Finally, the communication with the lawyer in the legal department ended, and Ke Yilan also came to Qi Zhe's side, bowed his head and said in his ear:

"Mr. Qi, I've read it, the contract is fine."

After hearing Ke Yilan's words, Qi Zhe nodded, and then Shen Qirong also got the words of the lawyer of the company's legal department, and nodded, and then the two signed the contract together.

By the time you sign it, you're basically done.

Qi Zhe didn't feel anything, but Shen Qirong was a little pale. She seemed to be getting older for a while, and Shen Jingyu, who was beside her, was very distressed.

Seeing this, Shen Jingyu quickly helped him up.


Qi Zhe murmured in his heart after seeing this scene, it is estimated that he has feelings for the company, and now it is equivalent to Jingcheng Power Group being acquired by Zhongzhe Power Group, and it is normal to feel uncomfortable.

After Shen Jingyu helped her up, Shen Qirong waved her hand, and then said with a smile;

"I'm fine, it's not easy for you to send Mr. Qi on behalf of me. It's not easy to come all the way here.

After saying this, Shen Jingyu also looked at Qi Zhe, and she felt a little complicated about this man.

Relative to the family, their two positions are completely opposite.

It was this man who forced them to have no choice but to launch the electricity market and withdraw from the electricity market that had grown their family.

But from a personal point of view, Shen Jingyu admires many of Qi Zhe's ideas, and even Qi Zhe accomplished what she wanted but couldn't, that is, electrify the remaining 430,000 villages across the country.

Noticing Shen Jingyu's gaze, Qi Zhe felt a little uncomfortable.

"Well, then I'll send it off."

After speaking, Shen Jingyu came to Qi Zhe's side, and then said:

"Mr. Qi, let's go, I'll shut you down.

It could be seen that they were not in a good mood, so Qi Zhe nodded, and then led the group out of the meeting room of the Jingcheng Electric Power Group.

After coming outside, Qi Zhe and Shen Jingyu walked in the front, and the others followed behind.

At this time, Shen Jingyu, who had been silent for a while, also spoke up.

"Mr. Qi, can I ask why you bid 1.3 billion? Instead of me revealing to you the lowest acceptable price we expected in our hearts, why should you pay the extra 300 million?

After hearing Shen Jingyu's question, Qi Zhe was stunned for a moment, and then said with a chuckle:

"Because this is what you deserve, I've made enough money, it's boring to make too much, I'll leave you with a little profit, besides, if I just won it at a price of one billion

"Accurately guessed the lowest price in your Jingcheng Electric Power Group's heart, then your mother must not doubt you, I also call it reasonable to dispel your mother's suspicion and prevent her from discovering you as a little 'inner ghost'.

After hearing Qi Zhe say this, Shen Jingyu was also amused.

After laughing, Shen Jingyu was silent for a while, and then gently said "thank you" from his mouth.

For this "thank you", Qi Zhe didn't feel much in his heart.

After saying "thank you", Shen Jingyu looked up at Qi Zhe next to him, and then said:

"Mr. Qi, let me invite you to dinner, as a repayment to you."

Hearing this, Qi Zhe also became interested. The weather has been cold recently, and he really wanted to have a pot of mutton in the old capital, so he had to bring it with an authentic old capital friend.

No, Shen Jingyu just happens to be ready-made, and compared to rough men, Shen Jingyu is obviously a big beauty.

Qi Zhe looked comfortable and went to eat.

So after hearing this, Qi Zhe nodded directly, and then said:

"Okay, I want to eat mutton, can you take me there?"

"No problem, that is."

Dongsi Hutong, Qi Zhe frowned as he walked over this street, but he didn't see any restaurants.

"I said Shen Jingyu, didn't you bring me to eat mutton? Why doesn't this even have a door? It's all courtyard houses. Is this a residential area?"

Shen Jingyu chuckled lightly after hearing Qi Zhe's words, then took two quick steps and stepped directly into the gate of a courtyard house.

"It's inside, Mr. Qi, come in."

After hearing Shen Jingyu's words, Qi Zhe walked in, and then found that there was a strange place inside, there were tables, and there were several tables of people eating in the copper pots on the tables.

...for flowers...

There are also private rooms inside, if you want to eat in the open air, just go outside.

However, Qi Zhe thought about it and the two of them came to the private room inside.

After all, Qi Zhe can often be recognized when he walks on the road. It's annoying to want to take a photo or something.

After coming to the private room inside, Qi Zhe was not polite and ordered five plates of lamb, followed by two plates of lamb belly and louver.

Today, I must pass my mutton-boiled addiction.

Eating and chatting, but also happy.

This copper pot shabu-shabu is really exciting to eat.

Pick up a few slices of mutton with chopsticks, then rinse it in the pot for a while, and finally come out and wrap the sauce in the bowl for a circle, not to mention how beautiful it is.

However, Shen Jingyu's words almost made the chopsticks in Qi Zhe's hand fall to the ground.

"Mr. Qi, can I go to work in Zhongzhe? You can ask me to do anything."

After a moment of stunned, Qi Zhe reacted before confirming that he heard correctly.

Shen Jingyu really said whether she could go to work in Zhongzhe Power Group.

Scratching his head, Qi Zhe put down the bowl and chopsticks, and then said suspiciously:

"Miss Shen, what are you doing? Zhongzhe is open to anyone. Even so, it seems a little...a bit strange that you come to work in Zhongzhe Power Group."

When Qi Zhe said this, "Shen Jingyu slept and blinked.

"What's the matter? Isn't Zhongzhe Power Group a social recruiting company? Next time I will apply for a job. As long as you don't deliberately say hello to personnel, I will definitely be able to pass. I just think Zhongzhe Power Group is indeed a fake and good enterprise, I think Just get involved.

Shen Jingyu said this, Qi Zhe thought about it and said:

"I don't understand, don't mention your conditions for going to work." It's okay to run a company by yourself, right? Why come to the China Help? Miss Shen is probably trying to be a commercial spy, right?

When Qi Zhe said this, Shen Jingyu also blushed, and he really "betrayed" his mother.

So Shen Jingyu sat down and explained in detail the reason why she did this. .

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