobile phone to see what netizens thought about it on some local forums in Binh Duong.

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