Now the eucalyptus seedlings are growing satisfactorily, and the two forest farms don't have to worry about the food supply for the ants after the construction of the second power plant. After driving back to the rented apartment, Qi Zhe met the landlord.

The entire floor that Qi Zhe rented in this apartment is owned by the landlord, the big sister.

After seeing Qi Zhe, the landlord's big sister stopped him.

"Are you Xiao Qi who rented at 306?"

After hearing the landlord's question, Qi Zhe nodded, and then the landlord spoke directly.

"Xiao Qi, our building has been replaced by Zhongzhe Power Group, and the meter should be replaced. I'm not sure. I happened to meet it. Let's go to where you are first, and I'll have someone come over to change the meter."

After smiling, Qi Zhe took the landlord big sister to open the door and walked in. The landlord big sister frowned after looking at the messy living room while calling someone to change the meter.

This little Qi is quite handsome, but his living habits are not very good, and the house is quite messy.

And she often saw that Qi Zhe sometimes went out early and sometimes went out late. This must be some so-called "freelance job", otherwise according to his free schedule, unless he is the boss, he will not be able to work for a few days. have to be fired.

After hanging up the phone, the landlord's big sister also "persuaded" Qi Zhe earnestly.

"Xiao Qi, you are estimated to have twenty-four or five this year, right? I don't think you have a girlfriend either."

Qi Zhe, who was fetching water in the refrigerator, was a little confused when he heard the words of the landlord, big sister. Is this to introduce himself to a girl?

"Yes, it's twenty-four this year, so don't worry about falling in love."

Seeing Qi Zhe really didn't seem to be anxious, the landlord's big sister immediately became anxious.

"Aren't you in a hurry? Look, you don't have a serious job, so go on with that girl? Although she looks good, her face can't be used for food, right?"

"Don't say anything else, just look at the 307 household next door to you. They are about the same age as you. They work as a manager in a company, have a stable job, and now have a girlfriend. You have to learn a little bit."

I don't know what this landlord big sister was thinking, she actually thought she didn't have a job, but she was well-meaning, but her mouth was a little broken, so Qi Zhe thought about it and decided to put this topic aside.

"Big sister, in fact, I have a girlfriend, but it's just in Binhai."

Qi Zhe thought that the landlord's big sister would have nothing to say, but she didn't expect her to get excited when she heard this.

"Have a girlfriend? Then you have to work harder. First of all, you have to find a stable job, right? And you have a bad habit. Everyone gets up at eight o'clock for work, but you are better. I often see you after nine o'clock. I went downstairs slowly at ten o'clock, so that company dares to ask you?"

"And your car, young people should be down-to-earth. It probably took a lot of effort for you to buy an Audi car? You have to work hard."

Speaking of the rise, the landlord's big sister thought of the thing that an old sister who worked in the industrial park chatted with her yesterday.


After lowering her voice, the landlord's big sister said mysteriously:

"Xiao Qi, I can't tell the average person about this. I'll tell you if you look good. You have to be tight."

Seeing her gossiping, Qi Zhe was a little curious, what could this be?

"Recently, there is a construction team in the industrial park. Do you know what it is repairing? It is a power plant! The power plant of Zhongzhe Power Group, think about it, it will definitely recruit people after the power plant is built. Prepare in advance. ."

Big sister was quite proud when she said this, after all, most people don't know this kind of "news".

And now the jobs of Zhongzhe Electric Power are all over Pingyang, and everyone wants to go, so she disclosed it to Qi Zhe in advance for his own good.

If you prepare carefully in advance, when the recruitment starts, and you can interview to become an employee of Zhongzhe Power Group, it will be amazing, and the salary will be decent and high.

I thought big sister was going to say something, but I didn't expect to ask myself to apply for my own company?

Qi Zhe couldn't help laughing.

"What are you laughing at? You haven't paid the electricity bill this month. After the meter is replaced, you have to pay it up."

Seeing Qi Zhe's happy face, the landlord's big sister's current expression is "you can't teach him".

"Big sister, I don't have the habit of drinking boiled water, and I'm not prepared. There's iced Coke here, do you want to drink it?"

The landlord who looked at Qi Zhe's "hippie smiley face" became angry and directly rejected Qi Zhe.

"Don't drink, wait for the electrician to arrive soon."


Recently, the power supply company has been replaced in this piece, so the circuit maintenance department of Zhongzhe Power has been sending people to be busy here, that is, to replace the electric meter for each household that needs to replace the electric meter separately.

This meter is not replaced in vain, and a meter fee of 15 yuan is charged for a replacement.

The landlord of the apartment where Qi Zhe rents calls the sales department, and then the sales department reports directly to a nearby electrician to replace the meter, which can greatly improve work efficiency.

The electrician took the elevator to the third floor and followed the house number to the door of 306.

Looking at the open door, the electrician of Zhongzhe Power Group knocked on the door politely, it should be this one.

"Is this the meter changer?"

"Yes, master, come in quickly, read the old meter first, and then please replace it with a new one."

Hearing that someone was in the Houzhongzhe Electric Power Group, the electrician stepped into the door with a satchel.

As soon as he entered the door, the electrician froze in place.

As a member of the circuit maintenance department of Zhongzhe Power Group, he naturally saw Qi Zhe a lot, including when he was in a meeting and commuting in the factory, he didn't expect to meet him here.

And looking at Mr. Qi's relaxed look, is this Mr. Qi's home?

Just when the electrician was stunned, the landlord, the big sister, was not happy. Is this electrician a jerk? As soon as I entered the door, I was stunned, dumbfounded.

"I said, master, what's wrong with you? Change the meter. After reading the meter, I'm still worried about where the next tenant will collect the rent."

After hearing the landlord's words, the electrician came to his senses. Now he didn't know where to put his hands, and he spoke tremblingly.

"Qi...Qi is good."


ps: ? ? ? what's the situation? Big brother is too fierce, you vote, I vote, I will debut tomorrow?

I just went downstairs to eat a bowl of noodles, and when I came up, the flowers changed from more than 7,000 to 12,000? ? ? Really beefy! ! ! thank you! ! ! Thanks bro! ! !

In addition, I would like to thank the "wanderer" brother for his monthly pass, and thank all the brothers! ! ! I keep coding! ! ! Full of energy, so awesome!

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